Yeah, anyone who believes their crap is a few sandwiches short of a picnic...

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And did Catherine King's dozens of participants make sure to wear their jester's caps with the little bells tinkling from the horns while on their jaunt?

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🤦‍♀️ Oh dear!

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G'day Bella, they keep presenting opportunities.😀👍🇦🇺

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this only applies to the peasants to reduce emissions, our rulers are not included in mission reductions so it's ok for them to create more emissions that we sacrifice as it will allow them to emit more emissions???

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“Have we reached peak gullibility yet?”

Most have, some haven’t, but this “peak” airline industry body has either reached peak stupidity, peak arrogance, peak brazenness, peak pomposity and utter sheer superciliousness. I’m any case, we’ve gained a peek at how super silly they all are.

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It’s called a non Zooming junket. Would be interesting to know who turns it into a ‘short break’…whale, wine, walks in rainforests. Etc. And not net Zero either.

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The Jet Council recently met with the Transport Minister Catherine King & they said; "Good morning Minister, as you are aware we are dealing with the high prices of petroleum, jet fuels & additionally public transport. So in the spirit of cooperation & massive profits, ha,ha, & in conjunction with the government we are now looking at alternative fuels, which includes grasses and herbs.

Unfortunately,the programme has had some failures, but on the bright side we now have the trains run on thyme."

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well done, very clever

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Does Zoom not work anymore . What we had to tune into when unable to attend funerals or weddings not all that long ago .

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Thanks again, James for pointing out their hypocrisy on steroids. Abuse of power is not a new thing but it still is ugly to see. They no doubt need a reason to feel important and because they are flying somewhere, it elevates their egos. Perhaps with all the hot air generated at the talk they could have caught a hot air balloon back?

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'One may steal a horse but the other mustn't look over the hedge', is the saying that comes to mind.

What arrogance, what hypocrisy and what a testament to how much these losers really do care about reducing carbon emissions. But hey, there is no price to pay for stupidity when you can do it at someone else's expense (taxpayers).

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NO WORDS!!!!!🤬🤬

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Have they not heard of Microsoft teams …they preach on the religion of climate yet don’t practice what they preach. The fools voted them in and now we all are paying for this stupidity

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Government has no money. Every dollar it spends it takes away from someone else. They’re enjoying the ride to the max, before they’re replaced by others who will do the same.

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