Well James I do admire your research, but please don't drag anymore woke (past tense) past-pastors or libertarians, kalathumpians or any other brethren of the upside down cross church of hell my way!

As Jesus said to Peter once, "Get thee behind me Satan!" We are obviously and in manifest ways well and truely in the latter days. (Not that church either!)

The apostasy is well and truely out in the open, even though we seem more centred on the World Gender Olympic Games . Christians are threatened only when they do not know what Jesus has explained and promised all who believe and follow Him. Whatever would attract any sane human being to attend a Queer place of idol worshipping, I don't know.

Stay alert, for the devil is prowling around ready to pounce on one of the lambs on the fringe of Christs fold!

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I voted against that bloody Equality referendum because I was afraid that it would be the thin edge of the wedge for "these people"to demand more and more . from us humans .

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Well said James. Not much comes to mind after reading this, except God speaking to one of us mere mortals:

Job 38:4

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.”

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I just mentioned in a comment on another post, that my Nanna used to say “Yesterday’s perversion will become tomorrow’s normal”…she said that about 20 years ago, and it seems to be very accurate. There is a step in the middle where yesterday’s perversion becomes today’s toleration, but the final step seems to be a fair observation…today’s toleration certainly appears to become tomorrow’s normal. But if we mention any of this in a predictive context, we are of course horrendous, intolerant bigots.

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Thats me ! horrendous intolerant bigot didnt know it until now .

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there’s quite a few of us 🤣🤣

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And this Greg Brinn has the gall to usurp the title "Reverend". He's not even a wolf in a sheep skin - he doesn't bother to wear one.

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Sep 3Liked by James Macpherson

Accurate analysis yet again, many thanks,

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Sep 3Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks James, for stating the obvious. People perish for lack of studying the Word of our Creator. And sadly nothing has changed, for when we read the Bible, or generally look at the history of the world, ignorant people have always been easily deceived by 'wolves in sheep's clothes'. How we do need strong leaders in our churches, not watered-down feel-good religions! God will judge these perverts, but we need to be extra vigilant to protect children and simple-minded people from these evil distractors. There are plenty of other venues where people can be entertained in many 'diverse and inclusive' ways!

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Unfortunately Herma, there are more gullible people around who, like bees to a honey pot, will always be attracted.

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Was recently reading how Solomon built an amazing and beautiful Temple devoted to God (not to mention his own house) but that today not any trace of it can be found. Wilful sin does matter to God (who loved him). Not a good place to be then when you say you represent Him.

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James it is very important to me that you clarify is junior attracted in other word pediphilia and 3 different types of animal attraction beastiality included in the LBGTwhatever+ if so these are pure evil and should never be mentioned in a church and I object to one of natures beautiful gifts the rainbow being used in this way and what other deviate practises are included in the + Marg Riordan

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Rainbow ,one of natures gifts. I used to fly for a living and when above unbroken cloud with the sun at the correct angle ,the shadow of the aeroplane would be surrounded by a 360 degree rainbow . I have a few photographs of this but the true beauty doesnt transmit. How dare these perverts and sodomites hijack this symbol of beauty for their sordid practices .

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I’m sure, even if Pedophilia and Bestiality aren’t part of the ‘+’ in LGBTQ+, they soon will be!! But in reality, that lot probably already celebrate those inclusions anyway…😢

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That’s what the ++ are. The young people at that School in Victoria were told that and left the sex Ed lesson to hide in the toilets and call their parents.

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Bright kids . I hope that their parents acted accordingly (ie. kick arse and take names,)

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I’m just waiting for the lighting bolt.. this is incredible!

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Sometimes I wonder if this very obvious LGBT thing is the least of the modern church’s failings. Church today has bought into anti-Israel, global warming, pro-choice, big government and a slew of other wretched, morally bankrupt counterfeits. Not to mention a pale Christ and a non-existent Holy Spirit. Come soon Lord Jesus.

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I consider you to be quite correct. To this end, your article is a valuable wake-up call to the fact that 'we' are, in effect, today's 'counterculture'. By definition, as members of this counterculture, we have to live, act and demonstrate that 'we' reject and/or oppose the dominant values and egregious behaviour of today's society. But we need to demonstrate this not in a negative but in a positive manner. We need to package our rejection and opposition in a way that will attract others to join us.

I have long considered myself to be living parallel to contemporary society. As a good citizen I subscribe to its fundament and I obey its laws, but I totally reject its mores, its values and its behaviour. I reserve the right to critique these, and I reserve the right to my freedom of faith and my freedom of speech. These are dear to my heart.

In this spirit, I would commend to everyone the recently established Free Speech Union of Australia. Examine its credentials on the internet. I believe it to be a secular outfit that is willing to take the active fight to the enemy. I have been looking for such leadership for quite some years. That is why I am a member.

Welcome to the counterculture!

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Toby Young’s creation.

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Exactly. A sound man.

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Do we picket the offending establishments, John? Will you paint the banners for us?

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You wouldn't ask that if you knew the quality of my artwork!

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When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch... which, by all accounts, is getting pretty full now.

I would have said these groups need the shingle 'Ichabod' above their doors for the Glory of God has departed, but that would assume, while their hearts were far from God, their lips still honoured him. Clearly, their lips are moving, but they speak only heresies and damnable doctrines of devils.

Degenerate hearts and deviant minds that are full of deceit and debauchery masquerading as love, tolerance and inclusion. Remember, what one generation tolerates, the next will celebrate until it ultimately dominates.

They are in need of Holy Ghost repentance as do all who walk in rebellion.

Given that they have so consciously rejected God's truth and embraced the lie, they appear to be given over to the strong delusion... another clear sign we are living in those days prophesied of in scripture prior to Christ's return.

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Good one Alex. I never thought I'd see the Fall of Western Nations in my time. Debauchery belonged to the Roman Period, but it seems we are watching the complete demise of the Democratic Societies which have ruled for a seemingly shorter period than others of the past.

And we somehow let it happen to us.

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"the woke share our vocabulary but use a completely different dictionary " - what a good explanation. An excellent article describing the saltless religious (formerly known as Christian) quagmire some of our "churches " are becoming. Thanks for showing us how degrading this DEI practice is.

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Well said & well put James.

Our youth have not be taught to think, let alone critically think, for themselves. They are gullible, simple, malleable &, quite frankly, ignorant. You’re 100% right that we need to reclaim language & challenge those that seek to manipulate ideals & undermine the fabric of a decent society.

Btw, loved the “Eat Thy Neighbour service” line.

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I think the electronic era and now A I are both tools of Satan. We are seeing everything through social media and not the Word of God anymore.

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As I was reading this, it reminded me of David Wilkersons The Vision, which he saw quite some time ago, in it, he wrote of the church in the near future where there would be nude dancing in the church. Maybe that hasn’t happened yet, but just about everything else has. Brinn is on the brink!

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I recall that at a Hillsong church a few years ago that very thing happened.

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Wow! I didn’t know that

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It was in the US. A conference. Not total nudity but then again the way the singers dress sometime?

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G-strings? Fig leaves?

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No Axel! Just bare skins. aka Birthday suits!

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