Off subject somewhat but could someone tell me why that there is a small aboriginal flag on the front of an Australian passport ? Very small and not coloured in just the outline in gold.
Ummm pretty sure it's an international symbol for a passport that's electronic, that has a digital page with embedded chip, etc. Just happens to look like the outline of the Aboriginal flag. Could be wrong...
Hey James. Would love to hear your thoughts on Australia's King Knucklehead, Chris Bowen and his putting us further into debt through that chief of scammers the Climate Change Bureau. Surely Australia must be in the class of ' a Developing Country', entitled to support from that mob of gangsters? We are Developing a land of Solar Panels, Wind Turbines and a class of homeless families! I'm sure that inside Bowen's head we would find wind turbines and solar panels, not neurones and cerebral cells. His mind has suffered a case of Brown-out, and we must do something to reduce his workload. I suggest a :"Brain Transplant", which can easily be carried out by autosuggesting, "Nuclear Power! Nuclear Power!"
How on earth that clown still has a job is beyond me . Anyone in the private sector who proved to be so hopelessly incompetent would have been gone in a week
Off subject somewhat but could someone tell me why that there is a small aboriginal flag on the front of an Australian passport ? Very small and not coloured in just the outline in gold.
Ummm pretty sure it's an international symbol for a passport that's electronic, that has a digital page with embedded chip, etc. Just happens to look like the outline of the Aboriginal flag. Could be wrong...
Thanks Mark I hope you are right .
And rumour has it Elon Musk may purchase MSNBC - 👏👏 oh the irony!!
Haha so true & great call-out James!
Makes me wonder what ABC stands for 🤔...
A Bunch of Commies…?
I have got a thought but not printable here .
Hey James. Would love to hear your thoughts on Australia's King Knucklehead, Chris Bowen and his putting us further into debt through that chief of scammers the Climate Change Bureau. Surely Australia must be in the class of ' a Developing Country', entitled to support from that mob of gangsters? We are Developing a land of Solar Panels, Wind Turbines and a class of homeless families! I'm sure that inside Bowen's head we would find wind turbines and solar panels, not neurones and cerebral cells. His mind has suffered a case of Brown-out, and we must do something to reduce his workload. I suggest a :"Brain Transplant", which can easily be carried out by autosuggesting, "Nuclear Power! Nuclear Power!"
How on earth that clown still has a job is beyond me . Anyone in the private sector who proved to be so hopelessly incompetent would have been gone in a week
I guess affordable is relative. If you are a rich media person, politician or celebrity then all is affordable.
1984 was prophetic. I sure hope "On the Beach" isn't
Dianne- my thoughts go to ‘Soylent Green.’ 😱
Yes, that one as well.