Just like the Southport killer in the UK that stabbed 3 young girls to death. Not Islamic… but was later found to be possession of Al Qaeda material and has been witnessed attending specific prayers times in prison…

The barbarians are inside our walls…

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The Associated Press reporter wants us to know that nothing good comes out of Florida.

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The media, at it again! They obviously have absolutely no idea of their accountability in making up and spreading lies, division and hatred. And they must be really stupid to think they can get away with their ‘Florida man’ rubbish. One look at the man’s just might be a little clue even to the thickest of brains. Or make not…

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Should be ‘maybe’ not ‘make.’

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Should also read ‘man’s name.’ Don’t you love IT! It’s not my fault of course…

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They think we’re all stupid.

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Wow talk about hiding facts in plain sight - as if the FBI arrest just any man from Florida - not sure how these knuckleheads can sleep at night knowing how deceptive they are

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Stay away from Florida. You might catch something there!

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Queen Elizabeth of England, daughter of Henry VIII, issued written orders to every sherrif in the country to arrest, escort to the coast and put on ships every Moor ( their name for moslems) in the land, thus expelling them all because of all the trouble they were causing.

After centuries of trying to free themselves from the moslem invaders, the king of Spain finally expelled over 1 million moslems. Many went to morrocco in North Africa where they ran the slave trade, capturing millions of white Europeans from ships and the coasts all the way from Ireland, Cornwall, Spain, Italy to Greece. Even the Pope in Rome had a massive wall built around the Vatican city to protect himself. The American Marines finally stopped the slave trade in white slaves and piracy.

We seem to be coming back to the same problem with violent moslems and the need to protect civilised people.

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That’s good historical perspective. It seems militant Muslims have been historically a severe trial to many nations and still are. Even Elizabeth 1 had the sense and courage to deport them as they were a serious threat to England . She used her rightful authority as the leader and she protected her citizens. ‘I-was-brought-up-by-a-poor-single-mother’ Albo invites these people to come here. Sickening.

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Yes and the fact that he went to high school ( I cant bring myself to say educated )at St Marys Cathedral High school indicates a bloody lot of help from somewhere . So FFS shut up about your upbringing , we are not f---ing interested .

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But now it'll take more than an expulsion decree to chase the Moslems out of Europe.

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You could always say that the only meat you can eat is pork .And make it free .

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Tragically, yes. Violent militant Islam is a cancer wherever it goes.

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Indeed. Haven't they learned?

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Telling the truth is hard work. If you are on the left, it is the constant struggle to find the right angle..."their truth." If you are more conservative, it is the perpetual sifting through everything that the left tells us. And everything must be sifted through.

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Ah yes, the media. Telling half the story in order deceive. On script as usual.

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Yes but who writes the script for these bogans to read ?

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That was even less than half the story! maybe even less than 1/8th!

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Silly knucklehead, he'd have attracted much more news if he'd said , "I feel like TRUMP!"

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The media's continuing efforts to obfuscate and detract in order to meet their DEI quotas and avoid offence just confirms their disingenuous and intellectually dishonest approach to 'reporting'.

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In every dictatorship the media are misused to brainwash the citizenry.

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Yes - of course. May I also suggest the days could well be numbered when you can still do it without a knock on the door by the Police at 4am!

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Why do you think that the lefties want to take all our guns ,?

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May I suggest you are correct?

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