Spot on Vivienne.

Where is the open debate on these questions?

They would never do it as it would expose their crime.

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Barbara Pocock, Barbara Pocock, now where have I heard that name? Ah yes, isn't our Babs one if the "Senators" who recently voted AGAINST an enquiry into the scandalous excess deaths as proposed by Senator Babet? Migraine alert, read Babs ( is this where the word Babble came from?) intial speech as a "Senator" & she's on more coin ( how much extra do you get for being on a committee??) than the new Diversity & Inclusion Manager ( only if you're the right letter in the alphabet, wink, wink.) Our beautiful country is in deep merde (classy) if this is the best we can do.


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Hear hear! Such numbskullery..

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They would have to pay me more than that to move to Victoria under Dan Andrews rule.

I could do the job by checking the population statistics and compare them with the D&I in the workplace population to see if it reflects the general population percentages.

I would suggest which groups we need more of to get to the same percentages as the general population. That might mean hiring more white people and sacking a few blacks as white privilege means they don't like working in transport while blacks will take low paid jobs.

That sounds racists, but that is what D&I is all about, racism.

This job is about hiring people due to their race, religion or gender, etc. and not about who is best qualified for the job. This is also what the voice is about. Dividing people by race with blacks having more rights than whites. The left loves to divide and conquer.

Soon the landowners in Victoria will have to sell because of the increased taxes and that is what the NWO / WEF want. "You will own nothing".

It is all by design, nothing is an accident or mistake. The bioweapons were meant to kill people and reduce the population according to Bill Gates.

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Absolutely. But you know, 'Diversity & inclusion' is first and foremost, all about the rejection of God and everything that is of God. 'Division and rejection' would be a more accurate title. It is all about the rejection of truth, goodness, mercy and justice, for lies, deceit, division, malice, injustice, confusion, theft and the list goes on... All of this comes directly from Satan himself - the father of lies. D&I is satanic. It is pure evil.

We need to cling to Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation, for all other ground surely is, sinking sand.

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What happened to we are one but we are many! One big happy voice! Love my brothers and sisters but this will only bring divide. Other minority groups will pop up and say well what about us!! What better way to loose our democracy

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I think their agenda is to get more of those types of people into high places so they can control the populatiob and jail those who disagree with them

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Who needs SVB anyway when you have Suncorp for now.

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Unfortunately, we can’t have a circus without the clowns and there are thousand’s around 🤪🤪🤪

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My goodness it’s everywhere even on the rail...you wouldn’t think that running trains on time has anything to do with whether your a woman or black or transgender it’s just about getting the trains at the stations on time. People say who cares it’s just politics but the issue is while the rail corps focus on this crap the other jobs go down the toilet...we have failures in service and timetable accuracy because the managers are two busy doing the paperwork and complying with diversity, inclusion and equity its happening everywhere...like this is the most important thing in the world but that is what this has become...we’ll be happy you have a rainbow sticker on your train but the timetable and regular service just leaves you trying to get to work as the time ticks by! We will have indigenous painted trains while all hell breaks loose in Alice Spring welcome to woke nation! Australia has gone woke unless we shake off this virus will we be worse than Canada.

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So many organisations and their leadership going full moron... everyone knows you never go full moron.

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Monty Python and the Ministry of Silly Walks was prophetic.

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Good Morning James. Brilliant! Thank you.

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