Seems like a very well organised plan to destroy the west and hand over global hegemony to new powers.

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I think the US courts do have a different way of looking at people charged with crimes according to a US attorney. They said it was different to the UK with presumption of innocence as the US presumes a charged person is guilty until proven innocent. That may have been their own way of looking at those charged with crimes, but it shows there are people there who think that way.

The real question is when will Joe Biden have to be charged over the crimes exposed on Hunter's laptop?

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Pelosi is as evil as they come....hope she remembers those words!!

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And, yes, the Democrats are the scum of the earth. They’ll do and say anything to be in control.

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So true, James!! That Pelosi woman is absolutely horrible. Plain evil. I can’t stand to look at her. It’s way past time she left the political scene, stopped her ungodly actions and influence and did something useful and decent like cleaning toilets and cooking for the poor.

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Crimes 101 James well done and this from a hopeless woman who did her best to cause WW3. Nancy Pelosi has always been a vacuous supercilious old tart

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She is also the one who referred to herself as ‘a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter’, after having banned sex-specific words in legislation. But of course, we should all know by now, that the rules don't apply to Nancy Pelosi. What a hypocrite! What pure evil she is!

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Even Blind Freddy can see that Donald Trump is bearing the fury of the Democrats for having won the 2016 presidential election. They are boiling with lust for revenge and have now resorted to Kremlin-like political persecution/prosecution of the former president. The Democrats are hell-bent to prevent him from EVER winning the 2024 presidential election. Yeah, Donald Trump now stands as the maligned victim and living evidence of the RUSSIFICATION of the White House!

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TDS is still alive and kicking sadly this is a reflection of how evil society is these days. A modern day witch hunt with no repercussions for Pelosi anc crew

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Sad but true. Money talks as JJ Cale says. Some mighty money is in their sights as the war machine grinds to life and justice is the first casualty.

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Evil witch.

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It boggles my mind at how fast and far the USA has fallen from being a nation of people who stood for righteousness to one today affecting the whole world but particularly Australia who follows like a puppy dog wanting food, with their vile filth. They have turned their back on God the very foundation of that nationa and they are reaping the consequences. What a sad state of affairs when disreputable people get into places of power. They won't rest until they have destroyed Donald Trump

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Truth always prevails. All will be brought to the light for the world to see. But even then there will be those who bury their heads in the sand and will continue to believe the lies 🤦🏼‍♀️

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What a dirty, corrupt game politics is.

If only politicians world wide put as much effort into honest, dedicated, wise decision making - as they are sworn to do- instead of playing at deceitful, greedy, self serving, power seeking games the world would be a better and safer place.

The sad thing is that there doesn’t seem to be a solution to an age old problem.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Yes, it's an absolute disgrace. I think there are many people who are so sick of the lies, deceit, quarrelling, conceitedness and self-serving that continually takes place at the expense of the tax-payer. It would seem that these politicians don't know, or don't care how much shame they are bringing upon themselves and how much disrespect they are gaining. I imagine the best solution to this problem would be for them to be held accountable. Accountable for all their lies, deceit and broken promises etc. But there is no accountability, no responsibility, none whatsoever. Politicians get away with all sorts of wickedness, including murder - murder of innocent young children through the legalising of abortion, as well as many other vile offenses.

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Yes James! The Democrats don’t seem to realise that this is going to backfire on them 1,000 fold. As soon as the MAGA people have power, (assuming they get the opportunity) whether it be Trump or someone else, they now have permission to get the lot of them. This is just the initial spark. The real fire will soon be a reality. 🔥 🔥

Billy Joel may need to write a sequel!

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Sounds like the NSW government and opposition in denying Gareth Ward the presumption of innocence and the electoral choice of the people in the seat of Kiama.

I am not a "fan" of Ward , but I am appalled at the denial of natural justice being denied him and the electorate's choice to represent them.

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That’s so true. It’s the same thing Dan Andrews, Pesutto and liberals did to Moira Deeming and Kelly J.

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Mar 31, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Pelosi is just awful- you could add Francis Collins, Deborah Birx, Robert Redfield, Bill Gates,every executive at CDC, DARPA the TGA and APRHRA, Pfizer, Moderna, Astazenaca, J&J - the list is endless. While these vandals teach freedom, science and the rule of law they hone in one the one man they think they can frame. I say be careful what you wish for.

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Agreed. Karma is a bitch when it bites you in the arse...and it will bite them! It’s only a matter of time.

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So these reprobates spend enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars for years forever trying to pin something, anything on Donald Trump and achieve nothing. But when it appears he will likely be their opposition in the next general election there are suddenly grounds for an indictment because of some alleged wrongdoing from years ago.

Sounds legit. Third world, banana republic politicisation of the law to silence and eliminate one’s opposition sound familiar?

Meanwhile this administration is hell bent (literally) on the gender fluidity indoctrination, genital mutilation and chemical castration of children, the destruction their economy in the futile and ideological pursuit of carbon net zero and the pursuit of the nuclear wasteland that would be WWIII with Russia and China. Oh, and not bringing a single, solitary client of Jeffrey Epstein’s to trial for paying to sexually abuse minors, despite Epstein’s and Maxwell’s convictions for providing those services.

But orange man bad, right?

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