Then again Cheatle may be a scapegoat. There used to be much more to this story.

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Has Meghan Markle applied?

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James, you forgot to mention drag queens as eligible applicants to head the US Secret Service.

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Only if they are black and have one leg .

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And are of immense equatorial dimension as the position carries weighty responsibilities.

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12 hours later and I just found your latest journalistic take on world events! Did she go willingly or was she pushed? Dr. Jill Biden won't be happy!

There are so many "How did that get by Security?" There are about as many unanswered questions about the attempt on Trump's life as there were with the successful assassination of JFK! Now the conspiracy theories are rampant and will we ever know who organised the young fella to be the patsy for the arrangements? He was doomed to die whether he fired the deadly bullet or not. No footprints, DNA or anything incriminating FBI, CIA, Homeland Security or a money trail will be found. The remaining question I want to know. Will another attempt be in the pipeline for another day, for another Director, DEI or not, to carry the load?

I think a lot hinges on the results of the upcoming elections. Will Trump survive the hatred generated towards him? Will he dodge another bullet? His guardian angels will have their work cut out this time.

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To win Trump still needs to beat the vast electoral fraud of fake votes. Nothing has been done to stop a repeat of the electoral corruption that happened last time.

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The comparison of Trump‘s security the day of the attempted assassination and the Afghanistan withdrawal is very pertinent indeed!

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Well both were on Sleepy Joes watch.

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James, someone needs to say it, that most of our pollies are intentionally destroying our western nations. It seems as if everyone is pretending that Albo is doing his best for Australians, which couldn't be further from the truth. EVERY SINGLE thing he does is destructive to western civilisation.

I think the powers in charge are allowing people like Biden, Harris, Albo, Ardern, Trudeau to rule as a way to show us that we are powerless - how insane is it that Biden has been filling the seat of US president at all?

They are cocking a snook at us all, and most of us have no idea - an old lady in Aldi the other day commented on the self serve checkout surveillance cameras, '1984', wow, I thought, someone in Canberra is awake and willing to say so! she said then promptly followed it with 'let's hope Trump doesn't get elected, he's a maniac'. Sigh ...

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I cant help thinking that the wog and all the state premiers police and media are deliberately quiet about 'these people' and their hate speech poured over our Jewish population and white Australia in general .ignoring Wongs antics ,the immams bleating for sharia law -(-in the mosque in arabic outside a watered down version in English, )There is deep hatred of us Australians ,our customs and institutions and our way of life . Our tolerance is seen as weakness,and with this parody of a government is nothing else .Cronulla was seen as an atrocity inflicted by white bloke against arab for racial reasons . These riots occured because ordinary Aussies were being attacked by mobs of arab thugs,family picnics on the beach were broken up by gangs chasing a soccer ball through the middle and the final straw was when a mob bashed a couple of surf life-savers. Ordinary Aussies had had enough and got stuck into them and showed them how to behave when in OUR country A few heads got broken (and rightly so )but the only people charged with an offence where white Aussie blokes , I was nt there but my cousin who lives in the area was and explained al this to me later . My comments were was all a bloody great waste of time . His rather dry reply was Aww I dunno .yer can go down the beach or into town and yer dont see a wog . Is this what" the leadership want" waiting for the ordinary Aussies to lose patience with "these people ' and deal with them our selves?

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I agree. Thank the Lord we are not under the obvious delusions most politicians and many people around the globe are.

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When Cheatle gave her agents a rating of “A” for their performance on the day, I think she was specifically referring to the agent's response immediately after Trump was shot, rather than the failure that occurred beforehand. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) She refused to give a rating for what occurred beforehand (or let's just say didn't occur but should have). I expect it should have been an "F" for Fail.

In any case, she was certainly well grilled (and rightly so) at the US hearing. She was asked many questions, almost all of which she either refused to answer or gave an answer that was a complete lie. What was encouraging and refreshing to see, is that not one questioner on the panel let her get away with it. This was certainly a forced resignation and the American people should expect nothing less. Cheatle deserved everything she got.

