There is no alternative to the MK ultra programming the elites are using to dumb down all those watching the TV (idiot box).

Even Rowan was unable to speak about the connection of the bioweapons to the adverse events and deaths that many respected doctors are pointing to in an effort to stop these injections.

He knows all about it because I send him updates several times a week, but they would sack him if he mentioned it.

Blackrock and Vanguard own all the MSM and they can write the script for any show they like if they need to.

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I seem to recall that indigenous people, prior to colonisation, didn't believe in the concept of ownership of the land. It was a preposterous idea.

It seems that indigenous culture is able to adapt they hard-core beliefs into opportunities for monetisation.

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James MacPherson you take the words right out of my mouth but in a more eloquent way!

Hear hear!

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So, will indigenous people have to pay a fee to climb Mount Warning, or does that only apply to non-indigenous people? And who exactly, is going to be pocketing this money and for what is it being used?

By the way, if climbing Mount Warning free of charge, becomes illegal for non-indigenous people only, then I think it's only fair that free entrance into the Westminster Abbey should also be made illegal for anyone who does not have British heritage because it too, is a sacred site.

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Some of us did not vote for either the Federal or State election winners and are forced to endure their rule over our lives, the laws passed that do not make life better for anyone, the many smoke screens and distractions they put up to distract us from what they are really up to and we find out what those things are when it is too late to do anything about changing the outcome. The federal and state government in power in the past decade or so have failed to do what they are meant to do and have re-written societal laws and norms, re-defined what a family and what a woman is and have not acted in their voters best interests. We are now headed towards a decline in living standards, the death of the middle class, and moving towards a one world way of doing things. And the thing is that even if we could do something about the rapid changes to everything coming, there is not enough people to speak up against the actions. The majority of the population have their heads in the sand or social media or are comfortable enough not to care about others so won't do anything. Everything is broken or breaking down. Thanks for your excellent work James. The only real hope is if you follow Jesus Christ and have hope in him for a better future. God bless you James and your readers.

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And down the soup pipe we go. Isn’t the Grand Prix in Melbourne for the foreseeable future? Or is the alternate Melbourne I’m dreaming about.

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Because you are vetting (my) commitment, I want to share my theory of how ‘we will own nothing’.

1: the Voice goes through , even if it’s fixed.

2: Albanese has said “whatever they want, they will get.

3: they will want a document that says they own all the land.

4: Albanese will laugh and say “it doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a concept thing.

5: only it is really a legal thing, and they will be able to sell the whole thing to the UN, New World Order crowd for the required pieces of silver.

We will not own the land we are living on. Maybe we’ll have some rights to our homes, but can’t move them because no places will be available.

Anyhow, that’s how we will own nothing.

But not necessarily happy.

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The screws are tightening, we are slowly being restricted to smaller and smaller areas as the farcical concept of sacred land is being expanded. How soon before most of it is in the hands of a single group, and we are restricted to our 15-20 minute cities.

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I rejoice in the focus on a biblical remedy for the downward spiral that we know is enescapable.

Capt Ferdinand Dequiros 1606 [Portuguese Explorer] landed in Northern Australia and declared -

"Let the heavens, the earth, the waters with all their creatures and all those here present witness that I, Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros... in the name of ..Jesus Christ... hoist this emblem of the Holy Cross on which His [Jesus Christ's ] person was crucified and whereon He gave His life for the ransom and remedy of all the human race... on this day of Pentecost 14th May1606... I take possession of all this part of South as far as the pole in the name of Jesus.. which from now on shall be called the "Great Southland of the Holy Spirit" .. and this always and forever.. and to the end that to all natives, in all the said lands, the holy and sacred evangel may be preached zealously and openly"

Something to encourage us when the outlook is bleak!

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We are truly in a time where up is down and blue is red and truth is BS... and science has become political ideology....so the elimination of the climate change causing culprit carbon dioxide gas will eventually bring steady power levels and cheaper power prices but we will all need to buy solar panels or connect to wind turbines which will create more carbon dioxide in the long run giving us us intermittent sources of power....while indigenous supremacy like allowing only the indigenous to freely walk in areas of Australia will eventually bring an equalising of all Australian rights as we have years of oppression to make up for and wait for it the place is only sacred to them...and transgenderism and gender fluidity and reassignment therapy will quell the suicide rates of the LGBTI community which have obviously spiked because of wait for it our heterosexual prejudice and our homophobia....while many are regretting this action later in life causing more suicide...it seems to me that the hammer which is used to bludgeon our views is the same hammer which is perpetually causing the problems which they are supposedly trying to resolve...WOW and this is now policy and practice everywhere! Mt Warning is truely a prophetic sign to us all....Warning Warning Danger Will Robinson! These supposed progressive policies are causing malfunction everywhere!

