Thanks for that report.

The ugly thing about Alphabet Activists and Croome is that they leverage the law to ram their minority ideology down societies throats.

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Well argued. People of faith need to hold fast and present the Christian viewpoint boldly, not defensively, so that our freedom is not lost, nor our voice silenced! You go guys!

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How about Christian schools stop receiving anti Christian government blood money and then they won’t have to teach lies and filth. They then ask families to chip in via donation to keep the school open and running. The rich families can also support the poorer families who want to attend the school with their school fees. This is a way we can be completely independent of the state control of our schools.

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When you feel like your world is collapsing: Catholic Advice


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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Why do I feel like a dog chasing it’s tail? Oh hang on. And while we are on the subject of animals & their parties. I’ve been panting for you to do an article on the Melbourne student who identifies as a cat and is accepted as such. James, please do meow a favour-your response would be nothing less than purrfect. I’m just wondering when we are going to add FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) and cat flu vaccination onto the Medicare records?

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

"LGBTQ activists are not upset that a girl didn’t get to show her film so much as they are upset that the Christian church still exits." Spot. On.

So many highlights, James. This is a ripper of an article!

"Of course it’s an act of discrimination. Discriminating between Catholic values and non-Catholic values is what keeps Catholics Catholic, just as discriminating between conservative values and woke progressive values is what keeps the Liberal Party … er, maybe that’s not such a great example." 🤣 killed two birds with one stone there.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you James. I don't read the Age because of its wokism so I would not have known this but for your trusted articles. I'm afraid this might end badly despite your valid claims as the extreme left are coming for all Christians!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Just random, Re: Mr Meddick, and Animal Justice and LGTBQI+ who eat meat. Does the sex of the animal matter to them.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Great article. Nailed it with your last sentence. I suspect this type of group think stems from schools teaching "Everyone has the right to feel/be safe all the time" in complete disregard of reality. Who feels safe initially learning to swim, crossing the road by themselves for the first time, around bees or snakes, talking at assembly, taking training wheels off to ride a bike, around a bully.... You must go outside of your comfort zone to live a full and varied life, to grow. But if you believe the statement above, then everyone who offends you is doing the wrong thing. And they should change! Because "rights"! The truth is the only person we can change is ourselves. And our feelings are not facts to impose on others. If we do try and control the behaviour of others, it doesn't end in our happiness or theirs.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Christian schools have a Christian ethos. Any parent sending their child to such a school or any shield attending must comply.

Any opinion/s contrary o the expectations of the school must discuss this with the Principle may decide take it to a higher level should dissenting continue.

It appears that The media of today do not support Christian views or values.

This stand is to me as if it is another popular cult to dismiss, conquer and divide as well as terminate Christian thinking, values and way of life eg do unto others, promotion of peace, recognise and give thanks to a greater power than humans, give thanks to our god for all that we have been given and to his son who was crucified. Things are not dissimilar today as when Jesus was on this earth.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thank you for your comments James. Before the vax mandates I was a teacher in a Christian College. Unfortunately the independent schools had a chance to stand against that but due to potential loss of funding they capitulated. Now it is time for taking a stand for what we believe. Freedom comes at a cost. If we don't stand now for what we believe when will we?

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Indeed the last comment summarises the situation. The LGBT..etc are desperate for our approval. They want us to ignore the bible and approve their sin. Confirming person inn their sin is not love. It is hardly a surprise or even news that the school made a stand.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The illogic of the left is mind blowing. Please keep "saying it like it is" James

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

"The Left preach tolerance for all beliefs whilst being completely intolerant of Christian beliefs" - aint that the truth!

I am so sick to death of that bloody acronym... I feel bullied by a minority group.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Great report James! If Christians don’t stand up now they will just keep passing more legislation to push Christians out of society and take away our basic religious freedom.

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Aug 25, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Very true! The rainbow Reich strikes again!

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