When you ignore God's plans and design for your life you probably ignore His Commandments too, like murder and rape.

The LGBT community are very much Atheistic or Satan worshipers.

They may tell us that they are just like us and many claim to be Christians, but you can tell the tree by the fruit it produces.

Grooming, rape, murder, hate, bad language, incapable of obeying God's command to multiply and fill the earth, etc. are not what you would find in biblical teaching.

Life for life. (Exodus 22: 23)

Death for rape.

But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die. But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case. When he found her in the field, the engaged girl cried out, but there was no one to save her. (Deuteronomy 22: 25-27)

A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22: 5)

If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them. (Leviticus 20: 13)

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Great writing James. Spot on!

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This revelation is so disgraceful I have no words for it.

I have worked with weidos for many years. I accept and respect them as humans until they push.

Then I push back. I encourage anyone who feels intimidated, just do the same.

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It was the sweet smile, bashful eyes and cute jokes of McLaughlin that was, most likely, the bait that lured this poor lady in, in the first place. And the media are praising these cunning, deceptive attributes, which were most likely the method used to bring about this victim's fatal end???!!!

But then again, why should we expect any better from vile media outlets like the Guardian, who themselves, are so cunning and deceptive?!

Of course, it makes all the difference in the eyes of the media if you decide to transition. No doubt it would be an entirely different story though, if McLaughlin happen to be a catholic priest...

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Once again, a clear and accurate assessment of an MSM piece. Spot on. I am left wondering two things, who payed for the transitioning and was "she" transferred to a women's prison.

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Good questions.

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Thanks James.

Beautifully written.

A wonderful depiction of trans genders' issues and more especially the mass media fraud in this case the Guardian but so representative of MSM which covers up and dissembles so that the truth is lost in a sea of innuendo, a villain becomes human and the murder victim is forgotten.

When Dorothy L. Sayers wrote her essay "How Free is the Press" almost a century ago she gave an insight into the capacity of the press to manipulate and dissemble basically concluding that a free press is almost impossible because its opinions were always tied to the views of its financial backers.

How far has the Guardian fallen. I was gifted a subscription growing up. It was the go to newspaper then and I enjoyed it!!!!

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Now don’t give me an idea if I transition to being a male would I get the same puff piece by the guardian if I get back at my exes đŸ˜–

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All just too tragic. That poor woman’s family. To focus on the perpetrator is typical Guardianista ‘journalism’. I like the Daily Wire’s policy of never naming the perpetrator so they get no publicity.

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James I wonder if that piece you quote is part of a better researched article? If not then that paper is not even fit for fish n chips.

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What about loo paper. Ah, maybe not fit for that either.

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It’s definitely the latter John

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The ‘Guardian’ - certainly guarding a particular ideological agenda but not truth or journalistic integrity.

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Just one more example of how journalism and journalists have brought their profession into disrepute to the point where mainstream media cannot be trusted or relied on for accuracy or truthfulness.

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That Guardian piece is an absolute disgrace.

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The Guardian are good at omitting the truth. I'm sure that his victim also had a lovely smile and appealing personality too but now is no longer alive as a consequence of knowing this bloke. I am more inclined think "old mate" transitioned in the hope of avoiding his death penalty.

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Yes, that did occur to me as well.

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