PERFECT thank you

Alex .

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Kavales is desperatly trying to be relevant !

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Imagine James Macpherson, first comment every day, puts a smile - on your dial, who knows, logic may prevail, pointing out absurdity - forced upon us every way, imagine all the people living in peace from ludicrousity. Now they will say we are dreamers, at least we're not the only ones, may truth prevail to those who think and listen- before reason is overcome. 😁

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It's a beautiful day!

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I've been very pregnant as the father because my then partners, women, tried to ignore the whole thing. It works like that, naturally. I went through all of the motions but it very strange because none of it was manifest in my body tho' I could feel it happening. I went to see a doctor about it and he told me that it's quite common and to just go with it. It all ended at the time of birth!

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Excellent again James. Please don't tire of the task you have here, it is vital for holding up the Truth,


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Again another great article James. Though perhaps I have been wrong and perhaps they are right. Perhaps I should be far more supportive. So I support "Defund the ABC"

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Thanks Wayne

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They really want to get rid of women it seems ..make us insignificant. In fact no actually they want to get rid of heterosexuals altogether. All they are doing is making us hate them. It wasn't enough that we accepted you could be gay or straight we didn't care. Only now they want to eradicate us, censor us. I knew this would happen when same sex marriage became legal. This is so disgusting I cant even think of a humorous come back today.

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Am I stupid, or how is this being going to feed the baby with the breasts removed??? Duh ....🤪🤪🤪

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

“Someone should do and be better at primary school English.” AND Science! It must be tricky teaching biology to our impressionable youth. I think this all started with “Meet the Parents.”

"You can milk anything with nipples." "I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?"

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

👏👏👏 another great article. I find those images so sickening! How can she talk sense to a child when the world doesn’t make sense to her!

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

All this B/S has to STOP!!!

They are mentally unhinged.

These lunatics are bringing our country down on its knees..WE have to protect our children from this mob at alll cost!!

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

So much gold, it's like opening the vault door at Fort Knox (you know, back when the currency was backed by something real).

What's surprising is that we are supposed to be both shocked and awed and profoundly impressed by the sight of a pregnant woman sporting a somewhat patchy full beard, under the delusion that we're looking at a man, when in reality ladies like this have always been around and usually found gainful employment with a travelling circus. Except back then, the ladies still had enough marbles left to acknowledge their womanhood.

What's happening now is neither brave nor inclusive.

Just mentally unhinged, morally bankrupt and spiritually bereft.

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GREAT article thank you ..

mentally unhinged sums it up beautifully.

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Great article, love the reworded ‘Imagine’. 🎶

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Jul 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I am looking forward to the release of your single.

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The Who ( the proper one) way ahead of their time. Good one Pete Townshend. One girl was called Jean Marie

Another little girl was called Felicity

Another little girl was Sally Joy

The other was me, and I'm a boy

My name is Bill, and I'm a head case

They practice making up on my face

Yeah, I feel lucky if I get trousers to wear

Spend evenings taking hairpins from my hair

… I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But my ma won't admit it

I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But if I say I am, I get it

… Put your frock on, Jean Marie

Plait your hair, Felicity

Paint your nails, little Sally Joy

Put this wig on, little boy

… I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But my ma won't admit it

I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But if I say I am, I get it

… Wanna play cricket on the green

Ride my bike across the street

Cut myself and see my blood

Wanna come home all covered in mud

… I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But my ma won't admit it

I'm a boy, I'm a boy

But if I say I am, I get it

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