Thanks James for your Saturday Sanity Check; seems sanity is in short supply in the world we currently inhabit. If only we could harness the insanity to create electricity; weโ€™d never be in short supply.

Hope everyone had a happy weekend & hereโ€™s to a fulfilling week ahead. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

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James, I love that you share, but please take care of your health.

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AnonymousMay 25

Praise God for his mercy

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Just at Base Camp? How high is the mountain of stupidity?! ๐Ÿ˜•

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My guess is that it makes Mount Everest look like a mole hill.

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May 25Liked by James Macpherson

Nailed it again James

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The 'Queers for Palestine' fanatics must have a thing for roof tops!

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That is after IDF are finished there will more than likely no roof tops to throw them off.

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Yes and free-falling!

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May 25Liked by James Macpherson

But in the days of the chancellorships of Konrad Adenauer and, later, Willy Brandt, Benjamin Netanyahu would never be arrested on German soil. In 1970, while on an official visit to Poland, Willy Brandt, chancellor of West Germany, kneeled before a memorial to the Warsaw ghetto.

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Further to the above comment: throughout Germany, by means and initiative of private citizens, there are the so called "stumbling stones" - brass plaques on the footpath before the houses where Jewish families had once lived. The names of these families are engraved on these plaques as well as the places and dates when and to where they had been deported during the holocaust. In all of Germany there is only one World War 2 memorial to the German military. It is in Berlin and dedicated to the executed Army officers who tried to assassinate Adolf Hitler, 20. July 1944. The huge memorial to the exterminated Jews of Europe is now located in Berlin and is overlapping the general area of the Hitler Bunker. Underneath that memorial the bunker installations still exist but are not accessible. The symbolism is most profound. When the memorial was opened in 2005, a representative (a holocaust survivor) of the Sydney Jewish Museum gave a public inauguration speech.

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And the German children are taught about the Holocaust. I cannot quite believe Scholz said what he said. And the German government have the temerity to call AfD Nazis.

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And this coming week all Aust children will get another big dose of black arm band history indoctrination for reconciliation week.

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I for one have had a gutfull of this Abo bullshit being fed to us ad-narseam about past wrongs inflicted on them. My ancestors ,both convict and free were on the First Fleet and only did their best to build the beautiful land of OURS . I myself carried out many "medical emergencies as a commercial pilot both in general aviation and 3 years with the Air Ambulance (one could be forgiven it could have been a private taxi service for aborigines only ) indeed years after I retired from flying my dr tried to get me an air ambulance flight home from surgery in Sydney to some where near where to where I live . No go after 3 days of waiting my wife had to drive for over 7 hours down to get me and another 7 hour return. A former colleague who was still employed in that job made enquiries on my behalf and was told that had I been Abo I would have been put on a flight to at least somewhere within an hours drive.And I defy ANYONE to say well thats only fair . Well to hell with this sorry bullshit as I have done nothing to be sorry about . I have only done what I needed to do to help these people only to find that they present to me to be just a pack of ungratefull bastards

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I don't want to know.

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This Hamas statement has a familiar ring about it: "... an important step towards solidifying OUR right to OUR land and establishing OUR independent ABORIGINAL state with its capital in ULURU.

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May 25Liked by James Macpherson

That's and important thing to say. The violence and bigotry Hamas and their supporters show seems much admired by the aboriginal activists.

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Lidia Thorpe comes to mind ... and quite a few other uncles and aunties.

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Shouldnt this disqualify them from their dole benefits?The local pubs would go broke .

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Not just pubs - KFC as well.

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They seem to be the only group that can run tribal wars, burn each others houses down and then demand taxpayers give them a new house.

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In about 1980, the Mulgrave Shire Council (Cairns)built a camp for an Abo mob that was living in the guinea grass beside the Barron River. I was working for the council at that time. We went to inspect that camp. The camp was abandoned, trashed and partially burned. The ladies and gentlemen of the oldest civilisation on earth were back in their guinea grass beside the river.

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May 25ยทedited May 25Liked by James Macpherson

I am so ashamed of our country that we signed up to support the establishment of the ICC. I hope and pray the Israelis completely ignore this kangaroo court.

Read the latest offering from the Middle East Forum Jonathan Spyer went into the tunnel where the IDF found the bodies of four dead hostages. It was excellent detective work on the part of the officers and soldiers some of whom are dead now. May their memories be blessed.

Hamas needs to be defeated. Now three more boxes have been found. Hamas took them to Gaza. One was the boyfriend of the girls Shani that they had found previously.

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If, on the point of being wiped out completely by the IDF, the Hamas thugs will not leave even one of the hostages alive.

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The IDF have found 7 dead hostages. It certainly doesnโ€™t look good for the rest.

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I hope Sum-Tin -Wong can live with that . One shouldnt hold breath.

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What would I say to a 6โ€™2โ€ serial rapist?

You have been found guilty of your heinous crimes and you will be taken from here to another place, which will not be a Women's Prison, where you will be hung by the neck until you are dead.

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Perhaps that sex freak should be hung by something else until he is dead.

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The Judges obvious ruling should have been, "you can go to the woman's prison as soon as you have been completely castrated." If he is genuinely feeling he wants to be a woman then he will he happy to have a sex change operation. If he is not genuine then he will refuse the operation and can stay as a man in the men's prison.

Apparently there are now many rapes and pregnancies in women's prisons because of the many men locked up with the women.

How appropriate that Biden wants to promote this stupid judge.

Hopefully Trump will win and have the guts to reverse and prosecute the peope who have made many of the insane decisions of the last 4 years. Considering how the law has been corruptly used to prosecute him, we can only hope he is still alive next Janurary and is determined enough to act.

