BTW Read The Australian today, to learn, what many people have been saying for years


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“On her ARSE” is the expression I think that you meant. Far more appropriate than that silly American use for the word.

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About 300,000 aboriginals lived here for maybe 50,000 years( so they say) with 700 different language groups constantly at war with each other. Living in poverty, with no housing, with periods of starvation and practising cannibalism and living under demonic control.


In less than 150 years British convicts and free settlers joined by more immigrants from many countries around the world built one of the wealthiest, safest and most prosperous countries in the world's history. Our few farmers feed over 50 million people every year. Our miners supply more coal and iron ore , gold and other minerals than another country for export to enrich the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Our long suffering taxpayers now support over 1 million people on welfare, many of them of aboriginal ancestry.

As a 59 year old white sheep farmer whose family have been here for almost 200 years I am proud of our countries many achievements.

Maybe our political and educational "elites" need to look at some of the facts of history and forget about shouting their empty ideologies and trying to force them on others.

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What material was her dress made from?

If it was not silk, wool, cotton or linen then it must have been made from oil !

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A little number SHY (or her mum), whipped up on the Janome no doubt. I just hope SHY recycles that dress by putting her mum's lace curtains back and washes the paint out of the tablecloth so she can reuse it. As for Lidia the first words to come to mind are hateful, hypocrite, racist.

Both are incredibly divisive people who do not love our country and neither deserve the fat taxpayer pay packet they get.

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Perfect. Such an own goal. Such stupid women wearing ugly dresses with writing all over them.

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James, you’re my kind of thinker and writer. I hadn’t seen the back of her dress before, maybe the ‘message writer’ was on the ball and one tongue in the cheek.

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They also tell us how much the LNP gave to coal, oil and gas industries, but ignore the royalties that have kept our economy afloat for years.

Nor do they mention the black hole of payments to renewables that have never paid anything back.

Nor do they mention the coal used to make the solar and wind renewables that will never be offset by the energy they produce.

Nor do they mention the loss of farming land to solar farms, birds killed by wind farms or the landfill that both of them will end up in after 30 years containing toxic chemicals that will go on killing for many years to come and what for? (see "Planet of the humans" for more details.)

Renewables have made our electricity system unreliable and our reliable coal fired power stations uneconomic as they need to shut down when the sun shines and the wind blows and start up again every time they stop.

They are destroying our economy just like the words on the dress have destroyed that dress.

What have we stolen from these people who were born recently? Everything of commercial value (roads, bridges, buildings, etc.) was paid for and built by all Australians over two hundred years and we gladly share it with them. If anyone is stealing it would be them (ATSIC and now the voice) as the records will show, all they want is our money to pay for the colour of their skin and where their parents were born. How many generations do we need to go back (some who came in the first fleets have ten generations of born in Australia) to prove we are indigenous too? We don't expect anything for our heritage, but we are still proud to be Australians, not Europeans.

When we need local industries to fight against an invader we will have none and I hope they will at least say, "Sorry" to us then.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

And the dress was made of what and where? Oh Pleash!

She would have made a bigger impact wearing a slip with a picture of Freud on her ass.

Enjoy the weekend, James.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

You are right on the money James...

“For the progressive left, virtue is a fashion statement.”

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Is this the same Senator Sarah Hanson-Young who has trouble telling the difference between Sea Patrol and a documentary, James Cook and Arthur Phillip? Journalist to SHY ( after the soiree ) "Excuse me Senator, what’s the difference between ignorance and apathy?" SHY; "I don’t know and I don’t care."

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All I can think of is put a cork where her statement was on her dress!!!!

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Stolen wealth. 😂😂😂

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

“Do you think you might’ve boycotted this dinner, Sarah?” the ABC journo sitting across the table asked tentatively.

“Hmmm...” Sarah pondered the question. It had been a chilly Canberra evening, especially since she was only wearing a sleeveless dress, and she was relieved to feel the warmth from the gas heater behind her. “Well..” She carefully cut another piece of perfectly cooked, char-grilled porterhouse and placed it in her mouth before garbling; “I think it’s more important to make our voices heard”.

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Sep 8, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Maybe they should get all these slogans tattooed on to their skin…..oh wait….they might change their minds next year!!!

For now it’s all about “look at me…look at me….look at me syndrome! You’re right James! It’s a put on!

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🤣 well said

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