Another day another idiot running the show🙄🙄

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"This much is certain, Hipkins has zero balls." Does this make him half a woman, asking for a friend?

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Interestingly, on 60 Minutes last week we now have “theybies. Parents are not revealing the sex of their babies , instead are allowing them to choose their desired sex!!!!! So if a 4 yr old boy decides he wants to be a girl do they chop off his penis????. Perhaps Hopkins can give them some advice. Stop the world - I want to get off.

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Is thus man merried??? If so ...to what??? 🤔🤔🤔

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We could identify as an MP, but they would be awake to that as we would make too much sense for an MP.

You are right, it doesn't end, but astronaut is a waste of time as they only do Hollywood moon landings while the rocket orbits the earth.

WikiLeaks released a fake Moon landing! Cut scenes filmed in Nevada desert!


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This is just so embarrassing to say the least. Imagine what China and the countries of the Middle East must be thinking of us, here in the west? They must be ridiculing us and mocking us, because of the foolishness of our shameless leaders. Our leaders are bringing ridicule and shame upon us in the sight of the rest of the world. I wish so much, that the people of the west would wake up and vote these useless idiots out of government and that men with balls would stand in their place.

"The wisdom of the wise keeps life on track; the foolishness of fools lands them in the ditch. The stupid ridicule right and wrong, but a moral life is a favored life." Proverbs 14 : 8-9

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umm has anyone noticed we keep hearing the question 'What is a woman?" and our leaders cant answer that...but no one has said "what is a man?" is that because he is wearing a dress these days? ( Apologies in advance to the you men out there who are men, like us women who are women) my question is firmly aimed at the left wing woke wankers

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If I paid taxes I would love to identify the tax rate for myself and perhaps the GST rate too when I am paying for stuff.

This is the way to make governments wake up to their stupidity.

We all know what the words mean, but they are trying to bring in 1984 today in reality rather than fiction where all the words are redefined or identified.

Labor will win every election from now on until they get rid of the voter fraud company Konnech that is fixing the results for them no matter how stupid and unpopular they get.

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There are many things we could all identify for ourselves. Love the tax rate idea - you can identify your rate, surely? Wealthy - given the current climate (maybe that's not a good word to use - another topic :) ) we can take over the homes and businesses of the wealthy and identify as them. University grads (for those who aren't). Identity as an adult - if you're a child. One of my daughters is interested in space - surely she can now identify as an astronaut and therefore is fully qualified to go into space. (This would save us a lot of money educating her at uni, and a lot of pain and time for her). Another daughter is in her second her at uni studying engineering - well I guess she can just stop that right now and finish her studies and bingo, identify as a qualified engineer. That sounds good to me. And my son - soon to sit his learner's driver's licence test - nah, he's got it, just identify as a qualified driver and set him loose on the roads right now. And why do any tests at all when you can decide for yourself the outcome - 2+2=12 if YOU identify it as such. So you've all passed and let's celebrate that, shall we?

Meantime, we must pray for our governments, and for those so caught up in the lies of the enemy. And love them. I have been feeling compassion for the trans people, and have been praying for them. Must be in a lot of pain and turmoil, and we all know in different ways, what it is like to be broken and lost.

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AnonymousApr 4, 2023

We sure are living in strange times. But then we shouldn't be surprised because Jesus said these types of things would happen in the last days.

We still have our mandate as Christians and that is to pray for all in authority 1 Tim 2:1.

Our hope is that Jesus is still Lord and will always be.

God bless New Zealand.

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PS. Does anyone remember a simpler time. Eg: no gender police for the Who song- I'm a boy etc 🤪

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Gold again, James😁. Re "rights of women, he didn’t even know what a woman was!". So much confusion over the obvious. What will happen (in the name of equality ) when /if men identify as women? Does this mean there are less men and therefore gender balance / equity is met? I never dreamt that I would live in a time where absurdity became reality. God help us all.

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UNBELIEVABLE! “An education and health minister who cannot say with any certainty what a woman is”. BUT AS YOU SAY, HE DOESN’T REALLY BELIEVE WHAT HE ATTEMPTED TO SAY. What hope has NZ?

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His comments make trans Tasman take on a whole new meaning

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Perhaps he should ask the woman who gave birth to him what a woman is? It took her 9 months to formulate him.

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Thanks James always appreciate your support.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Happy Birthday James 🎉 🎂 keep up the great work.

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Thanks David

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Pythonesque. How can this be serious. They are wedging themselves into an ever shrinking corner. Starmer is on a winner, Sturgeon wasn't. Perhaps the wheel turns as the absurdity of transgender is exposed.

Well done James. Love your style. It adds to the absurdity.

Thank you.

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