I remember Billy Connoly stating that after a tour to Australia, that we were not a racist people because we were "overtly racist." I guess he meant that racists try to cover up their opinions and bigotry whereas we are totally up front.

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I love this. As with all bureaucrats, they need to generate problems in order to justify their ongoing employment, or else they're out of a job.

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If wanting my country like it was when I was growing up full employment ,cheap housing cheap petrol uncrowded cities (I live in the bush )Migrants that were mainly European, who learned to speak English, got jobs and didnt want anything from us no gun control and love of Australia. If wanting that again makes me a racist so be it and any bastard ,black white or brindle who doesnt like , is advised by me to go and fuck yourself (and no apologies for lack of astericks whats good enough for mr Musk will do me )

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Nice work James. I liken the government and do-good bureaucrats to the obsessive parent who won't allow their children to grow up and leave home. They feel they would lose their relevance if they help them to grow into strong, independent people able to make decisions for themselves. They enjoy having the power of being needed, relied upon and that keeps them feeling "important". I pity anybody tied to the apron strings of our self-serving government, for they are slowly being strangled.

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well said

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Good one James. An insightful commentary. We have progressed and most of the population see us as one people, Australians. Those pushing the race card are just enablers and do nothing to really encourage and grow the groups they are trying to enable.

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Congratulations sir! You have ventured into and emerged from the murky subterranean depths of elitist paternalism with heightened moral clarity.

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Oh dear! Who can free me from this sin of racism? I breathe air, therefore I am a racist. There is a possibilty that the word "racist" could be re=defined and added to the new dictionary of woke. That would make us feel better

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Good morning, James. It’s exhausting isn’t it? 🙄

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Step in front of Aladdin's cave and say: "Open...." well, not really. Say:" Oppression, colonisation, stolen generation" and the treasures are yours.

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Controlling language is a. very effective tool of control. The R word which like the G word and the P word all of which I will not use are ways of nudging us to a desired point of view and action.

There is actually no such thing as R. We are one R but many cultures and that is our difference. Superficial physical differences are just that superficial. We are created in God’s image.

We have to learn to not play the semantic games that we are nudged towards. I would love to see journalists and commentators stop using these meaningless words and not play the language game which the woke progressives play so much better than us.

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Yes, God made one race, and the many cultures are man-made and can be changed.

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I get a bit impatient when I see Christians mis using a meaningless word to describe rather silly behaviour.

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In their aim to be gods, the progressive left are building their Tower of Babel, using the tools of lies, deceit, confusion and guilt, without realising that their Tower of meaningless, incomprehensible Babel, held together by a cornerstone of lies, will one day, without a shadow of a doubt, come crashing to the ground.

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Nice piece of writing.

I would have preferred the "satire alert" to have been dispensed with though.

Your subscribers are not "drongos".

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