Only the bible gives a long term perspective on things. Truth is the daughter of time but is anchored in eternal reality. Thank you for your thought provoking blog.
Exactly how much economic industrial social madness insanity subversion ruination of the nation are Australians willing to tolerate and endure before they snap out of their cognitive complacency and rise up and kick out this vile abhorrent reprobate Albanese Labor government permanently? It is utter madness and insanity how this vile abhorrent reprobate Albanese Labor government can be entrusted with unfettered Jesuit Socialist Marxist authoritarianism totalitarianism to implement enforce their diabolical agenda to perpetrate proliferate accelerate their diabolical economic industrial social madness insanity subversion ruination of the nation?
A sinful human mind will naturally err by thinking himself or herself to be free, only the spiritually converted minded married with the Word and Law of God and the faith of Jesus Christ in the Bible will be empowered with the spiritual armor of discernment and truth that their mind and body as human being is truly free married with the will and faith of God and Lord Saviour Jesus Christ.
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." - Revelation 14:12.
Amazing insight James - thank you. Your inspirational daily teachings give plenty of nourishing spiritual food for thought. Our minds can become our slavemasters as you say, so we need to be renewed each day by daily devotions. Thank you again for your faithful expositions of the Word of God.
How often have we had "people of the left "telling us that we dont need to spend money on defence .and that that money would be better spent on welfare? An old saying ,attributable to -I dont know-- says that he who beats his sword into plowshares will plow for the man that didnt . Then there is this from FD Rooseveldt "walk softly and carry a big stick . Good advice for countries that dont want to be enslaved by another ,(a pity that our "leadership" dont get it .
It is interesting, as I read your take on slavery and being tied to Government handouts, I was thinking of so many in the workforce who trudge through their lives looking forward to retirement and being free. When so many would like to work for themselves but are too scared to step out and have a go. There are many formss of slavery in this life and the only freedom is walking in obedience to the Word of the Lord. He is the one who is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. I love reading your devotionals and am privileged to be a subscriber. Thank you James
The appropriate environment, and that which is ruined by welfare, is that we live in families and communities. In our family/community, if anyone loses their job the community goes into action on that person’s behalf, providing for them while they look for another job. The strong motivation of “people you know” looking after your family makes them look hard and long and take any job they can get, because they know and are closely related to those providing for them.
Removing family and community from this equation, replacing their provision with government handouts (known in first century Roman times as “the dole”) removes from the recipients the motivation to look for another job while their family and friends and community support them. Nowadays, the standard response to losing your job would be to call Centrelink and get yourself on the dole, and no-one in your “community” need be any the wiser…
It’s a great example of government technocrats thinking themselves smart enough to tinker with and remove what should be a community and family responsibility, thereby destroying that environment.
It the inertial factor that as the we watch family and community decline and the problems that go with that, the managers watch and finally do something which is usually ineffective and definitely not the answer. So the managers manage the inertia for the benefit, so they think of society.
It is actually slavery because the welfare state dumbs down initiative and responsibility all under the lie of protecting and looking after people. People become weakened in mind, body and spirit as they become content with being looked after. It’s the frog in the pan of water analogy. All it does is rob people of their true humanity and potential by making them dependent on government handouts which is what power hungry governments want and it’s why we have tyrants and dictators. We saw the consequences of this mental conditioning during the shameful covid years. The masses were too quick to believe everything the government told them.
Well we won’t get fooled again. Welfare is a leg up when you are down if it is properly applied. To consign the poorest to their poverty is a blot on any society. Whether one has to access welfare for food, housing and living when poor choices are made or circumstances beyond a person’s control, such as high food and accommodation prices, it is not slavery. Welfare helps the person to have some agency over their circumstances. Slaves have no agency or control.
Generational welfare can become a form of dependency and semi slavery but it is better than living on the streets and seeing children starve.
In saying that welfare is slavery do you mean that there should be no pensions for anyone including the elderly? That is welfare. I certainly think we should all try to pay for our own retirement and old age. I have friends who obviously made a poor effort at saving for their retirement and access a pension as well with the attendant healthcard.
