Because we have a gracious God who gave His own Son to live a perfect life, fulfill the Law and die in place of those that are His people from the foundation of the world and because God said, "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth"

If we teach our children the truth, protect them from this sinful world and pray for them even before conception then we have the hope that God will bless us and our children with His grace of regeneration, repentance, salvation, sanctification, the Holy Spirit and eternal life to praise Him forever.

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it."

I have seen this proverb is true in my own amazing children, so please try it with yours.

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Isn’t this what the eugenicists did to people with mental illness or who were disabled or who were elderly? They labeled them useless eaters and useless to society and so put them to death by euthanasia. Euthanasia is not a kind action. It isn’t about “relieving suffering”. Euthanasia is another word for state sponsored murder.

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I read of a person suffering from the bioweapon injections so badly that they said if they don't improve by this time next year they will commit suicide to end the pain.

Euthanasia can be a very profitable thing for hospitals as the body parts are worth over 40 million dollars on the transplant market altogether.

I would not want to transplant any body parts from anyone who had the bioweapons.

The lockdowns have caused most of the depression and the bioweapon damage has sent most people over the edge.

This is just an extension of their genocide, like how MLK was suffocated in hospital when the bullet didn't kill him.

It is all about depopulation and Bill Gates has the solution, but only if you have been up to date with your bioweapon injections!

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Good reminder of the crimes of the Nazis and their experiments in eugenics. Euthanasia is not healthcare. It is murder.

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I wonder how long before we hear talk of 'mature minors' in this context to further increase the death pool?

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I will be interested to find out what Jordan Peterson has to say about this! Trudeau is pure evil. And such people also place the same amount of value on the unborn child, because like the mentally ill, the unborn child is weak and vulnerable. So where do they draw the line to decide whose life is worth living and whose life is not? Perhaps anyone who is not contributing to the economy through the earning of a steady income should be exterminated. Bye bye full-time stay-at-home mums and dads and bye bye retirees!

The purpose of each one of our lives is to love and to be loved. It is very easy to underestimate how high this calling really is. When we love God, we really begin to understand this purpose because God is love. Why did God make us? What could we possibly give to God that He didn't already have before we existed? Only two things: Our love and the opportunity for Him to love us. The mentally ill person's purpose in life, like the rest of us, is to love and be loved. The severely ill person who cannot speak or think for themselves, has a God-given purpose and that purpose is to be loved. Everyone is precious and everyone has a purpose.

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I always wondered why Africans continued to have babies even when they were starving themselves. Crazy isn't it? adults wanting to bring children here. We are the only species that has a choice, yet refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of that choice and the weight that's been placed onto them when born. Education pfft!! If you don't know how to think, it's useless. We are on a rock spinning through the universe and we are at war with each other daily. Should have opened some eyes along the way, I would of thought.

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So sad.

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This article makes me want to cry. Who asked for a life of mental illness or just a bit subnormal? Where has compassion gone? Having had a schizophrenic mother who spent many years in and out of mental hospitals in Sydney, I know what she went through, she was used as a guinea pig for all sorts of medication and I am thankful my father refused to give permission for her to have a labotomy. She had an IQ of 160 but something tipped her over the edge, she had a beautiful singing voice having won the City of Sydney eistedfodd at age 15 for singing. Was her life a waste? She had 4 children who all came out OK even though we lived through incredible trauma. She got saved at a Billy Graham crusade in the 1950's and taught us the things of the spirit. Was she useless, should she have been put down? She spent the last 26 years of her life in a nursing home with dementia from years of shock treatment up to 3 times a day! What was her life worth? What is anyones life worth? The government of Canada will answer for this wickedness as will any other country who mandates it. God help us all. What constitutes a useless eater? Maybe me?

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This is good. Next we can get rid of all the expensive useless N D I S people. Even better they are all fully registered and easy to round up to exterminate. All those who can't enjoy their lives or even know their families or their own names because of dementia can also be killed. That's easily 500,000 useless that can be killed. Good for the profits of the funeral industry.

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Euthanasia as way out for those suffering from a terminal illness when there is no hope of recovery is a humane and dignified way to end your life but to my mind mental illness does not fall within the definition of terminal illness unless the brain has been physically destroyed to the point where it cannot operate beyond basic function, in which case the person would be incapable of giving consent to be euthanised.

We can only guess as to what the ultimate human brain capabilities are and surely treatment is better than short circuiting a human life because that’s an easy solution.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

This is obscene. It would appear Canada now assume that people with mental health issues are of no value to society.

Some of the most beautiful people I know are a little bit broken and have found themselves occasionally in some very dark places. When the fog clears and they find their way out of the darkness, new light comes back into their lives they resume being the beautiful, creative, radiant people they really are.

To think a government can contemplate an easy "opt out" solution to people in need is disgusting.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Public: "I'd like to have the freedom to choose whether or not to take the Covid vaccine." Governments: "No. You MUST take the Covid vaccine because we care about your health and safety."

Public: "I'd like someone to kill me because I am finding my life very difficult at the moment." Governments: "Sure! We can help with that! Because we care about your health and safety."

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

In a perfect world the doctors are bound by their oath and should not be obliged to assist with dying in situations where the nation’s law says they must. Therefore if doctors merely wish to get rich rather than operate ethically then the law says they may do so. Can doctors wanting to operate ethically be forced to do what this law allows? That would be quite wrong. To change a code of ethics in this most heinous manner should be a medical matter not a legal issue. I exclude current euthanasia laws as those are directed at the lucid who are untreatable and are suffering intense pain and suffering and will not recover. This is as you say a return to everything bad against which the parents of us most horrible boomers fought. I only wish todays very woke youngsters and not so young could be conscripted to war and learn to be real men and women. I’ll help but don’t put anyone weird next to me.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I have known people that have chosen to exit life early. It is so hard for those left behind. Some say that suicide is the most selfish way to die.

When those people are gone every says “why didn’t they talk to me”, or “what could I have done or said”. We feel guilty that we have not been able to help.

And now doctors, whom used to have to take the oath to “first do no harm” are legally culpable in this awful societal experiment/demise.

This is a sad confirmation of the slippery slope. It always happens... despite claims that it never will; it’s only for the terminally ill, it’s just about love, marijuana doesn’t kill anybody....

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

This world really has lost its collective mind. Mental health issues are people who need to be helped not wiped off the planet. So instead of helping to save lives Drs now end lives. It isn’t only a Christian view but any person with any sense of ethics would not kill people but help them. Perhaps families need to bring back ethics instead of look At my tic tok

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