The HAMAS Nazis killed Anne Frank all over again on the 7th October 2023 while shouting "Allah Akbar"!

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This is so disgraceful James. I hope people remove their kids because they’ve discovered the owners/teachers are idiots and bigots.

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We have our own heroin,who suffered cruelly under an enemy only she suffered under the japs. Her name was Sister Vivian Bullwinkle (Australian Army Nursing Service ) who was a survivor of the vessel Vyner Brook sunk by the japs at Banka Island in NEI( now Indonesia)after the japs had finished with them, they were marched into the sea and machine-gunned Vivian was wounded and survived ,was taken prisoner and lived out another three and a half years as a POW of those people. A book was written about the horrors of those years and was published as "The White Coolies" and was serialised on ABC radio when I was a boy , I bought two copies of the book when it was re-printed in, I think late 80 s One for our own library and one to be donated to my daughters primary school library. The book was sent home with a note that said ,in part --"-a long time ago and we wont have books with a racist content here for our children to read. So a kindegarten in Germany or a primary school in Australia???? The lunatics are most certainly in charge of the asylum.

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I'm with you Bob, that is disgusting, disappointing and just so wrong

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I'm shaking my head.

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The migrants may find it difficult to explain Anne Frank’s story to their kids? Seriously? I find it hard to explain Daniel Morcombe’s death to my grandkids, but I do it and encourage them to wear red to remember. Why? TO PROTECT THEM!

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Correct. You teach children history in order to ensure they are aware of the warning signs should history begin to repeat. Failure to do this is to fail your children.

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Is it the Muslims who are offended by the kindergarten’s name of Anne Frank?

Or is it the Leftist Germans who think all of our Judeo-Christian heritage needs to be erased in case it offends Muslims.

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It's both

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The rise and fall of civilisation as we know it. BY eradicating Jews, the World is so much the worse. The Jewish people have given so much to this world, they are extremely intelligent and the dumbos want to eradicate them because it makes them feel inferior. Angela Merkle was definitely wrong opening Germany up to those refugees, but was it part of the PLAN? If we look around the world, we have been infiltrated and I am sure that is not accidental. Maybe the kindergarted could be called Gulag 23? We are sitting back watching our way of life deteriorate as the band plays Walzing Matilda

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Angela Merkel, the "Queen of Bleeding Hearts", was an exposure of the Western World's foolishness and outright gullibility in dealing with a massive problem of Islamic "Presbyterians" flooding into Europe from their chaotic home lands, lands ruled by totally corrupt and brutal tyrants.

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Waltzing Matilda is a coloniser's tune designed to oppress the Indigenous folk. Cancel it.

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Lol I mean it can’t get any more ridiculous... or will it ! Lol

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can I laugh?

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How much longer do we sit back and watch Orwell's 1984, (which has apparently become an instruction manual for the global NWO), become reality while the ministry of (dis)information continue to rewrite and erase history and eradicate our freedoms and enjoyment of life?

I'm done with it, bring on the final battle where I am prepared to fight to my last breath to protect our children from evil, or take me home Father God to fight alongside your angels, this world is too far gone and is in desperate need of your Godly restoration or obliteration!!

Come Lord Jesus quickly!

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We need to be vigilant , and remember to be ready for the Bridegroom's return. We need spare oil and wicks - we need to be missionaries in our workplaces and make sure we are living our lives like 'God's books' so that those around us can see us live our lives for Jesus (not that that is easy!)

I discovered this awesome video on YouTube today of a church in Glasgow Scotland, who has a puppet ministry - so awesome. "Walk Like A Christian" definitely applies here: https://youtu.be/1ujIBrFPI_s?si=ZtXd0KoGLCEZEqHJ

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I agree, but not until North Melbourne win a grand final

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Oh man you will be waiting quite a while then :P

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James, what a tragic situation we find ourselves in. We need to speak out about what we see, and the dangers ahead. (and not even ahead)

But...what else should we do?

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Keep speaking truth to all who will listen. And keep your family close.

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Amen to that!

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Seems the more diverse society gets, the less inclusive it becomes. Funny how that works.

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You're getting it! :)

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The anti semitic heart in Europe which we have imported rears it’s ugly head. Germany is struggling big time with the issue of supporting the Jewish people. They make it compulsory for their young people to learn about the Holocaust and WW 2.

German school children have to visit a camp and the various places that represent what was done to by the German nation to the Jews and others.

Tour guide after tour guide told on our recent trip how proud they were of this compulsory education which makes this rather vacuous suggestion of change of name for a Kindergarten very baffling.

The German nation is trying to walk a tightrope with shards of glass embedded in it in regards to this particular present conflict. Mrs Merkel’s legacy is very troubling.

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The German government is keenly aware of German history 1933 - 1945 - and beginning with Konrad Adenauer, the then chancellor, has made massive financial restitution to Israel and individual Jewish victims of the persecutions. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are now forbidden in Germany, but cases like the Anne Frank kindergarten, the marking of Jewish residences with the Star of David by lame-brained Germans and resident Muslims continue to divide German society.

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The incidents are growing in Germany because of the number of Arab and African immigrants. The Germans are in a difficult position. A recent meeting in Germany of government ministers thrashed out the problem but came to no conclusions, except that it was a problem and they resolved to give states more money.

The anti semitism has risen because of the immigrant problem.

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I cannot recommend highly enough Douglas Murray's book The Strange Death of Europe.

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Rereading it now - DM had such insight into what is taking place now - a warning ⚠️ but is it too late for our crumbling western societies.

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Well obviously Muslims are the reason for the name change can’t think of another religion that would object. Yep I’m saying it why I can and I will say it when I cannot. It seems we are living in a parallel universe of hate, blame and evil on all levels. Hopefully to tomorrow we will all wake and realise it was just a very bad dream. Unfortunately no this is the new reality and we gonna have to fight on all levels to end this dystopian nightmare.

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Perhaps the most suitable new name for this kindy is "Juden sind hier unerwünscht" (Jews are not welcome here). How diverse. How inclusive.

What was never to happen again is repeating itself. What a disgrace!

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Never again ! hah - the Arabs are sharpening their swords all over the place. And the Persians also. Hisbollah in Lebanon is getting Russian SS 22 rockets with compliments from the Kremlin. Does the symbol "SS" ring a bell to anyone???

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Anne Frank’s story may never have been told to the world if her Father Otto, the only survivor of the family, had not published Anne’s diaries in 1947. He did this in honour of his child, as her dream was to have become a writer. Her name and story became synonymous with the extermination of 6 million Jewish people under Nazism.

And now the erasure begins as not to incite the ire of the Jew haters.

What will be erased next the Jewish (Holocaust) Memorial Museums in Europe?

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Anne Frank and all the others have not disappeared forever. Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. The One who will bring them back is Himself a Jew.

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