Your articles bring so much emotion... sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry and other times I get SO ANGRY!!! at what is going on. I don't know how these 'offence archaeologists' (great term BTW) sleep at night, digging through peoples past just to bring someone down.

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Media outlets have no news. Who cares what the Premier wore at age 21. Just more garbage.

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I am so sick of the MSM. The ABC is a disgrace. Gutter press. This whole saga reeks of hypocrisy, gotcha, faux outrage, and “moral” outrage. And as for that Teal person, sickening!

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Congatulations James well said..

Hideous Karen Freyer, surely must WIN WORST DAUGHTER of the year award! 🙄😤

If you knew your DAD was a survivor,

Why in heck would you consider ringing him To UPSET HIM?

Thoughtless moron..Then run around Jewish community with same senseless rubbish..🙄 A 21yr old boy was dressed up in a fancy dress costume 20 years ago DAD REALLY he was DAD.. This aptly named TIFFANY TEAL 'KAREN' trying to make herself relevent!🙄

Guess what YOU have had a MASSIVE FAIL.🤮

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Perceptive clear rational. Thanks

Some media are so down the hubris delusion.

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Thanks James. Dominic should take a look at Dan Andrew’s and reply accordingly. Answering the press should have been easy. ‘What were you doing at 21yrs?’

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Thank you James, well said.

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Jan 14, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

As usual your right on the money, good on you James

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To me it showed how far the guy would go to appease the left. He is no conservative. Such nonsense.

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Yawn the state of politics and the medias bleating is beyond boring …. Fancy dress parties are just that fancy dress no I’ll or intent. But hey of course the convience of timing for election time

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

"Freyer, of course, hopes to take the ultra wealthy seat of Vaucluse off the Liberals at the next election, so she went in hard.

'"I've been speaking to a number of people in the community,”' she said. '“I spoke to a Rabbi yesterday when the news hit and his concern is that this news might fuel even more anti-Semitism.”'

I wonder whether Freyer also cared to speak to the Rabbi about his concerns regarding to the LGBTQI movement at all???

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To hound and bully a 21 year old for something that was done many years ago, that was not even illegal at the time, is gutter low indeed!

Firstly, it is important to recognise the scientific fact that the female brain is not fully developed until about the age of 21 and the male brain is not fully developed until about the age of 25.

Secondly, I'm not saying that it's okay for young people to do the wrong thing, but in one's youth, it is a very normal part of learning and growing up to take risks, have an exuberant sense of humour and to want to surprise and impress one's friends. And anyone with half a wit would realise that that was all this was about - having a bit of fun with some friends. Any simpleton would realise that this is a far cry from the motive of the Nazis to exterminate millions of Jews and take over the world!!!

It is also important to recognise that it is a person's motives that matters the most. And if one's motive is anything to go by, with regard to the Teals and the leftist media, this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black!!! They are vindictive, cold-hearted cheats who are simply out to destroy someone so that they can take over! This says more about them than anyone else. What hypocrites!!!

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Oooh James, what are we to do? My life given for a conservative politician with a backbone, a spine. All he needed to do was face the faux outrage. Yep, I did it, not proud of it, but it has no reflection on who I am, my values speak for themselves. Every real person that went to uni and was involved in uni life would have moments they all regret. Haven't we all. I went to a number of uni reviews. We were able to laugh at ourselves, at life, Monty Python. Sometimes we went too far. But please, some context.The timing of this was no accident. The self righteous hypocrites will continue to bring down good people, particularly in NSW, whilst the real enemies of society get of scott free. Who is going to call this insanity out?

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Crazy woke left and teals. Cheap rubbishy political pints scoring. Too often imperfect pasts are quoted in order to destroy good peoples’ reputations using cowardly attacks. I ask..who is perfect?

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Surely the voters in this country have worked out the transparency of these accusations ….the left or the activists or the greens, teals, pinks or purples keep digging until they find something….it’s got worse and more obvious in the past few years. Throw the mud and hope it sticks as the old saying goes….even mainstream really don’t care if it can be proven

The Conservatives in this country ought to grow some kahunas….stop the snivelling apologies for Gods sake….why apologise for something that in the past was de rigueur and acceptable.

We have a federal government that is composed of comic strip characters and soon we’ll have every state a Labor one….what a joke we’ve become….my forebears who fought and pioneered this country would be turning in their graves to say the least!!!

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I, for one, am sick to death of the overblown crap that serves as journalism today. It is interesting that yesterday is being judged by today but not always vice versa. The left should know that socialism was close to national socialism during Hitler's times. Maybe its time the left started confessing their historical close ties to the Nazis and apologise, ad nauseum, for their ongoing culpability for that. Frankly, they should bow out of politics altogether in disgrace.

Somehow I don't see that happening!

More importantly, maybe we should shout aloud about all the deaths at the hands of socialists in the last century. Hundreds of millions! Yet still we have Labor and the Greens trying to force march us to their imaginary utopia.

Is the Australian public so blind that they do not see the endless push to socialise us? The slow march and dragging to the left of all of our institutions beginning with the arts and education? The vitriol and hatred packaged as compassion & caring.

What are we doing to ourselves?

Gough Whitlam once ran a campaign using the slogan "It's time!"

Now it really is time!

It's time to stop the march of socialism through our schools, colleges and universities.

It's time to cut the left off at the knees in every electorate.

It's time to reverse the ridiculous social engineering laws.

It's time for the Australian people to rise up and claim back their country.

It's time!

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