Just as racist as dividing people by race with special privileges for some, but not for the others.

Is there a bill for a white voice to parliament? A Vietnamese voice? Immigrant voice?

We are already controlled by the Chinese bribery of our corrupt politicians so I don't think they need or want a Chinese voice to parliament.

The Left Woke policy is, "If you keep telling a big lie long enough and loud enough, no matter how unbelievable it is, people will believe it rather than a small lie. It must be a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."

The problem is that politicians have been using them so much that if you see their lips moving you can tell they are lying.

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Whenever anyone comes this black anti-racism nonsense with me, my response which stumps them 99% of the time is- please give me a technical/scientific of the colour "black". Of course we more intelligent types secretly know that black, in physics, is what is perceived with the human eye when light is absent or when all wavelengths in the visible spectrum are absorbed.

So black is the very absence of colour on the visible spectrum. White is when all wavelengths of the visible spectrum combine.

As an Australian of Anglo Saxon ancestry, I am referred as being a “white” male ( which in wokespeak is an ad hominem)

Yet, if I compare my skin colour to the colour swatches of ISO 15076–1:2010, I am closer to brown than white. And, to be more precise, the BS381C British Standards Colour Chart has a colour called Light Beige (366)

So, as it is my right to refer to myself any colour I chose, I’ll go for the scientific definition of Light Beige (366) Although if I check after a week’s summer holiday swimming and fishing on the Gold Coast, I’ll probably be more like Beige (388). But definitely not white.

The really interesting thing which conflicts with the leftist narrative, the colour black, in history, is derived form the greatest of evils, the name of which we can't utter, coal. (shhh, I don't think anyone heard me)

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I have been to Kenya, and though I left a long time ago the indelible strain of 'Jambo, jambo bwana' has never been erased from my mind. When I am captured they will play this to me as I sweat to death in the tin box, seething myself into the afterworld.

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Did I gear right 🙄🙄

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Unethical conduct is actually the conduct of destruction and despair. Appears to be apt for the producers in this instance.

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Shelly Guy is not black either…. Who is she to discriminate against anyone?

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Thank you James! You certainly do a great job at exposing idiocracy for what it is! In your last report, I commented about how the movie 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' is a much more palatable alternative to 'Strange World'. What I am now most perplexed about, is why Snow White has not already been cancelled, for being so white!

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"Deaf talk show host Randy Spann wrote of Wann: ‘You disgust me. Let black people get their opportunities to get a spotlight.’"

"‘This is not discrimination,’ Sutton said. ‘Reverse racism is not a thing. Stop taking all the jobs when we have black interpreters that are the better fit. Wipe your own white tears because we are not going to do it for you."

It is neither the colour black nor white that is the problem here, but green. One of the major problems here is those who are green - green with jealously!!

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I think Shelley Guy should be cancelled because her surname is sexist against women. Perhaps the name Narcissist or Bigot would be more appropriate. Remember how the Coons were cancelled for putting their name on blocks of cheese that were produced by their company?

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James, could you find a way of sending this piece you have written to Wann? He obviously needs help on his stance in this matter.....

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We definitely need Wann another.

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Haha! Well it looks like he definitely needs another to point the situation out!

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Watch out, James. You are letting logic prevail over biased hyped feelings 😁

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I need to stop doing that.

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Where do we go from here? At least it’s getting more entertaining for those of us who at least believe we’re normal. Great work James!

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The closer we get to the apocalypse, the funnier life becomes. It's the one consolation of having to live through this period in history.

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We can laugh but ‘the voice’ if it gets the majority vote may be a precursor to similar nonsense.

There should be no division because of skin colour or race, we are all members of the human race.

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Unbelievable!!!!!!!! What mindless racist behaviour!

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A very funny piece if it wasn”t true...but unfortunately it is!...what sounds like a relaxed laugh at a pub joke...something which is beyond absurd which was meant for a laugh has become true!....we need to cancel white people in a show that uses African animal costumes...I wonder were the animals themselves offended! Don’t be fooled this has nothing to do with caring for an oppressed race....This is blind fundamentalist dogma...this is straight out of the de-humanising playbook with more than a whiff of Nazism using a non-issue straw man to topple a culture! Placing one race above another in any context de-humanises all as we are a part of one race the human race and we should treat everyone the same under God

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Brilliant James!

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I agree.

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