This woman got voted in as a senator under the labour ticket and then showed her true colours with waving the flag of Islam. This procedure has been followed in the UK where some areas are now under Sharia law. People ask how could this happen? It's the equivalent of introducing a white ant into a pine furniture factory. Enquiries need to be made if she is an Australian citizen which I doubt. Great piece of writing from James although his comments on atheism are off the mark. I know atheists who strongly abide by the ten commandments and you can't go too wrong there.

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Is this ungrateful woman even an Australian citizen or did she get through on the diversity and inclusion card?

Seeking guidance from allah 🤦‍♀️ God help us all.

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Suggest she uses her Afghan citizenship and goes to where she might feel at home where he might hear her .

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Do these "people " still adhere to FMG ? In Australia ?If so why are "these people""allowed so much latitude for their cultural practices"?

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Thank you James

You’ve said it loud and clear!

If only we had leaders like the Old Testament Joshua admonishing the people with wisdom and authority:

“ And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

It’s also encouraging to read Joshua Chapters 23 and 24 to be reminded that this same One and only God of Love and Grace is the same God Who ultimately revealed Himself in Jesus. John3:16.

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Absolutely brilliant James!

Thank you.

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Sadly this would be considered a brave piece these days !

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

👏 great article

Obviously she’s not evolved / wise / mature enough for the parliament and even for the professional world. I’m not sure in her case if she will or could change with more experience . Some brains are very rigid and fixed.

She speaks clear and sounds articulate and coherent during her interviews thanks to her Australian citizenship and years of Aussie educations.

I’m not sure if she has expressed her gratitude for the opportunities Australia 🇦🇺 has provided to her. But seems like she likes to complain how she got here and seeking sympathy from the entire parliament so she perhaps gets treated differently.

The thing is here in Australia or western society you go to work to work - respect the values and culture of your employer and meet the goals and objectives set out by the organisation and do the best to deliver . That’s why we get paid ! Now if we disagree with some values or culture of the workplace that morally bothers us we can just resign gracefully and leave ! Simple .

Here she comes brings and promotes her religion into Australian parliament that has the king as the head of state , and promotes pro Palestinian ( anti Israeli ) movement at a time of chaos !! And stirs the pot.

She acts like a rebel and provokes further protests that divides the society at such sensitive time ( what happened to this thing called comprehension after all those years at the university studying sociology and anthropology!!! ) .

Then she comes out acting like spoilt brat , arrogant self entitled individual , blaming parliament for her resignation ( which actually- unfortunately , she won’t be off the rader till 2028). People In WA must feel very privileged. Not. Lol

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Another thought…Parliament could pass a law, with bipartisan support, not allowing faith-based political parties.


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I heard her comment on tv last night that some of her treatment was "un Australian " the bloody gall of this woman !! Being a muslem is bloody un Australian !! . Which brings to mind has she got full Australian citizenship or is she a holder of dual citizenship?If a dual I dont believe that she should be in parliament to begin with. Owing allegance to any power other than Australia should disqualify her forthwith . But ,then when did a minor detail like that bother the alp?

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She apparently still holds her Afghan citizenship. She claims she went to Afghan consul who said they couldn’t process her request as Taliban is now in control. She then claimed she’s done “all that she could” in order to give up her Afghan citizenship. That was accepted & they allowed her to be a senator.

Labor party now looking at whether they can challenge that.

James, correct me if I’m wrong please.

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This is NOT good enough. The woman is a foreign national and has NO right to be in our parliament ,let alone demanding that WE change OUR foreign policy to bloody well suit her ,i f that bloody wog in Canberra had any guts she would be gone by now .

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"She was disciplined by the party (for breaking ranks, not for paying to Allah) and has since quit Labor to move to the crossbench."

Senator Fatima Payman should be disciplined by being thrown out of Parliament House altogether. And since she loves Palestine so much, rather than moving to the crossbench, she should move back to Palestine! Oh, but I almost forgot - she prefers to live here in Australia to reap the rewards and enjoy the comfort and prosperity that was built on Christian foundations and the sacrifices of our Christian forefathers, while using her God-given freedoms to spit all over our country.

If she loves the Islamic faith so much, then she should follow it by going back to her home country and wearing the Burqa, including the full niqab, getting married to a Muslim man (if she is not already), concentrating on quietly and humbly bringing up her children in the Islamic faith at home and submitting to her husband and all other adult males in the family at all times.

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I can think of a few others who should be thrown out of parliament as well.

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If she were a Catholic or an Anglican she would have been expelled immediately. Because she is a muslem the wog is not game to upset the muslems in his electorates. The creature has no guts and no right to be prime minister of this wonderful Christian country.

