There's much speculation as to what Winston Churchill referred to as "perverted science" in his Finest Hour speech in 1940. Some suggest it was the evil medical experiments on humans by Dr Mengels however, he hadn't started his horrific "science" of eugenics till well after this speech. Whatever perversion of science Sir Winston was referring to his words are no less true when we consider the "climate science" of today. He said;

.." the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science."

To me, these words are prophetic and, Churchill, being a Christian, may have been given divine inspiration in its composition. The whole world is indeed "sinking" into a literal "dark" abyss, with electricity rationing and with depleted fossil fuels to rely on, a new literal "Dark Age" is being ushered in which will be "protracted and sinister". And this, as a result of the perversion of scientific data through statistical distortion and manipulation.

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Thanks Andrew. I think there is a lot of selective hearing going on.

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Back in the 70s some scientists did a core sample on the barrier reef. It told a story over one thousand year about our climate rainfall because coral grows slowly in murky water and faster in clear. It turned out that 10 year droughts are common and one of them was over 40 years. I’ve never heard about that report again or any core samples being done lately to show us clear evidence of our long term climate history.

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Professor Geoffrey blainey mentioned an Australian drought that lasted for 37 years. I think it was about 1140 ad.

Not many people realise that our current wet year is a result of both the pacific ocean and Indian oceans being warn next to our coasts ie la Nina and negative Indian dipol.

This is only the 4th time both have occurred at the same time in the l ast 100 years. The last time was in 1974.

This means the sea water temperature near Africa and south America is colder and causing droughts there. Kenya has had 4 years of failed wetseasons and much of the horn of Africa is in a famine now.

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As a former Physics teacher I agree that science is never settled and the microwaves in outer space only prove that there are areas where microwaves are more abundant than other areas. There are many sources of these waves and they will change over time like all EMR does as it travels through space at the speed of light. Theories have never been proven and Laws have never been disproved. That does not mean that one day someone might come up with a theory that exposes a weakness in a Law under certain circumstances and so makes the limits clearer. E=mc2 is a theory that works well in most cases, but the speed of light has been shown to not be the limit he thought it was. Energy has many forms and if we ignore one form the equations don't work e.g. frequency changes rates of reactions in chemistry as it is a form of energy apart from heating and when it harmonizes with a particle it is amplified like microwaves heating water. (E=Hf) Energy in is not always higher than energy out if there is a change of state. We can run an engine using injected water if the pressure gets high enough to cause the temperature to evaporate the water and then it runs on the steam produced. (PV=xT)

I can't see how microwave variations prove that Genesis 1 does not fit the evidence we find today that shows that God created everything in 6 days and the flood caused a lot of living things to become fossils. He has always existed and had eternity to do it, but He decided to do it in six days so we could have a rest like He did on the 7th day. Each day cannot mean a period of time as they are all numbered and if you mean an indefinite period of time that makes no sense.

God cannot lie and so it is a fact that we must accept if we believe that God spoke through Moses because everything else he wrote was also true. Theories do not have the same standing. People lie and make up things to become famous. We have many examples from our own experiences.

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And still James the sea level rise I have waited for for a long time and am now paying for in many ways has not happened. I'm not getting younger and pushing the tinny out when I was promised more water is wearing me out. When for god's sake are they going to stop reneging on their promises?

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They tell us it will rise and then buy beach-side mansions.

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Maybe they should read Steven Koonin’s book Unsettled to get the true scientific picture . I don’t think that they realize that climate cycles are taken over 30 years but weather reports come out several times a day.Our amazingly designed planet is more robust than they think.Our mandate from the beginning was to care for it and benefit from its bountiful gifts.

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How many politicians to change a light globe? Not sure many are that bright. Green is only clean after they are made as batteries, solar panels etc. minerals need to be mined, refined and manufactured, transported then at end of service life, recycled with some poor 3rd world countries getting to live with our toxic green energy fallout. It has always been this way and with current policies??? EV uptake is likely to require total rewiring of high density living areas when everyone charges vehicles when they get home and it's dark and solar does not work effectively. When lithium batteries catch fire ( as some do from time to time) in high density parking areas, unstoppable fires will be an issue. I guess that's progress.

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Great article about yet another debate denying slavish follower of the climate cult.

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The wonder of electing someone to parliament who hates debate! I thought that's what parliament is all about. Clearly I am deluded.

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Great article! Pocock should be renamed Poppycock.

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Our high living standards are based on the economic use of cheap, high energy concentrated fuels, petrol/ diesel and coal.

Carbon in the air is plant food. More carbon means better plant growth ie more food for humans and animals.

Carbon levels in the air have been much higher in the past. The enormous dinosaurs of the past did not eat moss but vast amounts of plants every day, possible only with high carbon levels and rapidly growing plants.

It seems following the climate science is the same as following the covid vaccination science.

Now the UK is reporting about 1000 excess deaths per week, many were healthy young people who were vaccinated but are now dying.

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It strikes me that nobody asks how the Romans survived in the warmer conditions... we are basing our “science” using the coldest time in the last 8000 years as a baseline.... the “science” is far from a proven fact!


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Let alone the medieval warm time...

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The best scientific ideas/theories allow for rigorous examination. Cults demand unopposed compliance and servitude. Pocock, just another cult promoter.

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Bingo. The climate cult is real

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Great article James. It amazes me that anyone who actually went to school can talk about ‘net zero’ and ‘decarbonisation’. I do wonder where they think the carbon and carbon dioxide actually go!

Rugby players often have serious brain injuries that become more apparent as they age. Although when they’re part of the Government they just fit right in and no one notices.

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Outstanding James

Prior to the election i saw Pocock interviewed about the economic cost of net zero. He relied of the tried and tested "Shorten Formula", i.e, "it doesn't matter".

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Science is never settled as scientific Enquiry continues with ongoing research, and new conclusions are formed. However, the politicising of climate suits the agenda of those who seek to manipulate and control the masses.

James it really is all about removing the Creator of the Universe, God, from the picture and replacing HIM with mankind - his/her as their gods. Example: Yuval Noah Harari.

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