Trump needs to select a very good person as Vice President who will pursue the same policies as he will or there is a built in advantage to killing Trump. In the same way, Biden is very safe because even the most stupid person knows Harris would be worse than Biden.

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Judges are appointed. What kind of drongo authority appoints such a drongo judge?

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Burnie, you're not a 'bleeding heart'. What happened to "Capital punishment for capital crime"?

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A great summary thanks James. Yes, dogs have teeth capable of eating raw meat, thus the term canine. Obviously they eat other things. The modern day diet for dogs is cooked, processed foods and supplements and like us, itโ€™s unhealthy. Iโ€™ve never seen a dog cooking and processing his/her own food, either in the wild or in the backyard, so itโ€™s a given that raw is best but not raw vegetables alone.

Veganism is ok for some people but most of us need higher levels of complete protein and iron, provided by red meat.

The judge allowing a proven rapist to be in a womanโ€™s prison should be tried and convicted for any future rapes etc that he commits. An intelligent, caring, responsible, law abiding judge would never allow women to be put in such a position, no matter their circumstances.

Go Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Every last Hamas leader, member & supporter should be found and dealt with as the IDF deems it. Albo admits the ICC exists but wonโ€™t support Israel against Hamas! What an embarrassment!

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"The judge allowing a proven rapist to be in a womanโ€™s prison should be tried and convicted for any future rapes etc that he commits." Absolutely!! It is hide time accountability and consequences take place for the actions of these vile people (I mean US Magistrate Sarah Netburn)!

I believe Vegan food for dogs is animal abuse. It's disgusting.

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Current ideology checkmates common sense and true justice.

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Thanks James for a multi faceted report. No homosexuals in Palestine? I believe the Koran describes such people as an abomination. Sexually confused in wrong gaol, perhaps he needs a psychiatrist? Vegan dogs? We make a 50/50 stew for our dog to keep his business flowing.

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Most of what you write, James, is brilliant and I agree wholeheartedly with it!

However, we do need to look at ALL the facts. Regarding "vegan dogs", there really isn't a vegan dog, as dogs will eat whatever takes their fancy, regardless. That's the only choice they make. But I myself am vegan! Why? Because I've done the research. I've been in an allied health profession all my life and am fascinated by our bodies and how they function. I've read countless peer-reviewed medical studies, and am also aware of the fact that the folk in so-called Blue Zones eat little or no meat. Our original diet, prescribed by the Creator, was a plant-based diet - and I figure He knew what fuel makes us operate to our best capacity. I don't have a dog, but looking at my friends' dogs dropping with bowel cancer over the years, and realising that some of the oldest, healthiest dogs on the planet have been vegan or vegetarian at least, guess what? I'm very inclined to feed my dog, if I have one, a vegetarian or vegan diet! As long as it's well-balanced in nutrients and tasty, he should enjoy and thrive on it. I'm also aware that if someone offers him a big, juicy bone he will probably accept that happily too, lol!

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Feed them a greenie. (if the dogs could stomach the taste)

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Haha! There's a thought!

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May 25ยทedited May 25

There are pros and cons in all sorts of diets.

In longevity world some swear by high protein lean grass fed meat diet โ€ฆ

For example the daughter of Dr Jordon Peterson, Mikhaila Peterson, swears by her โ€œ Carnivore dietโ€, which has cured her years of chronic pain.

The father of bulletproof coffee and bio hacking, Dave Asprey , who is known also in longevity world, is against vegan diet, as it made him ill and he experienced lots of pain when he was on it , so as many others.

Then you hear some people say meat can give you bowel cancer.

Some people like Dr David Sinclair who is famous for his work for reverse aging prefers plant based diet but recently has switched to Mediterranean diet, in addition to his other supplements.

After listening to many podcasts myself and listening to different perspectives, a lot of them do agree that end of the day itโ€™s about what works for one person may not work for another.

In my opinion itโ€™s all about your genetic predisposition.

For example one type of diet may be harmful for one person but necessary for someone else.

And I believe itโ€™s good to have everything in moderation.

Some believe in vegan diet because of spiritual factors and they love animals too much .

I think any pets that have a loving owner is blessed because there are lots of sick animal cruelty out there.

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Individuals may experience certain things, but only studies involving large numbers of people give a clearer picture. Actually, everyone eats plant foods, but some also eat animal products! So, if someone is getting pain on a plant- based diet it doesn't necessarily mean the vegan diet is bad for them; it means there's a certain plant food in there which doesn't agree with them. Find out what it is, and don't eat it again!

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May 24Liked by James Macpherson

Where to start indeed! It breaks my heart to know this country I love is in the thick of it all ๐Ÿ’”

Isaiah says,

โ€œSo truth fails, And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey. Then the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him That there was no justice.โ€

Time for His people, His church, to stand up.

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Isaiah also says: "Your leaders* cause you to err." (Is. 3:12) Incidentally, that verse also states: "My people-children are their oppressors, and women rule over them."

*including religious leaders.

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May 24Liked by James Macpherson

"Leave a comment" where to begin???

The Judge went to Brown University, which admitted 2,552 students from 38,674 applicants.. .these are the "smart ones" Now we can see why the USA is in such a mess

Vegan dogs ... next we will have dogs for Palestine

With so many countries looking forward to having the nation of Palestine join the world community. What will the new nation export to bring in foreign income.? Some countries export manufactured goods, others export minerals , Palestine can export murderers and rapists for hire. The world seems to be quite content with this happening to Israel, they can export to these to other countries who are needy

Crazy world

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Vegan Dogs for Palestine has a real ring to itโ€ฆwoof woof

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