Another made up day to shove the LGB Alphabet agenda down our throats.

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I speak to you the same regardless of who you think you are. All lives are equal. I’m

Not going to treat you any differently because abuse you identify as the Queen of Sheba or they them who which what!

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Must I really go to a bookshop and ask the alpha-zed-hymn-schisim behind the counter, where can I buy the latest edition of, "Pronouns for Dummies"? Would I be charged with Racism, or something else for showing such ignorance?

Regarding the photo's James. How do you know with certainty the beautiful young thing is really feminine? I've seen some 'butch' girls working as security and wouldn't want to tangle with her!

Finally. I just loved Dame Edna and her alto ego Les whatsisname? But I'm worried by your pic of her attempted look-a-like! Yuck!!

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Concur ;just look at some of those "examples of femine ladies "bashing the shit out of each other in the NRL .

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A most entertaining piece. Thank you.

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The correct pronoun for the parrot in the above picture is it/its.

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😂😂 sanity prevails, thanks James.

I don’t even remember hearing about an international pronouns day but I’m good at forgetting the disturbing things that come my way. Tomorrow’s another day, with newly invented words and social behaviours.

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I wonder what kind of dorks invent such nonsense and then succeed to impose it on the rest of us.

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Yes and who pays these creatures and why ?FFS I am sick of all this bullshit .

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My plan, if I ever come across these variants, is as follows.

Me: What is your name please.

It: Colin

Me: Everyone, this is Colin. Colin has come to join us and Colin is a librarian.

Colin has vast experience, and Colin’s ideas are like Colin’s appearance, worth a second look. Etc You get the idea.

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“Makes normal people go ha/ha” 😂

How do these insane ‘days’ come about? Are they government sanctioned? I’d like “stuff diversity day”.

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Good question Julie. Will it all change again when we toss out Labor Governments?

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I wish I could confidently rely on the Literals. Crtyainly no change with weak and whiney as leader.

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Well said James. We must stand against these lies regardless. I am married, I don't like my husband being called a Partner, he is my husband but that one has been around for quite some time now. I refuse to bow down to insanity!

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All government forms and publications have "Partner". Why is the word "Spouse" not used? It would be correct in either case - husband or wife.

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You're too polite Axel!

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Iam a CHOP myself (Chauvanistic ,Hedonistic ,Old Pig )and say so whenever the circumstamces require and if that offends the woke GOOD !! it is meant to and without apology .

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Good one Bob. Dare I say that those words are not nouns but Adjectives describing what sort of pig we are talking about? Still if the woke mob need to ask, they obviously do not know their English.

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I often query or dispute government/public actions. When I see preferred pronouns and an acknowledgment of country on a public servant's or corporate's email signature, I know exactly what the outcome of my correspondence will be.

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I passed! I'm Sane! oh but hang on, all this enforced speech and utter BS for the overt narcissist is driving me INSANE!!!! The only thing worse than an overt narc is a covert Narc and the government and main stream media are full of them, gaslighting and love bombing us all to death! God Help us!!!

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Thanks James 🎯. Some cultures are linguistically well ahead of us English speakers as their pronouns don’t differentiate between he and she, it’s the same word. I found it a little confusing as often didn’t know if whoever they were talking about was a boy or girl if I didn’t know them and couldn’t tell from the name. But you know what? It didn’t matter. If/when I met said person I instantly knew. It’s called gender give away and yes, James, boobs, chest hair, Adam’s apples, and other bits’n’bobs are the clues. “International Pronoun Day!” Pfft! Who needs it? Just open your eyes 👀

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And when the undertaker or mortician measures them up for their final makeup party, they'll have a pretty good reason to affirm the identity on the form........He/She.

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Why do the LGBTQI+ insist on hammering the rest of us with their issues? They can be whomever they want to be, even if that person isn’t comfortable in their birth-gender body. I don’t care, truly. Just don’t lecture or bully me into turning my back on scientifically proven biological facts & stay away from my kids & grandkids!!

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Well said PezR. We all know of the practices of "these people",and yawn and turn away . Until they start squawking and flapping as they do .Stay within your own orbit do what you like but keep your hands off our little kids or they might find the tolerance so displayed by a patient population wearing a bit thin.

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Theeese people are only stoking the flames of resistance with their lunacies.

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And keep away from the toddlers in the local library's kiddies program.

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It’s he, she or the creature/person in my vocabulary.

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Well said James. The clown world continues unabated. So tragic.

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Nailed it.

"You’re not being inclusive, Or kind. Or respectful. And you’re certainly not being a good Christian.

You are aiding and abetting mental illness."

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