Unfortunately the Christian religions some time back thought by being "inclusive" they would achieve popularity among churchgoers. Instead of being the bastion of traditional values, they pandered to the noisy minorities and therefore lost their regular churchgoers. People in academia, government and large organisations dare not voice their opinions about ongoing lunacy as it may well mean loss of their career. We have taken a page out of Goebbels Book of Propaganda and applied it to Australia today. This shows up in TV advertising where gays, lesbians, fuzzy haired North American negro children, mixed couples of Asian and Caucasian descent must all be in the ads. Is this mandatory and who determines the content of the advertising? In my street, there is nobody like the people in the ads.

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Come soon Jesus !

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Amen brother. Re: feelings - these can come from within, from God, from Satan.. in other words, not always reliable for determining course of action in our lives!

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James, congratulations on putting this new world order gospel into a nutshell. A beautiful big nutshell.

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“We don’t want to be known for what we are against, we want to be known for what we are for!”

As a Christian, it is impossible to be known for what you are for without being known for what you are against. Christianity is, after all, exclusive. It has to be because the truth is exclusive. Otherwise it is not the truth.

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Excellent piece!

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I just finished reading your latest epistle St. James. I speed read, so from breakfast to morning tea I digested your fine article lumps and all. I can't afford a Tesla nor the increase in my electricity bill.

I think the whole subject can be summed up in Genesis 3:15. God said He would put enmity between (Satan) and the woman, and between his offspring and her offspring. By their fruits they will be known.

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Sorry One last thing - can I reprint this and letterbox my 17K community?

Also if you are free on Sunday I have organised a ute and PA system and earmarked 5 church carparks we can cover in 2hours for you to read this out😁

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A transgender Bullseye James -you hit the mark again with your expose'(you know the meaning.

I said I wouldn't comment again but I had to go down that "rabbit hole" with so much truth interspersed with subtle humour but why have we become so stupid and where are we headed

I'm sure you didn't have any sleep last night in writing this essay.😁

Would a transgendered male count as an extra women in the quota systemfor more women😁?

Many years ago our kids were encouraged to become whatever they would like to be in the field of employment -teachers, policemen or even a journalist 😁 but now it's changed by our educators brainwashing our kids into believing you can be whatever gender you want.

That verse in Romans is spot on that says they gave up God's truth for a lie is a stark reality.

Love it" if you cannot trust your LYING eyes when looking down in the shower, what can you trust" 😁

Dr Jillian Spence was suspended from Qld Children's Hospital for questioning the "affirmation model" of care for gender confused children.

Channel 7 Spotlight documentary was excellent

This is my last comment for the year James -you know I really enjoy your posts

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Romans 1 is such a profound passage. It talks about the moral breakdown of society but also the MENTAL breakdown of society. The two go hand in hand. In order to consistently cross moral boundaries you must suppress truth. Do that long enough and you become completely deceived ie futile in your thinking.

We are now seeing this on a mass scale.

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Great article James. I assume you have read Bari Weiss’ piece in the Australian today (or maybe yesterday). Such madness that surrounds us. I remember 20 years ago you could buy a sticker that said “stop the world, I want to get off!” Now it seems more appropriate than ever...

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Another bumper sticker about in the Pilbara (mining area of WA) read--"Ban all mining--let the bastards freeze in the dark"-- says it all, I am only a simple soul who believes that, as I believe that my mum was a woman , my sister was a girl, my dad was a man ,and later on my son was a boy--now a man,and a father of two boys , my daughter was a girl and became a mother of two boys and so on I have absolutely no doubt that the above IS correct and any weirdo who says otherwise is free to go and F----K themselves.

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This bumper sticker was in the late70s

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I'm a big Bari Weiss fan. Saw it in the Oz and plan on getting to it today over a coffee.

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Great truths you speak. It seems existentialism is the reality of today and the fact that I exist and you are a figment of my imagination, so I can delete you if I wish, is the next step. Satan is very active on Planet Earth today, I won't say he is alive and well, he is definitely fighting God's created beings and because he knows time is running out for him, he wants to take as many as he can to hell with him. If only those who follow his ways could just understand how much Satan hates them!

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A great read this morning James. We are surrounded by madness. We must speak out at every opportunity. My local council , Mitcham in SA, installed two EV charging stations with free power to all. They cost close to $100,00 to set up. They were slow and unreliable, and after less than two years have closed down.

The mayor says "they have been a great success" because they helped the uptake of EV's. Sure they did.

They were a stupid failure, and wasted ratepayers' money. No problem, put up the rates 8.9%.

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Crazy stuff. I reckon we could fill an entire episode of The Late Debate every week with stories of council ineptitude.

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About time the Late Debate-- like the Outsiders went for another hour.

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What a good idea, James. Start with the Mitcham Council in SA.

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Free power paid for by rate payers to subsidise an expensive, unworkable idea. Thanks for your info.

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This is simply wonderful stuff Sir. That you have encapsulated the sum total of the intellectual and spiritual confusion of contemporary Western Civilisation into one, concise, elegant, and droll article is a pièce de résistance. I confess my head is spinning. I must reread and reread several times. I hope you do not mind if I quote and cite you in my further writings? Pro tem, I am going to send this afar. God Bless you sport.

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Great article James.

Objective truth along with reality has been missing in our lives for a long time.

We know that politicians lie and avoid the truth but we do nothing about it.

We know that advertising and commercials which we are bombarded with contain lies and half truths, but we do nothing about it.

Main stream media lie or tell half truths but we do nothing about it.

We only have ourselves to blame for the way the world has gone, because we didn’t and haven’t called out liars when we should have and could have.

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Amen! Well said James! We need to proclaim the truth, not hide from it.

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“We don’t want to be known for what we are against, we want to be known for what we are for!” I heard this from a preacher just recently. It encourages us to be silent and timid about speaking truth in case we offend others.

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What happened to the old Aussie "dont call a spade a spade in cases like this call it a F----g SHOVEL

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