As a man who believes in the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, with a few minor reforms, I still use language like Moses did as I continue to quote the bible as God's word for all men.

I do not call Sodomites Gay. I do not call murder abortion or euthanasia.

The left continues to redefine words and if we accept their definitions then all arguments are lost and we have been controlled (1984).

Speech is important and free speech can only be possible if we all agree on meanings as Kel Richards says.

I believe what God has said about His word, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4: 12) and that is why I continue to quote it directly as I do not want to pollute its meaning with my bias. It is our only attacking weapon, " And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6: 17) against the devil in the battle as he fires his fiery darts at us continually.

The woke left change meanings continually as they try to deceive and kill us, e.g. gene therapy mRNA experiments are now called "vaccines" even though the active part was registered as a bioweapon in 2017 by the NIH. How many would have volunteered to take them if they told them it was a gene altering experiment that had never worked on humans before, killed all 200,000, except for 5 in the 2013 trial and had killed all the animals in the Covid-19 vaccine trials?

So we can see that the meanings of words can be a matter of life and death.

How much are we told about the sad side of being a Sodomite? Diseases, deaths, suicides, etc. and none are because "Christians" think it is an abomination, but it may be that they know it is wrong as they still have a conscience.

How much are we told about the problems of women who have abortions? Their life long guilt, infertility, deaths, damages, infections, etc. Are we told how much hospitals get paid for selling aborted fetus body parts? I hear it is very profitable and they have amazing health benefits for the buyers. Are we told Satanic worship is really behind killings of babies?

What difference would it make if we had freedom of speech and open debate on these things rather than both sides of politics agreeing on such "abominations"?

I think we do need another party to represent those 11 million people who must be very disappointed with Dutton. I suggest the name, "The Faithful Party" and make it clear that they will not support murder or Sodomy, but call them abominations. May the weak, woke, wet LNP and the Communist aligned Labor, Teals and Greens all be judged and thrown into the Lake of Fire to suffer eternally. Then we may say once again, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2: 14)

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Meanwhile, some Christian networks, councils and denominations are making their stand on such matters. Generate Presbytery in South Australia, a large section of the UCA, the Presbyterians and of course the Catholic bishop's statement. Others? While their core Gospel work is making disciples, these and more will be looking for leaders with integrity standing at the next election.

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This news is appalling. I was so hoping Dutton would be a good leader - I preferred him to Morrison back when. I really wanted the Libs to come through, to give us a strong leader and, supported by the Nats and a few minors, we would all march in a bright future together. But, once again, the Libs prove they are just another left.

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These are all exactly my thoughts too, Jacey. : (

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It is terrific piece as is David Van Gend's. I have Written to PD to tell him my thoughts. It seems freedom of speech, religion and association is disappearing . We said it our happen during the the Same sex marriage debate and we were correct. We have not home except in Christ and in heaven when He comes back. Maranatha. In the meantime -we should maybe check out the newly revamped family First.

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I joined the Queensland LNP when Australian Conservatives folded. I declined to renew my membership after my local state member voted in favour of the egregious euthanasia legislation and the former PM signed us up to national impoverishment with net zero by 2050. For the last two Sundays I’ve preached on how to pray against the ‘great awokening.’

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To me Dutton is playing it safe . Trying to appear moderate because we all know how cancel culture works. The real issue is when are Christians going to stand up and push back. The PC brigade is way ahead whilst everyone plays nice. Perhaps we should do so sooner rather than later.

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‘It’s not a potato Mr Dutton’ ha ha !

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No, but Mr Dutton's head may as well be!

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This is beyond sad. I'm in shock. But then again, I guess we're getting more and more used to (some of) our political leaders being so far out of touch with reality that they seem to be on a different planet, where good is bad and bad is good - and where they believe it's appropriate to condemn what is actually good with such violent language. I can't stop shaking my head. BUT... God is bigger. He's got it - He's got every one of us in the palm of His hands. He's got Australia. There is a huge spiritual battle going on - and as some of the other comments have said, sadly Mr Dutton is being used as a puppet.

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Oct 17, 2022

Obviously much more prayer needed for all in authority!!!

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I turned away from religious beliefs many years ago. That was my choice but I respect and will defend the choice and freedom of others to have religious beliefs.

Dutton is a real disappointment. I thought he should have been PM instead of Turnbull and Morrison but now it looks like he is just another dud pretender out of touch with the silent majority.

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I hope you didn't turn away from Jesus.

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All religious beliefs.

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Belief in the Creator God and His Son, who died and rose again for the sins of His elect and their salvation, are historical facts, not religious beliefs.

Religions are the works of the minds of men who think they can do good works and get to heaven. All men are born religious.

You may not repent from your selfish life and turn to Him for salvation, but that would be your religious belief in your own self worth.

Everyone serves a god as their slave, some think they see him in the mirror, but all gods, apart from the Creator God, are the devil, the great deceiver.

We are all born in sin and cannot see the truth unless God graciously gives us eyes to see and ears to hear. We all deserve to die because we are sinners.

You are still in your blind sinful state like every natural man, but while you still live there is the ability for you to be given spiritual sight, hearing, faith and love for God and others by God's grace alone and not by your own works or faith.

I write these words in the hope that God will use them. If not I will be free of your blood on my hands for not speaking to you about the truth that can set you free.

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Peter, you may believe all that stuff but I don’t.

I don’t need to have your beliefs to be on this page.

I subscribed because of the brilliant and mostly humorous comments James makes.

Preaching at me like you have done simply reinforces my decision to turn away from all religions.

I know right from wrong. I abide by the laws of the land and I believe I am a good person without the mumbo jumbo.

Save your prayers for someone else.

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Thank you for pointing this out James. I had completely missed the finer details. Where does that leave Christian voters at the next election. Certainly not voting for either of the two major parties!

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Thank you for pointing this out James. I had completely missed the finer details. Where does that leave Christian voters at the next election. Certainly not voting for either of the two major parties!

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It would appear to me that these people like Mr Dutton and Andrews like to hedge their bets. How can a baby n the womb make up it's ming whether to be male or female before birth if it is a piece of useless flesh? And next, Christians will come into the category of "Deplorables". It must be very hard for any Godly person to be in Parliament these days, but that could be an oxymoron

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Peter Dutton has become a major let-down for the conservative vote in Australia. Many of us were so hopeful, but now just disappointed..... again.

Minor parties for me now. Peoples lives and livelihoods are at stake!

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For years now the LNP has been telling us as Christians not to waste our vote on minor parties. I can’t see that there is much left to do. A mass exodus from the traditional guardians of Christain values may be the best course for our future hope in the political arena. A lot more prayer wouldn’t be wasted either, but man it’s tough to pray for these guys!

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Thankyou for writing this one. Excellent for pointing this out. Let Christians if they haven't decided yet know the truth about both major political parties or atleast what the leaders are promoting. There truly exists a Christian persecution of today.

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