Brilliant! I prefer these unsanitised versions that arrive in my in box!

Keep up the amazing work.

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The Australian people should & must realise that the government , be either labour , libs or greens are not there for them & the country they are supposed to work for , but the lackeys of the elite globalists they are serving & part of the great reset & global population reduction to around 500 millions via the covid 19 vaccine which was not a vaccine as such but nothing else than a gene therapy disguised as , therapy purposely designed by big pharma at the service of the elites , to change one’s DNA & weaken the natural immunity & heavily pushed world wide by the respective governments , therefore creating the ground for an increase in all sort of medical problems , eg AIDS , cancer , mental problems , heart attacks by blood restriction to the heart by those vaccine induced clots of which the media was talking about in the early stages but has been ordered to shut up about . All this towards the Globalists planed population reduction which will be easier to control if the numbers are small & therefore implanting world wide a communist system Chinese style with the involvement of the UN & it’s entities . Mankind will be reduced as slaves only there to serve the elites . There will be no country where people will elect their representatives, all of them controlled by the bureaucrats at the UN . So people, think about all that when the government in place is giving you “ sweeteners “ in various forms . It is only to facilitate the grounds for been reelected & continue the WEF / UN agenda .

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My take on that mealy mouthed neo Lenninist prime minister Airbus Albo and the proposal to return children of Isis brides from camps in Syria is as follows:

The children are NOT Australian children as such as they were both conceived and born in a foreign country, and as such they would not have been registered as "Australian Citizens". 

I think the international norm is that children born overseas, to one or both parents, is to take citizenship of the country in which they were born.

This was the case of the useless grinning progressive greens senator for QLD,  Larissa Waters, who had to resign her senate seat in the last but one parliament, when she failed to declare that she was born in Canada of Australian parents. As such, she was NOT an Australian Citizen, but a Canadian Citizen by birth.

Similar comments apply to Malcolm Roberts, who was born in India of an English father and an Australian mother.

Even though he was born in 1948, and at that time he was classified as an English citizen (as we were all in that boat ) until about 1952 when we became Australian by default, or were we just cast out by the Crown??

All of those children in Syria therefore have a very tenuous claim or entitlement to be considered as Australian  citizens.

The ALP should be called out for telling porky pies and failing to inform the public of the true legal status of these children.

Additionally, these children, particularly the boys, have been living in a Moslem society, with all its norms and cultural baggage.

I would put it to you that they will be very difficult to "reprogram." It was the Jesuits whose motto was “give me the child before they turn 7 years of age, and I will show you the man”.

All of course Billy Shorton brains, and that socialist Albo.

Statements from your typical socialist bleeding heart, from Sydney, Tanya Plybersek, are less than truthful and almost lies and mis information.

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Game, set and match - Macpherson.

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Without a point of reference, in our perception of what is right and wrong, we drift like a boat without an anchor. We have in power, fools who are stumbling in the dark, drunk on their own iniquity. They have no clue what they're doing and have completely lost their way, simply because they have chosen to reject the teachings of the bible as their guide and point of reference.

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What are they going to do about those millions of Australians who did not want the genes changed permanently? When are they going to round them up and put them in concentration camps?

Don't worry about the fact that Pfizer just admitted they lied about the mRNA shots, they don't work, they were never vaccines, they have negative efficacy after a 2 months, they contained HIV / AIDS, they destroy your immune system and have caused an explosion of many deadly diseases. That has resulted in a 40% overall increase in the all cause death rate since injections started.

Why was it dangerous to look at the data and decide the virus was less dangerous?

When do we trust the medical expertise of politicians?

Novak was right to refuse. We had no right to force him to get it or miss his employment according to the fair work tribunal. Even if he had agreed to get them so he could play they say that he cannot be injected if that is the reason as it is coercion and in breach of the Nuremberg code.


These women should hang around over there as I hear that ISIS is starting up again.

They broke the laws of many nations they passed through and are guilty of aiding and abetting terrorists and murderers. They should be in jail.

As we don't have enough agents to keep track of the Jihadists we have now I think we should wait until we have enough or we will be putting the safety of real Australian citizens at risk.

The simple answer is to leave these women and their damaged children where they chose to be and send all those whom we need to keep track of over with them while removing their Australian citizenship before they go. We could even go further and copy the Islamic state rules, declare Australia a non-Muslim country and deport them all back to where they came from or to the state they are prepared to die for. I don't think they would die to defend Australia as a "Christian" nation.

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This illustrates once again how out of touch the governing classes are. From CPAC where Nick Minchin and Teena McQueen defended the Liberal party and then KA blasting away about Novak to the Labor dopes who think bringing back radicalised some and children is good idea. Not to mention Dutton calling an anti abortion stance and standing up for the virtues of chastity and marriage between a man and a woman an abomination.

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Brilliant writing. Sharp and savage and hilarious - well done James.

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Thanks David. Glad you enjoyed it.

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so good

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Great piece, calling out the stark difference. BTW did you make up the 'Still Call Australia Home' lyrics - love it!

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I didn't make up the original Still Call Australia Home lyrics, but these one's I did! :)

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I love your writing James!

This one is brilliant, funny and a pleasure to read. I loved it.

A stark contrast to the depressing place Australia has become. No laughs there!

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Why can't the high court rule against the decision to let these traitors back to Australia! Is every hand tied and every voice muzzled allowing all this nonesense prevail. Evil prevails while good men do nothing! What has happened to the backbone of Australian men?

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The Liberal blues allow them out, then the Labor reds let them back in. This clearly indicates a mixing of colours & IMO they're all purple traitors of crime.

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I love it when you take something all the way! 😂 hahaha…thanks for the laughs, always a pleasure to read.

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If I were Novak, I wouldn't even bother coming to Australia where he was treated so badly, like a leper.

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Seriously these woke politicians have one thing on their mind - themselves and their agendas

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