We (well the Woke folk) tried to avoid this situation in Australia through trying to prevent church schools from being able to discriminate against teachers not accepting their faith standards or requirements. They need teachers that don't give a hoot about their students, not like the crazy Enoch whose students by now probably think he has been taken by God.

Anyway when are the non Catholic Church schools going to stand up?

I say "Bring on Galatians 3:28 then we can all be "They"".

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It is grea that the Australian Catholic Church is standing firm. Better that that school in Ireland (northern. I think). To be compelled to lie is something we should never be forced to do in a democracy. But then NI is the woke capital of the world and the Republic is not much better.

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Well done, Enoch Burke.

Congratulations to the Catholic Church here in Australia for recognising the bleeding obvious...

Man is Man, Woman is Woman!

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Crazy. I was taught lying was a bad thing now you get punished for not doing it.

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I thought of the non Christian professing Jordan Peterson when I started reading this edition.. and then of course he was mentioned. Jorden Peterson should be sent to that school to educate the educators who have completely and utterly lost the plot and their compass in life.

I grew up in the Anglican Church as a P.K. and never thought the Anglican church would become less relevant in my mind than the Catholic Church... maybe there is a lot to be said about the strict sticking to liturgical practices...

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Thanks, James, but seriously sad. What a world we now dwell in with all creation groaning, waiting for His return. Thankfully all things were created by Him and through Him which means He is not surprised and contains it all for His glory. We long for His return. We also long for all people to see His truth and turn from this world's lies.

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Having taught some junior biology I must have some idea of how to determine genders and this pronoun stuff is inconsistent and a failed argument. Genetically XX is female and XY is male. If you are confused then get a test done and see what your DNA says.

They would not allow me to say my pronoun is now, "King of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland" and you shall address me as such from now on. I don't have the right to use such a pronoun and the English language does not allow anyone to choose what others decide to call them. We choose the pronoun that fits the case and we may well be talking about someone who is not even present. We choose the one that shows who we are talking about in context of our conversation without asking the person, who is not there, how they would like us to communicate accurately.

This problem with the Irish Church goes back to their failure to believe the bible as God's infallible word and acceptance of the homosexual alphabet. It is a slippery slope to go with this madness and this is where it leads us with good teachers in jail and children with psychological problems calling the shots. To her the pronoun is just part of their social acceptance strategy and the, "Look at me" agenda.

God says it is very important to call men, men and women, women. The penalty is death in some cases. I would rather go to jail by men than have the death penalty over me by God.

"20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!

22 Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant men in mixing strong drink,

23 Who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away the rights of the ones who are in the right!" (Isaiah 5)

"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." (Genesis 1: 27)

"If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them." (Leviticus 20: 13)

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I can see how Climate Change will be the One World Religion in the Tribulation period. As in the days of Daniel when the statue of Nebuccadnezar was erected and everyone had to worship the statue, so it will be in those days. For a very long time this One World Religion has been a topic of discussion (in the 1950s and beyond), where people postulated about the Catholic church being it with the Pope as the False Prophet, but then Islam rose and there is no way they will bow to the Pope. It makes sense that everyone will bow to the climate!!!!

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The pope has accepted Muslims as a religion and they both hope to enter heaven one day. The pope just wants to be the head of all religions and that will be the one world religion of the future.

Those going to heaven will only be those whom God chose from before the foundation of the world that He as saved through the gospel of the blood of His Son who died for their sins and not for the sins of the children of Satan (John 8: 44-47)

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How totally insane! Imagine if government funding was cut, that would mean be a large portion of Australian mums would be out of the workforce to educate the children and become stay at home mums…or would it be the dads, and would dads then have to be called mums!?? 😳 I digress….😆

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Homeschooling is how we break the mind control over our children and the woke people will never allow that. They will make it a crime just like gender pronouns.

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Burke was correct when he said that doing noth8ng allows evil to flourish, but, today so many are cowed by the threat of “phobia” - disagree and you are - homophobic, transphobic, anythingyoulikephobic - and they couple this with a very strong chance of reputation destruction and employment destruction. We are living thru the Salem Witch Trials, with the judge and the jury clearly siding with the “Woke”, while the rest of us PBI’s are wondering just how the hell did it get this way and just how the hell do we stop it. The only way is too stand up and force them into court to repeat their lies and threats, and face the chance of a defamation court case, with punitive financial penalties arising if they are found to be guilty of making baseless claims. In the case of the Irish teacher, his refusal to call a child “they” raises a interesting point - if the “boy” is transitioning to a “girl”, surely the correct request would be to use “she, her” as “they” is a pronoun used to refer to something or someone of a unspecified gender, whereas this child is convinced “he” is a “she”, this clearly shows that the child in question is “himself/herself” unsure of “his/her” actual condition, which brings into question the individuals mental state. As too whether or not the teacher is correct to a) not refer to the child by the child’s stated preferred pronoun, and b) continue to show up at a school that clearly has no moral backbone and at the first opportunity uses the State to get “the problem” off the premises, shows that there is much to admire in a teacher who both wishes to teach and who wishes to obey his religion regarding sex/gender.

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The laws are the problem.

In Australia we need to remove 18C from the discrimination act or at least change the word gender or sex to male or female and the word offend also.

This was planned to work this way by the Communists behind the gender discrimination laws to control speech (1984) divide the people against each other and put good people in jail.

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Gosh. I’m so glad this isn’t happening in America.

The Australian Catholic Church has made a brave decision…

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It i already there, they just have not taken teachers to court yet.

It is an attack against biblical teaching as the expose' shows in this article.


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Look out USA, it will come

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We and all Christians must stand loud with the Australian Catholic Church, we too have a voice.

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This may work with this decision, but I prefer to stand by God's Commandments through the whole bible. Rome may get some things right, as all religions do, but they are not biblical in all their proclamations as history shows e.g. the Inquisition where people were punished for reading the bible because it exposed their priests for teaching fables.

The elect people (church = called out ones) are standing on the work of their Messiah, His words and the words of the prophets that God has spoken through since the beginning. (Hebrews 1)

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Well James the Irish boy was an "it" to be correct and it is an owner-operator that needs its arse kicked. You're born either ballbearing or childbearing and that's the way you stay even if you decide to cut things off because a girlfriend dropped you. Women rugby players excepted as they are a separate arrangement from God I have not yet categorised. Now I hail the Catholic church in Australia. If it can get through that terrible business with the wrongly convicted Cardinal then it can get through this absolute nonsense.

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It’s encouraging to see the Australian Catholic Church making such a courageous call.

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“Rights” are only ever one way.

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James, we are definitely now living in a dystopian nightmare - 1984 is becoming a reality.

Who would have ever imagined just 10years ago this insanity would happen - a teacher jailed for not calling an individual ‘they’ - which we know from the dictionary refers to two or more people.

Oh wait!! the dictionary now includes this definition ‘used to refer to a person of unspecified gender.’

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