Did they give it back? Stupid of them to display it after pinching it…. Customs stole an awful lot back then.

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Most times it was their own tribe that sold them into slavery!

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Your final paragraph says it all James 👍

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I have always thought it ludicrous that we, generations later, not having been at fault, have been called upon to compensate. It’s a ridiculous stretch by money grabbers.

So should I go to jail , or pay interest, cause my white great great granny robbed someone . Of course not, I’m not at fault.

Bleeding hearts & vote chasers should grow some Giulies, seriously

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The last few sentences say it all. Let common sense prevail. Love your prowess with the pen. Keep it up please.

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The last couple of sentences say it all. Let common sense prevail. Thanks again for your prowess with the pen.

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No worries, James. Just didn't want you copping flack😀

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Unbelievable!!!! Go James. I love your common sense. Keep up the great work.

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Hi, James. Good points. One statement was not clear to me though. Re, "trace their cha-ching claims back to the source. After all, African slaves didn’t appear on African beaches ready to be shipped across the world all by themselves." I am sure you don't mean it was the slaves fault, rather the slave traders. Re current slavery, where many people are suffering, yet the banks are trying to kill cash because they don't get all our money. Eg 1: $50 card transactions are worth approx $5 after bank charges over approx 30 card transactions. Cash transactions can be millions of transactions and still be worth $50. Eg 2: Now being out of full time permanent work for over a year because my doctors certificate stated that for health reasons mnra vacs presented significant health risks to me. Can't even get govt support as for 11 years we were saving for our first house deposit. The govt should pay but yet deny any wrongdoing. If they/ Pfizer etc. won't pay for their recent crimes, why should anyones ancestors. Our hope can only be in our God who forgave and paid for us all.

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If these morons would only make the effort to remove the plank in their own eye instead of bending over backwards to find the speck in their neighbours, they might start behaving a little less like blind fools! What hateful, bitter and twisted, two-faced hypocrites!!

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

The ignorant of history is breathtaking. This idea of national guilt and generational guilt which is also peddled by Christians thinkers who should know better is just total absurdity. I wonder how pure these rent seekers ancestry is.Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

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I know. I know. Listen, since the Left are continually banging on about race, I'm a Cornish Celt. Those Anglo Saxons have a lot to answer for. Which department do I visit for my atrocity allowance? Vote here to end this nonsense ... https://kenelm.substack.com/p/snap-poll-voice-to-parliament-yes

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Jan 5, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Benedict...roll your eyes and move on. Don’t even give this nonsense the time of day.

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Until we free the current slaves in many countries around the world today then I don't take these people seriously.

The first slaves were white, from the Slavic nations.

The first slave trader who went to court in the US to keep slaves for life was a black Muslim.

The Barbary coast pirates were Muslims who captured white European Christians and sold them as slaves to other Muslim countries. These countries still trade in white slavery, but nothing is done about it because they are Muslims and we want their oil.

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Behold the opening of Pandoras Box!!

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Desperate people do desperate things. I’m a descendent of a Māori princess. Maybe I should be hitting somebody up for something!

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