Well from an artist's perspective, I'd be a bit upset if someone said my painting of a stab wound looked like a vagina. Perhaps the oil paints need to come out for a touch up. But seriously, this bloke has formed this view based on one artist's interpretation of a historical event he didn't himself see, hmmm. It might be best if the preacher keeps out of Art galleries otherwise his view of pretty much everything is going to be just as distorted.

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I don't understand the argument here! The painting depicting Christ after His crucifixion shows where the centurion's spear pierced Christ's side and from which blood and water issued forth. No evidence of 'vaginal' entry to my way of thinking. If one follows the blood trail down the body, it flows into the groin area which has a flimsy cloth covering. Here one might presume to believe that modesty, in not showing genitalia is the artists way of also not wanting to offend religious feelings of the day. To look on the private parts of any crucifixion figures, you will find a modesty pose is adopted or loin cloth covering is employed generally speaking. To suggest The Son of the Living God was in some way altered to give minority groups a share in the reasons for the crucifixion is ridiculous. Christ's vicarious death was for ALL humanity and does not need embellishment so as to make all humans feel they are included.

Another case of ignorance or plain stupidity by those wishing to do harm to Christianity in today's society. (Alas even from some within the fold. Wolves in sheep clothing seeking to devour the innocent?)

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Quite shocking! Inane, mindless and worst of all blasphemous. Heath should see a psychiatrist s as he’s mentally in big trouble and if he’s a clergyman, he should be defrocked. And as for Banner, he deserves the same and more. They’re both most fortunate they don’t still burn heretics at the stake.

All this from looking at a PAINTING!?!!

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Good grief!! Next they will be saying that Moses was transgender because when he parted the waters they looked like...um....showed his feminine side because...um...you know, but I digress.

Sadly the Church of England/Anglican church is well known for its acceptance of progressive ideas. Last time I heard Jesus was married. So now he is also transgender? They will probably bring those two ideas together soon and have him married to a guy!

Progressive Christian is an oxymoron.

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Now do this with any other religion ……

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Just plain stupid. There is no other word. Heretical and shameless. it is good thing we are not God and that God is gracious and waiting for these people to turn to Him.

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Pain and simple blasphemy.

From my understanding King Henry III established the Church of England as he got excluded from the Catholic Church because he wanted a divorce so instead he ended up killing her.

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They are using Medieval period paintings that used pictures of earlier "sun gods" (Sol Invictus, Mythras , Ra, Nimrod, Baal, etc.) as the bible does not have pictures in it of God.

“You shall not make for yourself an idol, OR ANY LIKENESS (pictures, etc.) of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, (2nd Commandment Exodus 20: 4-5). Moses, who spoke with God, would not make an image or idol of His form, but Aaron made the golden calf while he was away and God punished them for it.

When these people try to tell us what the bible teaches, perhaps they need to know what it says first.

Basing their theology on Pagan idols is only relevant to Paganism.

Isaiah says of His appearance, "He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him." (Isaiah 53: 2-3)

Why does anyone take any notice of them and give them a publishing platform to speak their lies?

Thanks for making fun of it all James, but even talking about it may be too good for them.

Perhaps these comments may help others see their errors and not believe their lies.

God causes all things to happen to bring about His own eternal glory.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

This is so appalling that it's hard to know what to say. It is so very deeply offensive.

James, it's great to hear you and Kirralie Smith are friends! God bless Kirralie! Kirralie, if you are reading this, God bless you a thousand times for all the wonderful work you do through Binary!! God bless you too James. And God be with us all. We must now fix our eyes on who Jesus REALLY is:

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTLY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE" (Isaiah 9:6). I love that verse!!

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Don’t know what to write. Speechless.

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Makes one wonder how the Satanists perceive their “Lord”, or if they have debates around this?

Seriously though, this is sickening!!!

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So what about the whole tenant of scripture? does the Dean and sermon reader take that into context also or are we just looking at one artwork to garner our whole theological knowledge of Jesus...”For there is one God and one mediator between God and Men, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Tim 2:5...someone should take these supposed leaders back to bible study 101...I thought that is what we should do take what the bible says in its entirety and draw our best conclusions from this approach not just draw uncertainty based on one artwork which at best gives the artists depiction of what has happened to Jesus...at the end of the day the artwork should not be taken as direct evidence of anything as it is not a historical photograph of the event....the church at large has fallen prey to its seeker centred message it bends all that it teaches to appeal to culture to win more or maintain more converts why?? Because it cannot teach a controversial message because it is worried about losing members and drawing less money...why?? In many cases the church is more concerned with being popular than teaching the truth...why?? Money. Once you start worshiping other Gods like money and popularity beware for you will have all sorts of ungodliness in your midst and hence I rest my case..homosexuality and transgenderism will be accepted as a lifestyle in the church along with paedophilia and what ever else becomes accepted in society! Many church leaders have become what Jesus Christ said we should reject...they are not concerned with Gods word of the truth they appease the false gods of the day to garner financial gain and have therefore become just like the demons they serve. Look in the book of revelation and see what is the true condition of the church in the latter days!

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Unbelievable, the state of the church and the pride of man to pursue any nonsense for profile. Well I guess not really, but thanks for calling it out James.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Chip, chip, chipping away at Christianity & traditions every day! Many people will not know until it's too late!

Thanks for posting James!

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I find it amazing that one sermon spoken by an unknown person in England that is total heresy is now known around the world!!! Because of the content and appalling blasphemy, we know about it. When truth is spoken from the pulpit it nowadays becomes ho hum. I pray the Church of England wakes up.

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James so aptly summarised ‘For myself, I think speculation that Heath is a heretic and that Banner is an idiot is legitimate.’

Heresy and blasphemy are on the rise particularly in some denominations. The imperative for us is to know what our church believes and teaches.

1 Timothy 4:1-2 ‘ Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,’

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