Absolutely fabulous James. I’m framing this one

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James you are so hilarious, today’s post - OMG - in the words of Dictator Dan - Seriously!!! Keep up your keen observations in this insane world. Blessings

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You're welcome Edna

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You’re on fire. Must be the heat.

Love your work as always.

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I'm just warming up Alex. :)

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Good one , James. I think their brains have fried. As Randy Stonehill said, Big ideas in a shrinking world. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vqb4FhrKwNk

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Great piece, as always James.

Thank you for always giving me a good laugh 🤣

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That's a hoot, James. Have't they notice how cold it is?

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Clever and well written funny piece outlining a current farce.

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Love it James "The Chief Heat Officers will have purple hair and 17 pronouns". Maybe he will be a she and identify as a cat.

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If the “Heat Nazi’s” just kept their mouth’s shut, global temperatures would drop dramatically.

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As if Melbourne wasn't already the laughing stock of the world.

Schools have recently started terrorising kids that the sun is the enemy. Every single day they post a UV rating and kids have to wear hats, even in term 3. My weather report said low UV, (2) but the DETs one said high (6). I understand being sun-smart, but this is madness.

I think 'they' realise the sun that God created has such life giving and healing properties that they need to sheild everyone from it to keep us sick and fearful. Remember when eggs were the enemy? And butter?

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In my textbook "A Course in Elementary Meteorology" page 11 it is suggested that water vapour and carbon dioxide are important absorbers and emitters of infrared radiation. Adding water vapour to the air tends to warm the air (think sauna and washing dishes after dinner). Adding carbon dioxide tends to cool the air (think about a half-empty bottle of carbonated soft drink in room temperature, screw on cap and shake the bottle vigorously then check the temperature in the upper half with your hands. A cooler area. A BBQ-stopper).

I think I have mentioned it before: From any temperature reading, about 54% relates to water vapour, 14% to carbon dioxide. Thus, the temperature readings are important, the "cherry-picked" 3 gases by the IPCC coterie give science a bad name.

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Hilarious summary and integration of the Melbourne crazy space!! Thank you

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Just three words to say God help us.

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Dan Andrews to his secretary; "Where's my weather report?" Secretary; "The CHO has just arrived & before you start, not that CHO the other one." Dan to CHO; "What's the weather like?" CHO; "Hail Dan." Dan; "Get it right, it's ALL hail Dan." CHO; "Huh."

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Thanks for the laugh James but then I thought, how does such a strange thought enter somebodies brain that the world needs heat officers, and then announce it as a serious thought?

We live in strange times.

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My husband Farmer Geoff (just in from milking), said perhaps they will be given special powers to initiate/force lockdowns. Heat officers can then say "it's too hot today, everyone is going into lockdown". Expletives have been removed.

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It’s almost guaranteed

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