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Yep. A leader with no principles, no spine and no guts is no leader at all.

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I have come to the conclusion (with help from Go) , that Allah is the devil. Satan. Who is at the moment tearing around the world to see how many he can devour.

As far as Payman wanting a state for Palestine, she has to mean in stead of Israel, because they have rejected many offers of relocation elsewhere.

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Joel Richardson has excellent books on Islam. I also highly recommend Seeking Allah Finding Jesus

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Seeking Allah Finding Jesus is an excellent read!

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Jul 5Liked by James Macpherson

I got a shock this week when I saw an advert on TV paid for by the federal government. " Learn to recognise the signs of teenage abuse, before it gets physical" so this is what we have come to? How very sad.

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🎯💯 James!!

The issue we have as a nation is the onslaught of the violent expansionary & oppressive Islamic movement.

They want to rule the world.

They make no secret of it.

They’ve told us many times.

They continue to tell us.

For some reason our politicians, our elected officials are not listening.

It’s clear to me from all our (your disciples/readership) articles/comments that we hear it. We hear it loud & clear. We see the future. We agree this is not the future we signed up for & we fear for our kids/grandkids & future generations.

I don’t know how we correct the ship from sailing directly into the storm??

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Might be too late. We are going to most likely lose the demographic war. Using British statistics. One non Moslem woman has a birth rate of 1.4 children. Moslem women have a birth rate of 3.4 children. Moslems ( 6.5% of the British population) want Sharia law accepted within their communities and can have up to 4 wives .

In countries with generous social benefits it’s almost a foregone conclusion what will happen within a few generations, assisted by benign immigration laws

Moslems don’t migrate to Iraq Afghanistan.Mali Algeria etc .No way that they want to live in those sh”holes , they come to the west to recreate the sh”holes they have left behind but with the benefits that non moslems created for them .

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We need laws to protect the Australian culture. If one is granted citizenship to Oz they should pledge allegiance to our principles & leave their ideologies behind like they do their citizenships. The choice is their’s…unfortunately there’s no way that’s going to eventuate so immigration limits is maybe what we need??

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Need to screen potential migrants and to educate them with our values. What has happened in the past, for example under family reunion, someone from a mountain village in the wilds of Pakistan is suddenly living in 21st century Sydney or Melbourne etc. They are going to recreate what they left behind because that’s their norm.

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If they are that backward David ,is it up to US to educate them in our ways? I think leaving them in the village is better than us creating the village here to suit them.

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Bob, the trouble has been that the government lets them in. Family reunion policy was in many ways a mistake, as people were in a 14th village one day a shortly after they are flown into late 20th century or 21st century Australia and we are stuck with them. We are considered infidels but our social benefits are very well received by them

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We appear to be sorely in need of patriotic Australians to run OUR country instead of a mob of suckholes to the UN. Someone who puts Australias interests first and foremost.And to bring here ,people ,who we know will be happy to accept what we are offering them and ask (not demand?) for no rnore.

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Jul 4Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you James for calling this out - definitely not what people want to hear but blatantly true. I hope they take time to reflect on this

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Jul 4Liked by James Macpherson

Ms Payman’s behaviour is indicative of her desire to be in parliament, to draw attention to, and sympathy for, the ‘plight’ of Arabs in Gaza, when the rest of the Muslim countries blame Israel for what is happening but will not, and never have, taken any ‘refugees’ from there. Their, the Muslims, desire is to infiltrate western countries and take over. Just look at Britain!

Her behaviour looks very contrived. It is interesting that a Muslim woman would not get the public acknowledgment she is getting in their home countries. Come on Australia, wake up!

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Payman the puppet. Someone is writing her lines.

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exactly my thoughts, she was an implant and there's a bigger plan afoot here, can't be coincidence that those protesters showed up at parliament house yesterday - like seriously where was security - my local pub has better security than our nations capital building - it had to be an inside job for them to get access so easily.

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I agree!

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According to a report in today's Australian, Payman met with protest oganisers a week ago. Hmmmm.

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Yep, this all feels way to orchestrated given the noise that Muslim political group have been making recently. My biggest surprise was that she didn't pull the "your picking on me because..." I'm a woman, racism, and Islamophobic cards.

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Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini were on the same page.

I guess that tells us what kind of government we can look forward to if this trend continues in the west.

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Jul 4Liked by James Macpherson

Amen and yes. Another great critique.

Thank you 🙏🏽

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Jul 4Liked by James Macpherson

Years of Christian Worldview PD sessions at school have cemented the view that we all have a religion.

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