Donald Trump is a reckless man: why did he endanger himself by moving his right ear into the path of a bullet?

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Even I can work out that drones could circle an area and keep people off rooftops, tazer them or plain old chase them off.

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The Democrats, as the Australian Labor party are masters at blaming the opposition for their behavious. I think that is classic narcissism

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The cackler in chief hoping to become the commander in chief !!! Heaven help us all because she is absolutely clueless

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When I lived in PNG I was aware of an infliction among some native clans as" kuru "This was a condition akin to uncontrolled laughing (continuously ) until exhaustion led to death . It was believed to be caused by the eating of certain parts of a dead relative as part of the grieving ritual . The uncontrolled laughing rings a bell ?

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How would she deal with another possible crisis like the Cuba missiles affair in October 1962?

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Laugh her way through and maybe dance…?

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God help us if that happens as she surely aint cut from the same cloth as John Kennedy.

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I've come to the conclusion that most people in top jobs (be it political or corporate) are completely clueless while the rest of us living in the real world have to suffer under their pure arrogance and self indulgence.

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Yes the well documented Peter Principle, where people rise through the ranks of organisations till they reach the level of peak incompetence

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Had to laugh -it's clearly named after my ex LOL

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Thanks James. The left eating their own is at least entertaining on some level.

These news commentators are like a bunch of robots repeating what the AI says. I wonder if the more prominent ‘journalists’ and ‘celebrities’ on CNN, MSNBC, the View etc have literally been swapped without our knowledge. 😂

Even a huge amount of money wouldn’t make the average person say the rubbish that comes out of their mouths. Just brainwashing doesn’t seem to be enough because they literally sound like they believe what they’re saying. The deception is almost unbelievable. Come Lord Jesus!

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funny you say that Karen, the crazy far far right believe that most of Hollywood are genetically engineered or clones or robots. The conspiracy theories are quiet entertaining. but sometimes scarily possible.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Consider this. The same people who told the whole world with a straight face, that Biden was fit, sharp and ready for another four years at the helm up until about 5 minutes ago, are now telling us that Kamala is an astute, respected leader, capable of governing the world's largest super power.

Only truly ideologically driven, intellectually dishonest, morally bereft, Kool aid drinking devotees would buy into that pile of insane msm propaganda.

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Well said.

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Well, well, only 4000 people to a Democratic rally. I am gob smacked. To listen to commentary on Sky last night you would think there were at least 10,000 at her rally. The same hold the nose attitude that the Oz had in 2020 towards President Trump seems to be infecting the earlier commentators last night especially one.

President Trump won’t hold indoor rallies.

The BLM are right. The autocratic rulers of the party have just passed the mantel on without due process.

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It saddens me the way political commentators are so free with their dislike/contempt of Trump, and yet muted on the failings of others. I want to ask what exactly did he do as President to make it so? Crime was down. Black employment up. No wars. Stable government. The Dems. especially the odious Pelosi, did EVERYTHING to undermine and feet drag. Too bad about the country. Is Trump perfect? No! But at least he knows how to run a country free of globalists’ control.

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I fell exactly the same way. President Trump kept his promises and apart from the vaccine fiasco which we can put down to bad advice, he was a good if unpredictable president. So the barely concealed contempt and lack of respect in sone of the Murdoch press and Jesus is disappointing.

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They just hate him because he exposes their evil and spoils their greed for power and wealth. They use his personal life as ‘evidence’ of his unworthiness and so many self righteous people around the world swallow that rubbish. ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.’

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