Waves of adolescents flocked to San Francisco in the mid 60”s swapping their moral code for an ersatz religion of drugs, eastern mysticism and a good dollop of sexual abandon. All chronicled by Joan Didion in Slouching towards Bethlehem. Transcendence was much promised but rarely delivered. Most found sexual abuse hunger and nihilism. Helter Skelter was the nadir of the era and many smaller valleys of abuse and self destruction were crossed along the way.

Today our elites are slouching towards Bethlehem celebrating the Helter Skelter of October the 7th. Academia, the media, entertainment, business and unionist are united in trumpeting their new found moral code; Jews are oppressors, Israel is a colonialist power and the people of Gaza are the real victims. In this twisted logic Israel, it seems, deserves what it gets.

How did we get to here? Well, you need to understand that the ancient moral code passed via Judaism to Christianity is just too paternalistic, white and morally constraining. And what about the shameful litany of past sins hanging about its neck? The Christian religion is a damaged failure. God is old school. The idea that personal responsibility and respect for the individual lies at very heart of our civilisation is refuted by the truisms of group identity.

The evil that can infect the hearts of all people will be sorted by training sessions from HR and a few good “nudge” regulations to keep us in our lanes.

A new moral code is being constructed for us. Gaia is your new god. Good and evil is set out in your ESG code. Your role in life is defined by your skin colour and your wallet size. Transcendence is achieved by sitting in a forest on your yoga mat chanting in the rain.

Forget transcendence achieved on Easter Sunday in a cathedral with organ, choir, incense and solemn procession with your community.

Rejoice! This is your new world.

“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

Unless we fight like hell to stop this nonsense!

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Thanks James for taking the time out of your very busy schedule for the reply. Much appreciated 🙏

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You're more than welcome. Happy NY!

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You most certainly haven't lost this reader. I am very much with you on this. I'm glad you use this forum to speak out. on Trump v Biden, give me Trump over Biden. Paul

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"A challenger barely credible" Are you serious James. Trump is the only person on this earth that can save us. You are kidding yourself if you think this is not the case. Why do you think the Demorats want to destroy him by illegal court cases & Demorat Judges ? They are seriously worried about Trump. I could go on however if you hate Trump, what's the point.

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I think Trump will win. And I hope he does. His political instincts are very good. And he's a brilliant communicator.

I have had a bit of flack for saying he was barely credible. I meant in the eyes of media rather than literally. I should have been clearer.

Don't worry Thomas, I'm aboard the Trump train!!!

If you go back to December 13 I wrote an article titled "Go Ahead, Make America Great Again - Why only Donald Trump has the authenticity, the agenda, and the attitude to sort out this mess"

I think you'll enjoy it! :)

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You havent lost me on that. Keep spearing into this kind of territory.

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Exactly James

It saddens me to see the sheeple, lemming-like, hurling themselves over the cliff and into the abyss, so willingly.

The Antichrist is on his way.

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Nail on the head. Good work James.

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A bit late reading this, but thank you James. So timely at the beginning of this new year. When answering His disciples’ questions about the end of the age and His return, Jesus stressed that we be not deceived. So many people are fully deceived. Given over to wokeness. And so there is division. The “answer” will come in the form of a man so charming so as to deceive us all! We must all remain focused on the truth.

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Thank you James for pointing out in such detail what most of us, who will not desert your ship, believe. is due to a few bad apples in the barrel.We are definitely in a spiritual war and have been ever since Lucifer decided to challenge GOD. It was a spiritual battle in the Garden of Eden. Mankind was cast out of the idilic place and the war for our souls began. Ever wonder why Israel is the target of so much hatred, evil demonic hatred? When Satan realised that the seed of the woman would bruise his head, he set out to stop the seed being spread. After a few generations of his influence on mankind, God saw the effect was bad and wished He'd never created man. Noah's Flood was the result. The Messiah was promised, the seed was active and Satan zeroed in on the Hebrew nation. Herod got involved, God allowed His begotten son to be our sacrifice, and now the evil one is attempting to destroy the People and the Promised Land in a rage to try and destroy both. The current world unrest and the lack of support for Israel is shocking to say the least. The spiritual battle will end only when Christ returns to claim his followers. It is getting close to something or someone jockeying for prominence in world affairs. Israel is the bait and all evil will one day concentrate on it. Satan may think he is in charge, but God is the Fisherman and soon it will all end for evil. But it will be the beginning for all believers.

Hang in there my friends. God is still on His throne.

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That is a great summing up of the real problem of the West. Unfortunately with our "Greek" (scientific) thinking -- if you can't see it, smell it ,touch it or hear it, is doesn't exist and we no longer have the ability to perceive the spiritual dimension. Go to a tribal area (like parts of PNG for instance) where they are very aware of the spiritual dimension (albeit often the demonic side of it), the true Christians there are very concerned with the decline of the West's values. Thanks for your daily comments, they are my first read every morning. God bless, Phil

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"The Devil is the devil" and he's having his day. But thank God He has the last word. Help us Lord in these times, we know your heart is for every man, woman and child to come into right relationship with you (1 Tim 2/4-6).

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Thanks for all your work, James. I totally agree and appreciate how well you've articulated a perspective I share with you. It's an insightful article about the conspiracy of interests intersecting and converging towards fulfilling an evil agenda. It's true, whilst humanity actively participates in a grand conspiracy of evil, that it's not ultimately a human construct but engineered by Spiritual forces. The Church needs to step back, not from engaging with social rehabilitation, but to keep our eyes on the bigger picture and be reminded our fight is not with flesh and blood. We live in a time where the tension between standing for biblical beliefs and values and resisting compromise by the woke left, who are increasingly in our face, has become challenging to manage. But stand we must, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

My hope is in the Spirit's eschatological work to make things right. And my prayer is the Church will rise as effective partners in His work of redemption, a partnership that needs to get the right rhythm of initiation and response. Divine action should precede a human response, as in "We love because He first loved us." So, unless God initiates, our efforts are in vain. However, to not respond will be even more destructive. It's true without Jesus, we can do nothing, but if we do nothing, it will also be without Jesus. As Dallas Willard stated, we're not only saved by grace but we're also paralysed by it. Too many Christians are disengaged either through apathy or, a misguided belief in the sovereignty of God or both. We are all called to respond to God's grace and actively engage in spiritual transformation for His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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Well spoken James. The globalised mass fear over Covid and willingness to rush off for testing and vaccination can only be attributed to an overall spiritual coming together of the forces of evil. The Hamas atrocities are graphic evidence of evil. You wonder how humans can actually carry out such behaviour and celebrate it. It is surely satanic. Is this the early sign of Jesus return ? I hope so, as I see no sign of any leader standing against this worldwide decline.

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I do take issue with your description of the other presidential candidate as ‘barely credible’ .

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I took issue with myself over that one! lol

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I'm a bit unsure of Greg Sheridan's sour taste when mentioning #45. Do you have something sweet for him to read and change his taste buds?

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Well done James. This is a great article to open people’s minds and hearts to what’s really going on in the world; the coordinated attack of the enemy on Gods people. We are destined to inherit the earth but the enemy is still determined to stop us . The answer is not so much to speak out, although in a populist culture a majority might sway fickle leaders for a time but to pray and worship God because only he has the power to defeat the enemy. Thank God we are on the winning side as Christ has ensured our victory. Thanks again.

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