Pearl clutching.

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I'm talking about you, James. You're pearl clutching here. This is such a non-story.

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When Jesus Christ returns he will also bring justice.

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I had to read this twice. What a disgrace Nine news. I feel sick. What a pathetic, limp wristed and biased interview. Clearly the journalist gained her qualifications from one of those left wing universities. How sad that the media no longer even tries to look impartial and honest.

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Good work, NSW police! Good work Nine news! Give the pro-terrorist, Nazi-like Muslims a voice. And when they start spewing forth hate speech, like “gas the Jews” and “f*k the Jews”, give them a microphone! And when an Australian Jew dares to utter a word, ensure that he is silenced!... 'for his own safety'.

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Thanks again, James for pointing out the limited ability of journalists in mainstream media to say the truth. It is good to see that Sky News, as many reporters/journalists in the true sense of the word that do their research and are at least spelling things out. Thankfully Sky does not seem to be censoring like many mainstream media outlets.

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Sky are a joy to work for.

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Thanks for taking one for the team, James. The reporter forgot to ask about the luxury hotels built on Gaza with aid money for the Gazan ‘refugees’ and the intact Jewish businesses left for the Gazan ‘refugees’. Now defunct of course!

There was that word again - ‘colonisation’ - we see the ugly face of decolonisation in Hamas barbarically murdering old women and babies.

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Thanks James. I’m so ashamed of the NSW police etc...... What a disgrace they are to allow this behaviour. What happened to the Covid crazies who locked up people in their homes and arrested and fined people outside their km zone?

NSW people need to remember these things for all future elections and QLD and Victoria need to take careful note.

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No argument. They spit on Christians. They are commanded to destroy any religion that makes idols of other gods and if those churches had statues (Idols) of Mary, etc. then they are justified is destroying them according to God's laws.

They have done this since Yeshua overturned the money changers in the temple, the Crucifixion, the resurrection and the disciples were given the Holy Spirit at Pentecost where Cephas preached to the Jews and 3,000 were converted in one day. In Acts they pursued and tried to kill Saul on his missionary journey to every town where he preached Yeshua as the Messiah who had risen from the dead for the forgiveness of their sins.

They don't like people telling them they have the blood of their Messiah on their hands. (Matthew 27: 25)

Then there are the Khazarians who say they are Jews, but are not. They are of the synagogue of Satan.

They hate both Christians and the real descendants of Jacob. They mixed with the real Jews about 500 years ago and they never get killed in any holocaust as they have all the money (Rockefeller, Rothschild. J. P. Morgan, etc.) They make up more than 90% of the Jewish population after Hitler killed most of the poor Jews. They do not read the Torah or the bible, but use the Satanic Talmud.

But this is not anything to do with the Palestinians apart from the fact that the cabal (Khazarians) are using them to start WWIII. Jews do bad things to buildings that have idols in them and people that preach the good news of salvation through faith and not the law, but is that a good reason for Palestinians to kill civilians that they don't even know? Some were foreigners and not even Jews.

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I don't know which is more vomit-inducing; witnessing people who live with the benefits and freedoms a Western democracy afford chanting their support for the extermination of Jews or a news media outlet so determined to display their deranged leftist ideologies and morally inverted worldview they do nothing but publicly fawn over these same anti-Semitic reprobates.

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I really don't understand why Channel Nine gave such a soft interview to the organiser of a universally condemned event. Perhaps too many journalists are university graduates.

BTW, I'm sure the Nine Reporter is a great person and probably a good journo. She just had a shocker.

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Too true - the education system, as a direct reflection of a society that has moved beyond acknowledging God, is now no more than a close-minded cult to the glory of secular humanism. So the graduates it produces and their worldview should come as no surprise really.

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Rubbish station.

Current Affair pfffttttt after Ben Roberts- Smith nothing should surprise! Let's see what Saturday brings. Get them off our streets now!!!

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Rubbish station.

Current Affair pfffttttt after Ben Roberts- Smith nothing should surprise! Let's see what Saturday brings. Get them off our streets now!!!

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And on the other side of the table was a representative of the Jewish community, just to give a balanced view to the interview? No, there was no alternate view allowed. Maybe it was because they had been locked up in their homes for fear of Islamic violence.

It seems Muslims are a protected species, but I doubt they are in danger of extinction.

MSM has a bias against Christians and Jews and will support any group that opposes them.

Now if the Jews were burning down churches I suppose they would give them some softball questions too.

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After Saturday comes Sunday.

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British Jews are schizophrenic about their homeland

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The Opera House event reminds me of Brain dead zombies ...

These people have no intellectual intelligence ! Letting themselves get carried away with negative emotions ...and following each other like sheeps ... and these protesters remind me of just that ...

🌳 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑 🐑

Unfortunately in psychology negative emotions such as hate and anger are much stronger in intensity and more contagious than love and happiness. People respond more to hate.

A perspective of a person (and who they are) is very much the product of their environment and those around them. And unfortunately these people in Australia restrict their residence in only few areas, and only associate themselves with familiarity ... ( hint * Auburn, Bankstown ... ) ...

They chant hate... and copy one another as if they have no brain to think .... without stepping aside and look at the situation from broader more intellectual perspective !!! That wait ... why am I saying gas to Jew? Oh because my fellow angry Palestinian does so...

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Sadly many - though certainly not all - Muslims are raised to hate Jews from a young age.

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Nine Media: Basically the ABC with ads.

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If only the ABC had ads. Then taxpayers wouldn't have to pay for it. Commercial imperatives would improve the ABC no end since when you're singing for your supper you need to sing a song mainstream Australia want to hear.

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True to some extent, but these days there are also DEI as well as commercial imperatives for corporate entities, including media organisations.

Nine Media seems to get most of their DEI "points" via promotion of feminist issues, while others are more broadly based, devoting more time & resources to, for example, "climate change" and indigenous & LGBTQI issues.

TEN continues to "subsidised" The Project despite its miserable ratings.

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What a pathetic interview.

A list of prepared soft questions more than likely supplied to that person prior to the interview, judging by the down pat answers.

Should have been a number of follow up questions a rookie journalist would ask.

Channel 9, turn in your licence or have some guts to ask the hard questions.

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