And the newly employed non-binary ES at my school is now going around telling experienced teachers that it is harmful and discriminatory for them to use 'boys and girls' when addressing their class. Thankfully the teachers aren't listening to 'they/them'!

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Nothing is safe these days. We have to be very discerning about what our children and grandchildren watch on TV. Nothing is just entertainment and fun anymore. There is laws a political agenda. I read crime fiction and it is getting hard to find books that just have a murder to solve -there are always political agendas-one recently had a victim that was a bloke but like dressing up as a woman -all through the book the detective characters reread to this fellow as "she". I fully expect to be kicked off Goodreads soon-my review was not complimentary. I can hit back because I am an adult. Children cannot. They need to be protected.

It is heinous to see these cowards hide behind cartoons to groom children.

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Let us continue to encourage one another as we try to make our way through this wicked and twisted world. Thank you James and thank you commenters, for your reminder that we are not alone in this. Let us continue to pray, never forgetting the power of prayer. Let us be bold, by doing everything we can to fervently protect and defend our children and the children of others. Let us also adhere to the teaching of the apostle Paul in the following passage and teach our children to do the same:

Ephesians 6:10-18 - The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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I’m so glad my kids are grown now but I certainly fear for my 10 month old granddaughter. The future for her is so different to my own childhood, it’s almost unbelievable.

I do miss cartoon Saturday mornings and those they put on before the main feature at the movies.

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James this situation is extremely concerning.......we have a major problem in the world with pedophilia we should not have to be censoring our television stations. Obviously we do.

Frightening times!!!!

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They are out to destroy the very foundations/fabric of society… the family unit. It’s been happening for years but now with the PC brigade they are emboldened to do whatever and cancel any opposition to their so called ideology. The grooming is pushed by all networks, educational facilities, corporations and govts. If we want anything done we have to push back and do it now

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I had only today been watching a video about how the TV is a hypnotizing tool of the cabal.


They are coming for our children like never before.

Vaccines to sterilize them and make them more compliant for groomers.

Sex ed to groom them.

Kidnapping them for child trafficking

Indoctrinating them with gender diversity and sex change to sterilize them.

Indoctrinating them with Climate Change fear porn and Communism to turn them against their parents.

These people need to be hung asap.

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This wickedness is beyond belief...there will come a time of reckoning and it will not be pretty. The innocence and protection of children is close to Jesus's heart and He will not be mocked. 💔🙏💔🙏

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Thank you for making light of and shining some truth on this horribleness James - hilarious!

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This whole thing has to stop at some point! It’s getting ridiculous

My wife and I share a Facebook account which technically your not not allowed to share accounts.

I accidentally updated the name a few months ago to only her name and couldn’t change it back. When I requested the change back, they sent me a whole heap of links to the policies that say it can’t be done…

When applying for the name change the second time, one of the options is transgender so I ticked that and FB Updated the name changed immediately without any problems...

Does that now mean I have to start wearing her underwear or taking hormones?.

James please help me...

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I might be old, but I’m sure I could help with attaching them 😂

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Matthew 18:6 is coming to all of these who mess with kids 😡 Jesus always keeps his word 🙏

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Yes these Paedophiles are depraved in there lust and prison is the only place for them

It is only a matter of time before we have the age of consent lowered so these depraved people can harm these children

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Children have always been the target... they have always been the long term goal. We are only a rainbow tick and a quick course of hormone therapy away from adding that hitherto elusive letter 'P' to the alphabet soup of moral degeneracy.

Did I say 'P'? How exclusionary and heartless of me... of course I meant 'MAP's, because we don't want to go hurting the feelings of all those 'Minor Attracted Persons' we previously called 'pedoph...' Wow I nearly slipped into hate speech mode. That was a close one.

Mark my words, the toleration, acceptance and eventual celebration of trans-age relationships is right around the ever expanding corner of inclusivity. To think otherwise is just so outdated and bigoted.

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you James for speaking the truth

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Nov 7, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Groomers indeed they are. Also Disney now make no secret of their intentions. The focus of these companies is the sexualisation of children. Paedophiles, the lot of them. I was (and still am today), a tomboy. I also married a lovely man and had four beautiful children. I am not now and never was confused about my sexuality. These groomers are looking to put these kids into a category/tribe instead of leaving them to just be who they are. The whole diversity & acceptance thing is a lie. Kids are kids, with their own personalities and they don't need made up labels in order to belong. They need their families and that is all.

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