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We are truly in a time where up is down and blue is red and truth is BS... and science has become political ideology....so the elimination of the climate change causing culprit carbon dioxide gas will eventually bring steady power levels and cheaper power prices but we will all need to buy solar panels or connect to wind turbines which will create more carbon dioxide in the long run giving us us intermittent sources of power....while indigenous supremacy like allowing only the indigenous to freely walk in areas of Australia will eventually bring an equalising of all Australian rights as we have years of oppression to make up for and wait for it the place is only sacred to them...and transgenderism and gender fluidity and reassignment therapy will quell the suicide rates of the LGBTI community which have obviously spiked because of wait for it our heterosexual prejudice and our homophobia....while many are regretting this action later in life causing more suicide...it seems to me that the hammer which is used to bludgeon our views is the same hammer which is perpetually causing the problems which they are supposedly trying to resolve...WOW and this is now policy and practice everywhere! Mt Warning is truely a prophetic sign to us all....Warning Warning Danger Will Robinson! These supposed progressive policies are causing widespread malfunction!

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I was even sadder to hear that the world according to Rowan will not be on next year.

I guess Pfizer didn't like his criticism of the lockdowns, mandates, etc.

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James, please don't blame the Australian people for voting Albo into office, it was ASIO working for the Rothschilds that rigged the election, just like they did for Andrews who didn't even win his own seat with legal vote counting. Our governments have been unconstitutional since Whitlam changed the constitution without a referendum. They are all registered companies on the stock exchange and their employees (courts, police, armed forces, etc.) are all contractors. Our politicians are just managing the companies for Blackrock and Vanguard who own the companies. They want to decarbonise and depopulate the world and so that is what our politicians are told to do. Remember Scomo and his lump of coal who then turned around and signed us up to net zero by 2050? He had no choice. His bosses told him he had to do it. The same thing happened with Covid, first he called it just another flu, then we had lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations to kill us all within 5 years. They of course attacked him through their media and sacked him with their vote rigging in the last election. It was not us, it was the elites. Remember that Labor only had 23.9% of first preference votes and yet they ended up winning an absolute majority! LNP had 26. 3% while 23.3% were not counted!!!!


I agree that Labor's plans are totally uneconomic and will cause shortages and blackouts.

I have already sent the video of the guy who controls the Victorian upper house so that Andrews can control it, so please don't blame them for what happened in their elections as it is also fixed.



So Victoria is a basket case and that is what happens when tyrants rule and the votes are not counted as they are not subject to the voters and can do as they like.

Christians need to organize and speak up against the criminals and their crimes against us all.

Unions work with Labor to get what they want and they fund Labor mainly through the superannuation funds that they control that are full of our money.

The Greens have taken over local governments and they plan to divide us on race and cause grief to Christians and white people who are mostly born here and are therefore indigenous. If our government, who took lands away from us to make parks doesn't want to look after them any more, then I have no problem with locals looking after them and warm burning during winter, but they still need to be open to all without any fees.

50 years ago you could drive or ride around Australia, surf at the beaches, sleep in your car or tent and live on a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread (20c / day with petrol at 20c a gallon). Today you need hundreds of dollars / week to live in your own home and buy groceries to make your own meals.

This is what happens when they don't count our votes and tax us for the air we breathe.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Do you ever get the feeling that our leaders do not like us? They take no notice of what we say or question. It is as if they think we are the ‘deplorables’ that HC spoke about. It is obvious that everything this government is doing is not in our interest. But they are carrying on regardless. I am enjoying Richard Kelly’s Substack too. He has some good thoughts. Os Guinness’ book The Magna Carta of Humanity is looking like a good read too.

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Good morning James. Lots to cover today.

Albanese and his Net Zero commonsense plan is in reality Albo desperately wanting to be famous for something. This bloke and his attention seeking comrades are consumed by their own self importance. The pure vanity on display is nauseating. Labor's arrogance towards the Australian people is full throttle. This delusional belief by Captain Planet and his team who think they can somehow control the weather is crippling our country. These brain dead imbeciles have no capacity to apply the basic human skill of adapting to nature. As for Bandt, he reminds me of Gladys Kravitz from bewitched. Constantly peering into people's homes, over fences and through hedges to see what people are doing so that he can hysterically screech and complain about it. We will all be having to put up privacy screens this summer so that we can hook the Webber up and cook a banger or two without the prying eyes of him (Gladys) and his like. Another failed activist lawyer on his soapbox screaming at the world, doomed, you're all doomed - how typical.

Potheads in Vic rejoice. It won't be long now before you can choof away to your hearts content. D.A. will gladly legalize the mind altering substance in the hope that everyone will be too stoned to care about what he is doing to the state. It is sad to see that so few sensible Victorians are left down there to hold the fort.

As for the union bullies, they are a disease.

Mt Warning- I thought the aboriginals were of the view that "we don't own the land, the land owns us". Apparently only when it suits the agenda.

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I grew up in a Labor household who were usually supportive of unions but I’ve refused to join them since I started work at a supermarket at 14yrs and experienced compulsory Union fees. I always believed it should have been my choice, even though it was only 40cents/week. That 40cents was a lot out of my small wage and I resented having to pay it.

When none of them stood against the mandates, I felt vindicated somehow and thankful that I hadn’t handed over one cent to any Teacher’s or other union in my working career.

When we lived in the Goldy, our church youth group often did and loved the Mount Warning trek. They’ll continue limiting what ordinary Aussies can do until we’re all locked in our 15min radius communities.

We’ll own nothing and we’ll all be miserable. Maybe then, we’ll wake up!

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