Where are these judges coming from? Is money changing hands? Are these the people Paul Keating referred to as "unrepresented swill". Perhaps we need to follow the US path and have elected judges. This is more democratic and would reflect the wishes of the people.

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Would a “Welcome to Ocean” ceremony acknowledging the fictitious “Spirit Whale” (is this the whale with a snail on its tail?) be enough to fix the situation & allow Woodside to proceed with the project to power our non-fictitious actual physical homes? 🤦‍♂️

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

Well, your last sentence summarises the whole thing - it’s always the public who pays for these fantastic dreams of unreality. I guess that sets a neat precedent for bribery should anyone wish to accomplish anything in the future - there needs to be a “save the Spirit Whale” fund to pay for all the hallucinations of the environmentalists and greenies who no doubt thoroughly celebrate this monumentally devious decision by a dubiously intelligent courtroom official.

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'Land rights for gay whales"?wog thought bubble"just might work Chris".

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Go ahead and abort healthy, unborn human babies, but whatever you do, don't harm the figment of someone's imagination.

Instead, feed the lie. Embrace it, then use it to inflict more harm on the west.

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Well said, Heather!

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Sadly, none of this rot surprises me. If only there were spirit koalas up in the Daintree 😐

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It would seem fictional whales suit the narative when it comes to stuffing up the economy when millions of people would prosper against wrecking the environment and destruction of koala habitat for fictional green power when millions of people would suffer (higher power bills ) Mythical vs fictional wins every time when these bloody idiots run the show.

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There has to be an agenda here as no normal person could be so unbelievably stupid as to believe this bullshit,and that includes the courts (politically appointed?)

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Exactly. I would say that the lefty politicians pushing this rubbish don't care about how stupid they look. This goes beyond that. I mean, in their ultimate aim to turn Australia into a Marxist/Socialist/Communist society, they are willing to look like complete fools. They are willing to look stupid in the eye of the public, if it means being able to gain more money and more control.

And in their sick obsession to gain more control, I would suggest that it gives them even more satisfaction when they can successfully carry out the most preposterous changes. Because it makes them feel like gods, who can make all sorts of changes to society, no matter how far-fetched.

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Thanks James. This is so unbelievably stupid! We’re living in insane land. Surely this can be overturned by someone with a brain.

I imagine only the Climate Change crazies will think this is ideologically sound.

Come Lord Jesus! Please!

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Is this brain dead stupidity what our universities are churning out these days ?God spare us from these educated idiots.

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Yes it’s extremely disturbing.

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problem is finding somebody in power with a brain these days!!

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

The mentally ill and the sanity-challenged are officially turning this place we once called home into their own personal clown world. And we’re letting them get away with it while paying them for the privilege.

On the bright side, these lunatics are generating enough hot air to power 3 million garden sheds for the next Millenia.

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I really want to be able to respect indigenous culture. I even like some of their stories. I believe many stories made the indigenous people very good custodians of land and sea before white fellas came along. But my trust and respect is sorely tried when these stories seem to be resurrected whenever an economic development is announced. Like you say James, it's environmental manipulation. I want to know: how many people knew about these Spirit Whales beforehand? Had these stories been recorded or documented? And how much is she getting paid to share this story now? Does she live a traditional lifestyle or is she just as westernised as the rest of us, but with a convenient touch of Aboriginal spiritism?

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It just gets stupider and stupider. If you’re aboriginal, you can claim to have seen and to believe in any weird piece of nonsense; and someone even more stupid than you, like this pathetic judge, ACTUALLY AND UNBELIEVABLY reinforces your sudden claim. I bet if I told our woke authorities that I saw a vision of God saying all Sunday trading and sport must cease as it transgresses the 3rd Commandment, imagine what reception I’d get! Hah!

These kind of people are just making idiots of the rest of us. A few years ago work to duplicate the Western Highway on the Melbourne side of Ararat was happily progressing with big money spent when suddenly a very small group of activist aborigines stopped all work because they claimed there was a sacred tree in the path of the road. They camped around it during the day but did they camp overnight? Oh no, they all drove, (yes, didn’t walk) into Ararat and stayed in a motel! Cultural roots are championed only when it suits. Woke hypocrisy is offensive. The road project is still unfinished, a forlorn ruin, the victim of cultural manipulation and entitlement.

But I don’t blame these crazy activists as much as I hold the idiot authorities accountable for believing and supporting this nonsense.

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The Woodside Energy Group could submit a Statutory Declaration to the Federal Court wherein the Sandman has advised the said WEG that Aunty Raelene had been given an erroneous dream about the whales by him. This dream had now been withdrawn by the Sandman. The spirit whales are no longer in any danger resulting from a potential nightmare troubling Aunty Raelene.

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Aaaaand he's back with the funnies!! Praise God! Phew! Was getting worried Mac!

Where do these clowns keep coming from???

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It would seem that every possible mythological spirit dreaming will continue to halt potential

projects or advancements that would benefit all Australians.

The courts will pander to this animism as long as an Indigenous ‘Aunty’ or ‘Uncle’ can find a storyline.

I remember only too well the ‘secret women’s business ‘ re: halting the building of the Hindmarsh bridge in SA. This turned out to be all a fabrication- eventually exposed.

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Yes indeed but at what cost ? The bloody "liars for hire ' are making a fortune out of this garbage. And arent most politicians lawyers in the real world?

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These "claims "have about as much credibility as a kid saying "a dog ate my homework"but in this case "someones learned colleague would believe it .

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She is purporting to be a spirit medium and the judge has fallen for her deception.

The Dreamtime stories, (or Aboriginal mythology), are very interesting, but they should not be used for power mongering.

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Hitler was obsessed with the occult (and that is what this is )as well , and look what happened there.

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I can't help but think that a tidy sum of cash to Ms Cooper and her group of whale whisperers will please the spirit whales somewhat.....

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Yes, the thought crossed my mind, too.

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A bit like paying the Pacific islanders leadership lots of money to stop the sea level flooding their islands .

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Let her believe what she likes. She’s allowed. We’re all allowed to believe what we like. But LET NOT our courts and our policy-makers make decisions or laws based upon every spurious and questionable or pandering belief!

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surely if they can believe whatever they want we can believe we also consulted the sprit whales and they agreed with us and said let the gas plans proceed to benefit the people of the land, we are spirits we cannot be killed anyway so no harm no foul, do as you need :)

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Paganism appears to be the new enlightenment😢😡

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It will be in the schools' curriculum next.

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sure it isn't already?

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