Double standards are a sign of a failed argument.

I support peaceful protests for anything you like, but when you annoy other people by taking away their rights to travel freely on our roads then you are at war with them and it is no longer as you have disturbed their peace.

Police do not need to attend to peaceful protests as they are not taking away anyone's rights and no laws are being broken.

When police act like thugs they need to be prosecuted.

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These fool Greens do not know the definition of the word 'protest'.

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"Faruqi tweeted in January … 'We should not ignore this or normalise their politics.'"

By 'politics', Faruqi is referring to the values on which our western society is founded and the principles which have served as the backbone of our western society throughout the past 2000+ years.

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They only support their own…. Interestingly enough “ Coco” has breached 8 previous court orders that’s why she went off to jail. But noooooo mention of that hmmm

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Inconsistent, incompetent, insular, and idealisticly unrealistic, yet they got the young vote with a broken ideology. This is sad beyond words, watching the train wreck of the nation through dark green glasses. Their future's so bright, they are as blind as a welders dog.

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Mehreen Faruqui was invited to the recent Fruitcakes R Us Unchristmas Ball to speak. Faruqui; "It is at this time we must defend at all costs our right to protest. But in saying this, eco-activists like Fruitcakes R Us must think through your recent efforts, like splashing paint on a famous Jackson Pollock painting.

No-one will notice.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I know the left/right political principle is a relatively modern concept but I still love King Solomon’s comment in Ecc 10

2 .”The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

could be they are one eyed, use only one hemisphere of their brains and single minded. It is definitely an evil agenda they have fallen for. Poor green people they are so deceived as are so many others

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

So really, this protest for protesting, was only so they could have a protest, because there actually wasn’t anything worth protesting about... talk about those who need constant attention... bunch of narcissistic nobodies... aaargh

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Indeed. The hypocrisy is breathtakingly appalling. The BoyBandt and his groupies- out of tune and tone deaf.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The epitome of cognitive dissonance.

These folks are the Nadia Comaneci of mental gymnastics with none of her endearing charm.

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Dec 18, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Freedom for me but not for thee….

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