
Listen to the news carefully, and it will become obvious that almost every public agency in the USA is a tool of the Democrats. They are not a-political, as they should be.

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The US is fast becoming nothing more than a tinpot dictatorship. Frightening stuff.

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It will be unless Donald Trump gets up . I am betting that he will .note that the Sydney bookie that had him at 1000 to1 against in 2016 is not repeating the exercise .

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Astonishing. The ‘ fortification’ of the election is happening before our eyes. Let’s pray God turns the tables and stops these arrogant people.

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The only threat to Democracy are the Democrat party.

There is so much corruption in the USA, we are in for dark times if Kamala ‘wins’ the election.

The one consolation if President Trump is taken out, is that we’d have a President JD Vance in charge.

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I think both candidates are a threat to democracy! Hard to choose which one of the two has an edge. Thankful it's not my country!

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Another great article James - thank you. We live in very uncertain times and unfortunately those currently in power both in the USA and Australia have destructive agendas. The alternative to DJT is a giggling/laughing jackass with no policies and a dismal track record that she seems to have forgotten and replaced with achievements concocted in her own mind. The elections here and in the USA will tell another story about whether George Orwell was correct in his books “1984” and “Animal Farm” which seem to be unfortunately accurate prophecies of our current worldwide predicament. Here’s hoping ‘common sense’ may prevail. Mind you ‘common sense’ is fast becoming a figment of my imagination.

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As you said James, one has to wonder why they would release this manifesto? There’s certainly a lot of skullduggery about…🤔

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These people sure have shown their colours. Government operatives of some kind…. Join the various prayer endeavours as only God knows all. His first miracle of the bullet flying passed Trump’s head was amazing! Be inspired. Ps 29:10 The Lord sat as King at the flood; yes, the Lord sits as King forever…. Good article James.

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I have a question - who is going to pay the $150,000 if they do succeed? It seems a bit airy fairy. That man is in custody and no doubt he hasn't got the ability to pay it. This whole thing stinks fishy. If a political party wants the election that much, there is a huge agenda behind it and we are witnessing the total destruction of democracy.

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There's never been any doubt that the Justice system in America is corrupt....any logical thinking person could see this, particularly after the second assassination attempt.....the security was at best "loose".

What is now really evident in plain sight is that the "Deep State" will do anything to stop Trump and those powers in the shadows will stop at nothing. They used election fraud last time but they are desperate now.

All the things that were described as "conspiracy theories" are now being proven to be true and on point.

The average person in America and Australia have really only one course of action.

Vote Trump. Vote Dutton. Forget anyone else. If the vote is splintered we, in Australia in particular, are headed for another three years of a downhill slide....on more than one front.

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I fear that three more years of these morons will completely wreck Australia . Energy ?mines refused clearance on spurious grounds ,Housing ? Where are all these immigrants going to live ?(not one immigrant should be allowed in while ever an Aussie family have to live in their cars or a tent ) And what will these immigrants do when they have nowhere to live ? Riots and mayhem that we dont need ,squarely on the head of these idiots in Canberra. This is( either by incompetence or design) these idiots should be held accountable and kicked out ,ignominiously of office soon as possible .

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I am tired of being taxed on everything at the whim of all three levels of government just to have my money sent to Hamas, or pay Mahabad the Profit (aboriginal ambassador) to travel in largesse, or give our useless politicians exorbitant pay rises/pensions/perks, or the bloated public service sector. Fed up and getting cranky!

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This Aboriginal ambassador is a bloody insult and after the Voice was comprehensively voted down this bloody idiot of a pm goes ahead anyway . I am of the belief that this is just another nail in this billygoats coffin and that the next referendum ,the election, will see these cretins off ---for good.

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I am deeply sorry for my insult to billygoats.

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How any sane prson vote for the green slime I cant think, no longer treehuggers who were more of a nuicance that as now a dangerous traitorous rabble that should be driven back into their box like a dangerous animal .

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Here here Bob

Furthermore….these people that say in lieu of their satisfaction with Labor they’ll vote independent or minor party rather than the Libs, have absolutely no understanding of the situation

We are fighting for Democracy and the Australian way of life.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

There can only be one motive for releasing a letter like that. And it’s not for reasons of openness and transparency. It’s incitement to commit murder plain and simple. Writing it was one thing. Releasing it to give encouragement to the next crackpot in the queue is treasonous.

Regardless of whether Trump survives the next few months or not, the US is well on the way to a catastrophic implosion. And it’s all self inflicted.

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If Donald Trump is hurt by these people the "Good old boys will attend to the people who were behind it . I dont think America would be in for an easy ride and the people behind it should know that it is not worth it because in the long run there will be no winners .

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Imagine Kamala Harris as the 'Commander-in-Chief' of all US military forces with her finger on the nuke button!!!

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Unbelievable !!!!!!

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We live in very dire times indeed!

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Anyone taking on this "job" would end up in jail or lose his own life. Idiot! He'd never be able to use the "reward" money anyway.

America has gone crazy, in several ways.

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