Generational welfare ? I hear what you are saying ,but could I suggest that to break this cycle there should be provision to insist that able bodied people who are jobless and on the dole be sent to work wherever it is needed in the bush ,agriculture .mining etc and be paid the going wage. Refusal should cause an immediate cessation of the dole . End of message . And this might help in slowing down the immigration intake as these immigrants wont be needed in such numbers .
I agree, take the cake off the table and make it harder. The welfare bill is too large and government should be smaller. Immigrants should be self supporting whoever they are.
I agree with that . When I worked for an electricity supply authority our system engineer was a Russian immigrant . The Germans had him run a coal fired power station for three years , Normal breakdowns and enemy bomb damage accepted but deliberate sabotage meant that his family (hostages) would be executed . His family survived but when he came to Australia his qualifications were not accepted and he had to re qualify . In the mean time to pay his way he spent two years in northern NSW digging out rabbit burrows . Try that today and the hyperventilating from the lefties would sound like the Flying Scotsman in full cry . but it must be done .
I agree. There is good welfare and bad welfare. The latter takes away personal responsibility and initiative from people who could work to support themselves. Unfortunately far too many people want handouts. Because of human nature’s love of a freebie, our pension scheme and helping the poor of our community are rorted by parasites taking advantage of woeful government misuse and abuse of expenditure ie. public money. Then there’s terrible decisions like cancelling all university debts and again lowering the true worth of hard earned hard worked study and qualifications. We’re already pushing out substandard woke graduates who have no real clue about real life. But, generalising of course, everyone loves it because they can have an easy life doing nothing worthwhile and never being accountable. They are the sedated of our society supplying power hungry corrupt vote seeking governments with loyal voters. It is all a big mess.
There are lot of generalisations there. That’s why I raised the issue of the a sacred cow which is the aged pension. We were told there would be no aged pension and we had to save. So we did. But so many people have both super and a pension. It is a huge problem. My Dad divorced my mum and managed to not give her any of his super so she existed on a pension but had family help to have a nice house and a nice life. In the case of women like my mum, the pension was essential but it wasn’t slavery.
Only the bible gives a long term perspective on things. Truth is the daughter of time but is anchored in eternal reality. Thank you for your thought provoking blog.
Brilliant insightful post by JM.
Exactly how much economic industrial social madness insanity subversion ruination of the nation are Australians willing to tolerate and endure before they snap out of their cognitive complacency and rise up and kick out this vile abhorrent reprobate Albanese Labor government permanently? It is utter madness and insanity how this vile abhorrent reprobate Albanese Labor government can be entrusted with unfettered Jesuit Socialist Marxist authoritarianism totalitarianism to implement enforce their diabolical agenda to perpetrate proliferate accelerate their diabolical economic industrial social madness insanity subversion ruination of the nation?
A sinful human mind will naturally err by thinking himself or herself to be free, only the spiritually converted minded married with the Word and Law of God and the faith of Jesus Christ in the Bible will be empowered with the spiritual armor of discernment and truth that their mind and body as human being is truly free married with the will and faith of God and Lord Saviour Jesus Christ.
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." - Revelation 14:12.
Great thought James, thank you 🙏
Amazing insight James - thank you. Your inspirational daily teachings give plenty of nourishing spiritual food for thought. Our minds can become our slavemasters as you say, so we need to be renewed each day by daily devotions. Thank you again for your faithful expositions of the Word of God.
How often have we had "people of the left "telling us that we dont need to spend money on defence .and that that money would be better spent on welfare? An old saying ,attributable to -I dont know-- says that he who beats his sword into plowshares will plow for the man that didnt . Then there is this from FD Rooseveldt "walk softly and carry a big stick . Good advice for countries that dont want to be enslaved by another ,(a pity that our "leadership" dont get it .
It is interesting, as I read your take on slavery and being tied to Government handouts, I was thinking of so many in the workforce who trudge through their lives looking forward to retirement and being free. When so many would like to work for themselves but are too scared to step out and have a go. There are many formss of slavery in this life and the only freedom is walking in obedience to the Word of the Lord. He is the one who is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. I love reading your devotionals and am privileged to be a subscriber. Thank you James
Thoroughly enjoying this journey through Exodus with you. Highly recommend all to come along c
Not sure I would absolutely compare the welfare state to slavery? Victimhood and irresponsibility, perhaps?
