Why boycott, when virtue signalling will do? How could people be expected to give up such a fantastic opportunity to make an important statement that the world will listen to? All those years of hard work and training are gone to waste if they boycott!

It was the same with China and the Olympics. Any Western country should have boycotted because they disagree with China’s human rights issues. Saying anything when you’re already there is too late and pure hypocrisy. It’s the cowards way out imo and they should just shut up and accept their medals!

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I don't praise the Muslim world but GOOD ON THEM A COUNTRY THAT SAYS NO THIS IS AGAINST GOD!!!!!


I'm Middle Eastern Christian and Aussies have NO IDEA about the Muslim strong beliefs! Ha!!

Then on the other side, I would love for them to try to wear a yellow band or protest! and go against Qatar's faith - I would love to see how that goes !

Love your work ♥️♥️♥️

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Legend James.

😂 So funny.

"But, I digress"

Love it!!

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Hypocrites the lot of them...if they really believed in rights for the Alphabet people(too many letters to remember anymore) they would refuse to play altogether. In fact they would make a point of never playing in any country that didn't recognise Queer rights.

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I am sure we are all totally sick of people who get paid lots of money to play games telling us what we ought to think.

Not only players, but their organizations. They have regular TV displays of their games, but now we have to get re-educated while we wait to be entertained. Yes they are just another form of TV entertainment.

We have seen our TV programs, not just in games, but all programs carry the same messages.

This is because they are all owned by Blackrock, Vanguard and Straight Street who have this Woke agenda and tell them what they must do. If you thought this was player driven then you don't understand the contracts these players sign up to. They must do it or they will not play.

Now I just don't watch them and have spent much more time on the free Internet reading and watching videos that tell the truth, like Covid lies, voter fraud, depopulation agenda, government tyranny and treason, etc.

As you are reading this, you have probably done the same and I hope we can open the eyes of the sheeple / normies that are totally under the spell of the MSM. Some have called it mass formation psychosis. Others believe that the Communists have been working hard to destroy the west since WW2 as they now control our media, governments, schools, legal system, hospitals and even many religions.

The good news is, some of us have been too skeptical to believe their lies and rely on foundational truths like we find in the bible, historical facts, personal experience, etc. and so we are the resistance.

We must not remain silent even though it will cost us dearly. If we hope to retain our freedoms we must be prepared to sacrifice.

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I wonder what SBS will make of this. What a predicament. Oh how sweet it is.

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You can’t make this stuff up!!!

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I admit I am baffled by the strong male footballers concern for the rights of the alphabet people.

What rights don’t they have?

They definitely have more rights than I do.

They need to understand that they will never have my total blessing for their lifestyle. I think that’s what they are screaming for.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I don't know about anyone else but I am so fed up with sportspeople pursuing woke politics. It's such a turn off.

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t’s so great to see diversity, equity and inclusion given by the muslim nation of Qatar...No rainbows or alcohol in the stadium and no sleeveless shirts and short pants in public so don’t forget your thobe....I’d love to see how Beckham the ambassador of queer enjoys this vibe but I guess it doesn’t matter he has millions of reasons to look at a bouncing ball and enter a mind numbing trance...and we have soccer players who are threatened with a yellow card before they set a foot on the pitch...but that is where we are..we have people who set their beliefs and strongly help convictions based on what gives you the best windfall...So Qatari money trumps all...FIFA votes..soccer royalty and of course no money given to the Bangladeshi stadium constructors...I hope everyone enjoys Sharia law! I hope some people come home and say Judeo-Christian law isn’t so oppressive!

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Oh the hypocrisy is deafening 🤣🤣

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What about the sideline refs? They could wave a rainbow flag. No red or yellow card for them.

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This virtue signalling by wearing rainbow colours in showing support for the LGBheinz 57 varieties is surely a political statement. Sport and politics mixed I believe with the Berlin Olympics under Hitler with the more recent uptick with Tommie Smith and John Carlos giving the black power salute in the medal ceremony of the 1968 Olympics. Wherever there’s an audience, virtue signallers like to make their presence and opinions known. But what irks me is, more recently in Qld, public servants who are supposed to be politically neutral all seem to be displaying the rainbow/purple and white stripes on their neck lanyards for their ID cards. I’ve noticed this in hospitals, local authority offices and other government departments. This is probably a union sponsored thing to do with equality of employment I thin, but what happens if you’re a public servant who doesn’t agree with their worldview? To you get yellow carded out of your job?

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Philip, what you do as a Queensland PS is that you have your own lanyard, you "can't find a purple shirt" and you carry on with your job without the signalling. 'they' are way too busy to pull you up on not wearing the 'things'. Keep calm, and paddle your own canoe, lanyard, shirt etc...

I don't seem to be making any waves by just getting on with my job and no one bothers me. I am grateful for that.

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LGBheinz 57...love it Phil 🤣🤣🤣

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ohhhh Peter Yates I was just about to say the same thing.. ha ha so I will "love the LGBHeinz57"

.... James I think you should pick this heading up and show Philip how clever he is. I wish I would have thought of that one.

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“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”

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One more sport event killed off on the altar of virtue signalling. It joins cricket ❌ netball ❌ AFL (this one hurt 😢) ❌

NRL ❌ the Olympics ❌ Commonwealth Games❌ At this rate this “Norma” will turn off the TV and go for a walk!!

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I'm starting to like these Qatarians, perhaps the Aussies could give each other a nice long pash after each goal (or more likely when a goal is scored against them), to show their solidarity with the alphabet crowd.

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