Great response to the delusional fantasy world occupied now by a minister in the Queensland Government . Lets hear some responses from real women about this absurdity .

Do they think this is ok or not?

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There should be a law to silence these idiots.!! Or a needle preferably!! 😢🤔

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Brilliant. *Shakes head..* Love the dictionary!

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The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them (Psalm 2:4). The absurdity of our “political leaders” grows with every stupid and lying statement they make. Sadly, one day they will have to answer to a higher authority (as we all will). 2 Thessalonians 2:11 “For this reason God sends them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” Pray for our young people who are being deluded and seduced by these “influencers” who only seek to destroy.

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Yeah, James, this inclusion/diverseness cult religion is a toxic potion that has been concocted in the steaming cauldrons of 'progressive' alchemists on Capital Hill. Let me be crystal clear: it seems to me that unless somebody does not start thinking about doing something about that, then something will never get done. Wouldn't that be something?

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I continue to identify as the king of the world, but I don't see everyone kowtowing to me yet!

Do I have to take my problems to court or should we have a "voice for our king" referendum?

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The sheer mental gymnastics over these so called ministers for women. If anything are not for women.

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May 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Brilliant James. How much more stupid can these people be? Now I know why the nut houses were closed down, it was in order to gain more Parliamentarians. Will this stupidity ever end, and if it does, what comes next?

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Listening to Ms Fentiman I wondered if this woman is for real - well actually, NO, she has suspended all reality and is living in her own ‘Matrix’ let’s say she has been ‘yellow pilled’ (that is, the dark side of yellow).

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May 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Excellent! Your comparison to identifying as indigenous is spot on. Bruce Pascoe can and does, but let's say Rowan Dean ticked the box, I’d guess a totally different story. Complete madness 🤡

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James, your humorous logic exposes this Minister and all others who put themselves out there claiming that just because a man says he is a woman makes it so.

All in the name of inclusiveness???

Yair, right.

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The foolishness continues with absurdity and nonsense in abundance. There is hardly a brain cell functioning there.

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Labor.....The greatest show on earth.

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