The puppet countries of the UN are still obeying the directive of the one world order mob, that Muslims Shall Not Be Offended. Gough Whitlam signed us into a nightmare.

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This is just wrong! And anyone stamping on, or burning, our flag should be jailed or deported. That's treason!

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The terrorist supporters in Sydney shouted shame shame Australia.My response to that is leave leave Australia.Our country gave you a safe home and this is how you repay us by supporting and condoning murderers of men women children and babies.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Well said James. You also might add it was a stain on the memories of those who fought many years ago for the freedom of these people from tyranny which seems to have resurrected itself in Sydney. Oh well the Allied troops won't have so far to go this time round to root out said tyranny. Sydney is now definitely off my visiting list and should with all the other cities where the same thing happened yesterday be on every other country's unsafe to visit list as a punishment for permitting such a public display of animal behaviour. Don't we put down mad animals or is that too good for these terrorists?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

This is just vile. Australians used to have no tolerance for this behavior.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I am so angry and disgusted by some of the hateful, vile people who have been given positions of power in this country.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Thus and what is happening in Israel is what they call decolonisation. This is what Lidia and her mates and the activists are agitating for. Either we give them what they want or they will try to take it and it looks like we won’t get any help from the powers.

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This all started when we allowed Lebanese Christians to escape the war in Lebanon, but then Malcolm Fraser allowed the Muslims to migrate here and follow their victims in Australia as part of his multiculturalism program. Great idea, NOT!!!!

This shows us clearly that Muslims do not fit in a Christian country and even their Q'ran tells them to kill the people of the book (Jews and Christians).

If they had posted their comments on line then they would have a police officer around to arrest them for hate speech. (sarcasm)

It is only a matter of time before they have the numbers to start attacking every other group of Australians that are not part of their group. Then the Sunni and the Shia will fight it out to the death.

They are a violent people. Death, rape and pillaging are all par for the course for the devout Muslim. Mohammed would be proud of them.

We could solve the problem by banning Islam and deporting them back to their original countries where their wars are over, but the Left need them to win the migrant seats that always seem to vote for them for some strange reason even when they pushed marriage for Sodomites. Islam stones Sodomites to death or throws them off the tops of buildings. Something is not right about this and I suspect there is a bit of voter fraud going on.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

If your definition of “world peace” is “the world ruled by Sharia Law”, then fighting for world peace will need to involve destruction of all democratic countries. If you think the terrorists will be satisfied with the destruction of Israel, you have no insight at all. Israel is just the start. And the most obvious starting place it is too. They intend (as was so clearly stated by their brother in New York recently) to extend this war to every place on the planet that does not bow the knee to their god. This level of evil can only be confronted and defeated, not negotiated into a parallel lifestyle scenario .

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

This article is spot on, however what’s so sad is the state of our country … never would we have seen this

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This morning I wrote that I understood the police tactics but during the course of the day further information shows that it wasn’t a spontaneous gathering and if those who were demonstrating had advance notice, as did Adam Brandt of the Greens who encouraged people to attend, then authorities should have also known and taken a different approach.

The behaviour of that rabble is unacceptable and the ring leaders need to be held accountable, as does those in authority who need a dose of reality.

A hard line approach is now needed to send a message that this evil behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated otherwise the perpetrators will get more vocal and violent.

Time to draw a line in the sand.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Shameful indeed. Your piece struck right to the heart of the matter James.

Those backing Hamas' terrorist attacks and the freedom to express one's political support for them are missing the point. There is no meeting halfway with groups who publicly and unashamedly call for your extermination. When Israel's enemies, all of whom surround it geographically, have long called for the nation of Israel and all Jews to be wiped off the face of the planet, it's difficult to see this as a reasonable starting point in any kind of 'negotiation'. Israel's enemies aren't interested in land or some kind of shared future. They simply want all Jews dead. The spectacle of the goulish celebrations of these attacks on civilians is all the proof you need.

And leftists the world over are backing this vile stance while claiming the moral high ground.

Between you and me biblically speaking however, I wouldn't be in Israel's enemies' shoes for any price.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

It is wonderful that the mighty US president has recently given Iran multi millions of $. No doubt these extra funds will flow around the world to fund extra terrorism and help keep Hamas in control of Gaza.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Sadly, probably correct. We must hope that as usual Labor self destructs. Soon.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

I've been trying all day to find the words to reply to any of your brilliant articles, I just can't. But I will try...

A. James you put it all so eloquently, and logically based in fact and biblical truth and wisdom (naturally with a hint of sardonic spice), I wish I was half as brave to speak out so loud!

B. It's just devastating, abhorrent (insert more strong words of disgust and disbelief) and beyond comprehension that any person would do what Hamas are doing to another human

C. It is clear our country has been infiltrated and corrupted at all levels to a degree where we are powerless to do anything for fear of offending the offenders (or our leaders are too gutless or paid off by higher powers, and so won't do anything)

D. I fear for what is to come, for the future of our children

E. I pray for God's hand to be seen - some sign of hope

F. We are indeed in a spiritual battle, I have seen the battle to come and I know my place beside my Lord in this fight, and I say bring it on!

G. I pray for all the souls that have been lost, their loved ones and the wider community touched by these events

H. Maranatha

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Sydney police! As gutless as the Texas Rangers! They should have brought their water cannons and blast those moon worshippers into the waters of Farm Cove and Sydney Cove!!!

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