Just the sheer ambiguity of the term 'Climate Change' should ring alarm bells with people. The word 'Climate' can mean anything and at the same time, nothing. The word 'Change' can also mean anything and at the same time, nothing.

And nothing is exactly what it is!! When will people wake up to the fact that this is all one big fat hoax!!!???

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Right again James.


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Ive had several good laughs lately. Every time we have a flood everyone wants to know why, and with alot of anger and annoyance, why dam walls have not been raised and new dams built. What undeliverable short memories they all have. Thanks to the likes of Flannery this all got dropped (no rain remember) and de-sal plants built instead. Can you believe these clowns.

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Seriously, it’s difficult to imagine how our illustrious leaders could possibly come out with anything more stupid. If only a few of them could open an actual book!!!!!

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I am only 86 so probably haven't been here long enough to notice any changes in the weather pattern.

I have said many times before , we only put these idiots into power to victimise us!! with their lack of common scence thrust upon us. This Government, that only got voted in due to the stupid PREFERENTIAL VOTING SYSTEM!! Their primary was only 30 percent, why can't we get rid of that and get who we vote for ????

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The preferential system does work but in my opinion, only if people actually put the Greens, Labor and their pretend independents last.

Sadly, no one would get a first past the post these days because they all appear to be idiots!

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Tan-tan was given this portfolio to keep her irrelevant!

She threatened ALBO , he couldnt deal with her power,

Then he bought big boy jeans, got a new Sheila, & learned how to shout with NEW little loud mouthed friend Christopher Bowen.

Shutting Tan-tan out with very unpopular climate change BS.

SHE wears it well.!!

FULL of IT!!!

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These leftoids just keep repeating the dogma. Over and over again. Our politicians (both sides) are incapable of free thought. Just “fulfilling our international obligations” is their mantra. Not stupid but wilfully corrupt.

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You have to be pretty stupid to believe that we can change the climate through increasing costs, reducing electricity reliability, removing a stable transport system, and undermining agriculture.

One might question the true goal here!

That they expect us to believe that co2 levels control the climate when there are so many other factors is bad enough. That they expect us to believe that the minuscule proportion of our co2 emissions is a stretch beyond any intelligent persons imaginative capacity.

On top of that, our government thinks that anything we do as a country will change that despite Australia's chief scientist saying if we went to net zero immediately it would have NO DISCERNABLE EFFECT.

The transfer of wealth from the poor to the mega rich, supported by government policies, has begun.

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The UN has been using 5G arrays to control our weather for years.

They can cause droughts and floods by controlling the cloud temperatures and pushing the clouds into or away from certain areas.

The fires are caused by the lack of back burning in National Parks and those climate change alarmists that light them to make us afraid of climate change. Houses lost in fires are due to Green controlled councils that stop people from clearing around their homes.

It is all part of the WEF agenda to destroy our economies by taking away our cheap and reliable energy that our industrial sector is built on.

There is no science in this theory and the data is being manipulated by IPCC that was established by the UN to push their agenda to take money from first world nations and give it to corrupt dictators in third world countries, who would then put it into their private Swiss bank accounts like Egyptian Yasser Arafat did when the west paid him to stop skyjacking their airliners.

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Maybe very soon they will be begging for us to donate to them $375, for a ‘Climate Change Fund’.

ps. Do teenagers know that Greta advocated building Nuclear Power Stations.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thankyou James for speaking sense in this nonsensical narrative 😊

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It is good that the government has produced such an educational book for those who learn nothing at school except sexual stuff. History has long gone out the window as has common sense. So many will read that report and say "wow! I never knew that, I am so glad it was printed., If only I could read"!

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The climate change hoax is unraveling but many have conditioned themselves to just go along with what the government says because that is the path of least resistance...WRONG....this should be the path of most resistance..The Libs, Labor, the Greens and Nats are signing things through why because we have global consensus..WRONG...consensus now means silencing opposing voices through non-elected bureaucratic groups...which force you to change your opinion or lose your job...what a great definition for consensus!...yes James from Kevin 07 until now billions have been spent on averting the climate change apocalypse 15 years and Rudd-Gillard-Rudd and Abbott-Turnbull-ScoMo move on to Albo NOTHING still...except carbon tax mumbo jumbo producing report after report...and spending billions...which could be spent on dams collecting water or removing fuel loads to reduce the affects of bushfires or creating true flood mitigation and levees...use science and engineering to improve our extreme weather issues in the sunburnt country but no...more alarmism...more Climate G20 summits and some mothballed desalination plant that uses a truck load of electricity to change a trickle of drinking water from salt water into fresh....great tick that off the huge list....I used to think that governments were elected to fix the problems not just engage in rank hypocrisy and electioneering...using scare tactics and lies to coerce the populace to win votes...how idealistic was I? We need a new political party that will act on the real issues water storage so we can drink.. reducing fuel load so we don’t get burnt and improving flood mitigation so we don’t drown...commonsense is not so common!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The voice of the intelligentsia aka the ABC’s “The Conversation” ran a piece about this report a week or so ago also saying we were all going to fry and drown in continuous never ending cycles. And following that report was another one explaining how the record November snow falls and temperatures across NW of the USA was also caused by Global Warming aka Climate Change.

It was a convoluted theory which only climate scientists could write and /or understand but, the authors must be correct because they had all the right pieces of framed toilet paper from the right toilet paper producing institutions.

But all will be good because as long as we keep making monetary sacrifices to the weather gods, we shall be saved. Final question, when will Flimflam Flannery give his Australian of the Year award back?

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Good question Phillip

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Spot on once again James. Professor Ian Plimer has a chapter in his book Green Murder titled “How to ruin a country”. Labor is doing it brilliantly and the Liberals are not far behind.

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Spot on James. 👍🏽😃

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