The appropriate environment, and that which is ruined by welfare, is that we live in families and communities. In our family/community, if anyone loses their job the community goes into action on that person’s behalf, providing for them while they look for another job. The strong motivation of “people you know” looking after your family makes them look hard and long and take any job they can get, because they know and are closely related to those providing for them.
Removing family and community from this equation, replacing their provision with government handouts (known in first century Roman times as “the dole”) removes from the recipients the motivation to look for another job while their family and friends and community support them. Nowadays, the standard response to losing your job would be to call Centrelink and get yourself on the dole, and no-one in your “community” need be any the wiser…
It’s a great example of government technocrats thinking themselves smart enough to tinker with and remove what should be a community and family responsibility, thereby destroying that environment.
It the inertial factor that as the we watch family and community decline and the problems that go with that, the managers watch and finally do something which is usually ineffective and definitely not the answer. So the managers manage the inertia for the benefit, so they think of society.
It is actually slavery because the welfare state dumbs down initiative and responsibility all under the lie of protecting and looking after people. People become weakened in mind, body and spirit as they become content with being looked after. It’s the frog in the pan of water analogy. All it does is rob people of their true humanity and potential by making them dependent on government handouts which is what power hungry governments want and it’s why we have tyrants and dictators. We saw the consequences of this mental conditioning during the shameful covid years. The masses were too quick to believe everything the government told them.
Well we won’t get fooled again. Welfare is a leg up when you are down if it is properly applied. To consign the poorest to their poverty is a blot on any society. Whether one has to access welfare for food, housing and living when poor choices are made or circumstances beyond a person’s control, such as high food and accommodation prices, it is not slavery. Welfare helps the person to have some agency over their circumstances. Slaves have no agency or control.
Generational welfare can become a form of dependency and semi slavery but it is better than living on the streets and seeing children starve.
In saying that welfare is slavery do you mean that there should be no pensions for anyone including the elderly? That is welfare. I certainly think we should all try to pay for our own retirement and old age. I have friends who obviously made a poor effort at saving for their retirement and access a pension as well with the attendant healthcard.
Generational welfare ? I hear what you are saying ,but could I suggest that to break this cycle there should be provision to insist that able bodied people who are jobless and on the dole be sent to work wherever it is needed in the bush ,agriculture .mining etc and be paid the going wage. Refusal should cause an immediate cessation of the dole . End of message . And this might help in slowing down the immigration intake as these immigrants wont be needed in such numbers .
I agree, take the cake off the table and make it harder. The welfare bill is too large and government should be smaller. Immigrants should be self supporting whoever they are.
I agree with that . When I worked for an electricity supply authority our system engineer was a Russian immigrant . The Germans had him run a coal fired power station for three years , Normal breakdowns and enemy bomb damage accepted but deliberate sabotage meant that his family (hostages) would be executed . His family survived but when he came to Australia his qualifications were not accepted and he had to re qualify . In the mean time to pay his way he spent two years in northern NSW digging out rabbit burrows . Try that today and the hyperventilating from the lefties would sound like the Flying Scotsman in full cry . but it must be done .
I agree. There is good welfare and bad welfare. The latter takes away personal responsibility and initiative from people who could work to support themselves. Unfortunately far too many people want handouts. Because of human nature’s love of a freebie, our pension scheme and helping the poor of our community are rorted by parasites taking advantage of woeful government misuse and abuse of expenditure ie. public money. Then there’s terrible decisions like cancelling all university debts and again lowering the true worth of hard earned hard worked study and qualifications. We’re already pushing out substandard woke graduates who have no real clue about real life. But, generalising of course, everyone loves it because they can have an easy life doing nothing worthwhile and never being accountable. They are the sedated of our society supplying power hungry corrupt vote seeking governments with loyal voters. It is all a big mess.
There are lot of generalisations there. That’s why I raised the issue of the a sacred cow which is the aged pension. We were told there would be no aged pension and we had to save. So we did. But so many people have both super and a pension. It is a huge problem. My Dad divorced my mum and managed to not give her any of his super so she existed on a pension but had family help to have a nice house and a nice life. In the case of women like my mum, the pension was essential but it wasn’t slavery.
Victimhood is another master slaves yearn for. It also takes away the need for making our own life.
Wonderful insight here, absolutely spot on. Thankyou James.