Yet another example of a politician not doing anything productive which will improve the state, or people's lives and coming up with yet another divisive 'issue' that needs to be solved. This is Australia and the people who are representing the people must have an Australian agenda in their mind and what is best for the people and culture here (not try to introduce other countries cultural ideals from where they came from), what they look like and where they are from is not relevant if they are the right person for the important job they have serving Australia. It is great that we have such a multicultural population however we need to be seen as different from the places that these people have come from and the more influence and change brought about by this kind of thing the less Australia is seen as unique and individual, the more it becomes a bland world wide culture - dare I say one world order - which is the direction that the elites are trying to move us to. Look at USA, UK, Europe - all multicultural, and losing individual identity. Next thing you know we will have to have someone from every letter of the so called gender 'alphabet' quotas.

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Really enjoyed reading that analysis James! Could they perhaps just get down and govern sensibly?(Oxymoron there)! Statesmanship has taken a back seat whilst the university political clubs have progressed to providing a major and skewed influence on the parliament. Pity about the rest of us.

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Thanks, James pointing out yet again that insanity rules. Perhaps we need to pursue gender/ skin colour /tribe quotas applying them across all workplaces. This would mean that everybody in every field is potentially clueless and all the things they make, they didn't have any idea how they should work. I wonder how they would feel at 40000 ft in a plane created by woke zombies? Beyond this of course is the fact that we all came from Adam (literally red man or man made from earth). We are all one race ie: the human race. At times however, I do wonder if there is a different race and it is politicians with this woke mindset.🤪

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Only in Victoria, I hope.

These agendas are just to distract us from how bad things are and how bad the government is.

They have not dealt with the real issues and are under a mountain of debt.

Why anyone still wants to live there is a mystery

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God save us all!

I remember the Assistant Principal giving her speech when my beautiful Sudanese workmate left to a more qualified position. She was very good at her job, but the AP fumbled over her explanation of how they employed her so the Sudanese kids in the school could see someone like them. I felt so gutted for her, because she deserved her job well and truly on merit, but just like that, she felt torn down.

The problem we will have is that the meritorious individuals will always be second guessing if they're there for their merit or for their colour/ethnicity/sexual persuasion. It's an unhealthy stance wherever it is used.

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Isn’t it so patronising all these quotas? Surely the people realise they are only there because of their sex or culture? Not because these people have merit? To quote another substacker ‘government is not our friend’ if we are in anyway conservative or Christian.

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Surely, even the 33% of voters who voted for Labor should by now be thinking ‘what have we done’?

This current government is comprises of a large group of unqualified, not fit for purpose people who seem to be competing against each other to see who can come up with the most inappropriate ideas, none of which will benefit or be of good for Australia or its people.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Coloured (code for black) with breasts and a penis. PM material if ever there was. Watch out Albo.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Oh wait, I’ve got another scenario. What if a person of colour has a Conservative political outlook. Lemme check my woke-handbook.

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If you don't vote for Biden you ain't black

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First thing we need to do is Get the policies of the WEF (Satanists) out of the minds of our leaders.

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Good article. As usual, the self titled “progressive” left have got them selves tied up in knots. Their place is all over the head.“People look overseas and they look at Australia and they think ‘what’s going on’ OK, let’s look to the US where it’s highest law body just overturned “affirmative action” as racist and unconstitutional. And as for that Martin Luther character- don’t listen to him anymore-he’s a fascist Christian-an extreme terrorist - to prove it, he mentioned the “judged”hate speech word.

But here’s the big question, and one which goes to the heart of the “yes” referendum-how do you prove ethnicity, even if they have apartheid type race based laws? Do they use spectrum analysis to define skin tone, or use DNA profiling? Even though I’m Anglo Saxon and native born Australian, I lived in Far North Queensland in my early life and tend to get a good dark tan quickly after a few days in the sun and my skin colour can be darker than Marcia Langton or Stan Grant without brown face.

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Oh dear! I don't stand a chance! I am so white that the photo for my passport was rejected three times before they accepted one and the same for my drivers licence! What hope do people like me have when all the people in Parliament are coloured? Isn't white a colour too?

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I look very washed out on my passport and driver’s licence. White hair white face!

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Yes it is. But who follows the science these days

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True, it is science fiction

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

A kingdom divided against itself falls. I think the Labor party should continue down this road. If Jesus Christ hasn’t returned by the time they’ve kicked out all the white people and replaced them with various colours, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for popcorn. And Labor will be out of Govt for at least 2 generations.

If these politicians had a thinking brain between them they’d be dangerous.

Wake up Liberals!

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Yes Dutton is sleeping at the wheel. Couldn’t break out a new idea from a wet paper bag

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

The Socialist /Marxist ideology is like a tsunami ready to destroy everything in our democratic, free society. In the words attributed to Winston Churchill,

“ Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, it’s inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”

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Jul 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

History shows Churchill to be 100% correct. But then we are not taught this history are we.

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Spot on.

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