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I'll second that!

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She deserves to be fired and put in jail.

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Good one Mac!

Personally i have never liked or seen the benefit of women in high places in business or politics - not to say there are not great women out there that could/do do it well - I've just not seen it in the big corps or politics where its DEI rules vs aptitude and capability.

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Absolutely! I totally agree. Isn't it Cheatle, who was trying to push for the US Secret Service to be made up of at least 30% female workers? You know, these leftist/feminist idiots just don't get it. They are so self-obsessed, that they think these jobs are all about the workers (DEI) rather than the fact that these jobs exist to provide a service for others!

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And they all should be taught H2HaG....How 2 Holster a Gun!

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The only real standouts to my mind would be Gina Hancock (Rhinehart) and Maggie Thatcher, but then they proved their worth long before all this DEI bullshit become standard.

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Agree - totally different breeds of women! I love Bronwyn Bishop too.

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Rhinehart, Thatcher and Bronwyn Bishop are (were in the case of Thatcher) mature, sensible women who are very capable at what they do (or have done in the past) and think further than the tip their noses. They actually think about what is in the best interests of society as a whole and effectively act on it. These are things that set them apart from from all the power-hungry want-to-be women out there.

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I dont care what the sex of a leader is providing they know what they are talking about and how to get things done . Look at the vile and vindictive treatment of Pauline Hanson back in the late 90s . Talk about rent-a mob pack of bastards and look how time has proven her right on so many things.

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Jul 24Liked by James Macpherson

Hilarious James. Unfortunately they could of had The Donald killed. The next 6 months will have so much material to mock and write about. Liberals have no sense of humour. Hollywood couldn't come close to writing a script and characters like what we are seeing now.

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F--k Hollyweird.

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And let's not forget Pallywood. Oh boy the fake photos and stories that come out of there.

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I trust that investment company Blackrock will not be giving her a big bonus payment because the shooting failed. As a result, their shorting of the shares in 1 of Trumps companies the day before the shooting did not work, and the vast multi million dollar potential profit was missed. Bad luck. Better luck next time!

But for the intervention of God, Trump would be dead.

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This "attempt"was either the grossest of gross incompetence on the part of the Secret Service or was compliant with it . Either way the buck stops with the boss and she should face criminal charges. Not just a forced resignation .

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Trump says he's never asked God for forgiveness, but I guess God has to keep him alive anyway, eh!

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Don't you think that just for a few days Donald was mellowed by his brush with death and almost meeting his maker too soon?

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Yes, definitely! He was quite humbled in his next communications. Several of our friends over there commented on that too!

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The hubris to sit and think she didn’t have a case to answer was astonishing. But I wonder too that fact that the Bidens are effectively sidelined made her position untenable. No protectors anymore.

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Jul 23Liked by James Macpherson

Conscious incompetence comes to mind.

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Jul 23Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks James. That’s great news.

I wonder who gave her the final push? It was a pleasure watching her get roasted yesterday, even by AOC. The narcissism required to sit for hours in front of US Senators and refuse to answer their questions was impressive. She should go directly to gaol without getting paid.

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Yeah, she should "Go directly to jail; do not pass go, do not collect $200." Haha! I confess, I also found it a pleasure watching the roasting take place. 😊

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I imagine that the pollies were worried about their own safety. With good reason.

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Jul 23Liked by James Macpherson

Anyone actually qualified need not apply.

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A bit like the top job in the NSW Police force just be a woman .

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And the Australian Governor General

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Jul 23Liked by James Macpherson

Brilliant. And don't forget all those transgender, people of colour who also happen to have a disability. You go straight to the top of the preferred replacement list for Cheatle's job.

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Jul 23Liked by James Macpherson

Numpty? Yes.

The questioning by Congress was brutal.


With all the lying and the political games going on in Washington I can’t help but wonder if we’re being played 🤔

Cynical? You bet I am.

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The Iranians gave the game away a week before the attempt. Don't tell me the word didn't get to the top of the chain, or should that be the surface of the swamp?

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