Thankyou so much for voicing this. It is exactly what I have been taught and believe to be true ... It's happening...

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Great article again James,

Just a heads up, I got an email from my bank “Suncorp” a few weeks back to ask me personally “Would I like to get a chip under the skin on my hand”? The email said, “ In todays high tech world, it just makes sense doesn’t it” ? That’s a NO from me. 😀

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So true James, it is a scary thought and ewe need to fight back.

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Amen Dianne! Keep looking up - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Read your scriptures James - you don't want (have) to live through the tribulation - there is a way of escape ... :)

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Aug 31, 2022·edited Aug 31, 2022

The banks, big tech, governments etc are working hand in hand to make cash harder to come by. Our local st george bank closed a few months ago. Now we have to travel two suburbs away just to go to the bank, wether before we could just drive to our local shopping centre. They will keep closing branches to the point that you can only pay with digital currency.

Also, our local council in the Hills District of sydney has just gone cashless.

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Starbucks are pretty terrible at making coffee. In fact in the UK and Europe it almost impossible to get good coffee. But this is a silly move. But then Starbucks are run by silly people.

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Thanks, James. It seems that all the comments are from awake people. No thanks to the coffee by the sound of it. Cashless chip etc has been going for a while https://www.bbc.com/news/business-61008730

So, robbers will walk past people with a wireless POS reader and take the $. When they have been skimmed all day by digital theives, they may not see the novelty. While this "mark" has been discussed for years, there are issues. No card reader handy? Desperate people cutting off hands to get the chip etc. Not pretty. Our hope can only be in Jesus and what He foretold 2+K ago.

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I went to Starbucks the other day & asked the barista for his strongest roast.

He said my ears were too big & we don't take that filthy lucre anymore.

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Movie “in time” spot on

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I think it is up to us to educate our children and grandchildren not to give in to convenience. We still use cash as much as we can. They have already had patriots here in Australia that have had their bank accounts frozen with no warning and no explanations so it is not so far fetched as it seems.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Starbucks and good coffee are mutually exclusive as is America and good coffee.

Well said again James. The WEF is an anachronism that decent democracies need to get out of. I told our Dep Ldr of the Oppn and some henchmen that the other night and said while you're at it get us out of the UN too. They all rolled their eyes in the same way that the Germans did when Trump told them to get their own energy up and running. Look at them now. And one day we will reflect on all this but only in the privacy of our own homes or by then more likely the place where the state says we are allowed to live.

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Hear, hear.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I once thought the same James! Not in my lifetime!!! Now I’m rethinking. The slippery slope is speeding up. All I can say is “BE READY!” The bible has spelt it out and though there’s been many attempts to prove it wrong, no one EVER has been able to. Give me my Harris home cuppa any time!!!!! Haha

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Harris home cuppa? What kind of witchcraft is this?!?!

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Bhahahahaha 😁 my brew bro

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I use cash as much as I can for that very reason. We are plummeting toward the One World Government and the Great Tribulation, so many refuse to believe this but it is happening before our very eyes and in the not too distant future Christians will disappear int eh Rapture and then look out! Bible prophecy is happening before our very eyes

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Not that I go to starbucks anyway but I can only hope there revenue drops dramatically, so they might think twice before going cashless.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Totally agree with all you have written James. The cashless society is inevitable, so it’s up to us all to push back against it, as long as possible.

Living in the ‘connoisseur coffee capital’ of OZ (or is that World 🤗) we don’t indulge in such dreadful coffee.

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You're from Alice Springs?

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Oh dear James!! me thinks you haven’t had your coffee yet, your cerebral cortex hasn’t kicked in yet 😂😂

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