Jim Chalmers is clearly living in his own fairy tale land. It's about time he stopped playing games with the lives of Australians. This fantasy the Labor party are living is destroying our country. It is obvious none of them have a clue what they are doing.

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The government shuts down the country, pushes the price of everything up.

Then starts increasing interest rates to counter act the problem they created.

At the end of the day people still need to put fuel in their cars, buy food, have somewhere to live and a couch to sit on but it’s more expensive so now so we must put up interest rates.

Looks like another form of tax higher inflation = more money for the government

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No plans to lower interest rates government spending is through the roof...millions will be spent on the YES campaign for the referendum for the voice to parliament... like come on do we really need this expense now and Dan Andrew’s thinks it’s ok to spend 15 million on a Netball team like taxpayers want the government to sponsor a netball team....ahead of servicing the flood victims...we must have money to burn and the interest rate continues to soar..I might go and live in Florida or Italy....we are printing and spending money like it’s worth nothing and maybe that is the plan!

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Poor Jimmy boy,

has the grinning Albo nodding at his every speel..

Both are CLUELESS!

Angus Taylor &

Josh Frydenberg

Would fry these two!!!

Great work with Rowan Dean James CONGRATULATIONS 🙏👏👏👏

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Didn't you get the email Lynette? Prior to the Election [after Albo was found ignorant of basic "numbers"] he counted with the revelation that he was an ecomic advisor to "who ever" and that means his Economics Degree [must have found it in the bottom of a wheet bix packet] entitles him to the title of "World's Greatest Economic Advisor" You have to worry when team labour believe we are on our way to becoming a "Renewables Superpower"[Mirror mirror on the wall]

I remember feeling all warm and cosy at Albos affirming tones prior to the election.. I have a Plan for everything!! Well Albo, whenever you are ready... 1. let's see it and 2. when can we expect some action. I am angry at the gross ineptitude of our leaders [?] at the economic controls. The basic commonsense of a Fish 'n Chip retailer or a housewife with a budget runs rings around this lot!

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Thanks Neil,😁😁😄😄👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏🙏

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G'day James, a bit off topic but it is about the same type of behaviour. Today, in OUR Parliament house, before a Joint Select Committee, Steve Dickson , whom I have mentioned before, was denied an opportunity to air his legitimate grievance about our recent Federal election. His submission, out of thousands of submissions, was the only one that was completely redacted & now he has been further denied an opportunity to speak on behalf of the people who tried or were denied the opportunity to vote him into the Senate. Could you please contact him or I can arrange for him to contact you to see if it is worthwhile for you to expose this farce via your platforms or Rowen Deans. This is serious stuff. Regards Roc

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Hey Roc, sorry but I just haven't got the margin to follow this one up. I know Steve Dickson but I just don't have the time to chase it.

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They will need to kill this dragon with their bare hands as they have thrown away their sword.

Labor is in a lot of trouble as the world currencies are being destroyed by the elites in the WEF and other NWO organizations so they can bring in digital currencies and build back better.

We will be slaves and our digital money will be deleted if we do not obey.

We can only stop them by using cash when we buy and sell.

This collapse was set up by the Covid lockdowns and paying people to stay at home that put our national debt into the biggest hole we have ever known and we don't have the ability to pay it back.

It would help if we could prosecute the bioweapon manufacturers who lied to us and told us that mRNA gene therapies (that had killed all animals and people in previous trials) were safe and effective vaccines that would stop infection and transmission of a novel virus.

First point about this scam is that there was no virus, no test for it and no vaccines to kill it.

Fear was used to drive this scam to sell governments these bioweapons to put into the people who hoped they would protect them from the novel virus.

They were in fact bioweapons designed to depopulate the planet as part of the NWO's plans to rule the world.

The contracts were very suspicious and gave amnesty to the makers even if they lied to us and sold us a lemon. Even if the product was exposed for being a bioweapon, they could not cancel any orders they made. Now we know the truth no one wants to take them and die, so we have to throw them away at $200 a pop.

Billions down the toilet because they bribed our governments, officials, MSM and anyone else who should have stopped this before it began (CHOs, ATAGI, TGA, CSIRO, health ministers).

We had safe and effective medications that are able to treat the colds and flu that these people were getting sick with, like every other year, so there was no pandemic and no need for emergency powers, lockdowns, etc.

Scomo knew we didn't have the money to pay for this or the renewables support, but he took the money from Big Pharma and bowed to the Big investment companies to promise net zero by 2050 and sent us broke and now it is up to Labor to save us?

That is a pretty scary situation and it was all planned so that they would fail by trying to go green at the same time as we are already broke.

I can see blackouts coming due to coal mines, gas fields and coal / gas fired power stations being closed.

When you are already broke what happens when you go even more Woke?

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Hmmn, nailed it James. herewith "Dragon slayers Guide for Dummies"

1st Ideology is incapable of landing the killer blow, and is likely to result in a dead dragon slayer.

2nd Pragmatism however, demands a fight, with the possibility of "flesh wounds" [not for the squeemish, as sacrifice is involved]

3rd "Advanced Dragon Slaying Techniques" demands strict discipline i.e. not spending more than you earn! Bleeding Black not RED.

4th If YOU don't have the skills..... get out of the way and let a professional do it!

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Oh nice!

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Loving your time with Rowan Dean, and the other guests. And I have let Sky know!!! 😊👍👏

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Thanks Linda. You win "Reader of the Day" award. A big hug will arrive in the mail early next week. :)

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Aww gee thanks ☺️ Looking forward to it 🤗 I hope you packed it in a padded envelope. And had your mask on with your triple shots & boosters 😜😁😂

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