Great writing, James! I was especially bemused by Bandt’s hypocritical comment about how hard trans people have to fight ‘to justify their rights’. What about us much maligned Christians!

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Ok know I would still vote no, all we have now is a sleazy society and people unsure who or what they are! Children are still being brainwashed and families and parents made out to be against a certain part of society!!

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The one thing that's consistent about the atheistic left and that's their inconsistency. After all,(ref. my previous comment on Nietzsche's "Madman") with no God there is no moral ontic referent. There's no up nor down, no horizon- these creatures are spinning through an infinite nothing. Notice if you will, the number of ads and TV shows which now feature openly homosexuality and transvestitism.(see Smiths crisps ad, Kelloggs ads,BUPA ads) and the list goes on. Every second ABC/BBC show now features homosexuality as if its normal.

And as for the sanctity of love, according to these poor creatures- I love my dog- can I get married to him? Oh, and a majority of Australians did not "vote" for SSM. Its was a voluntary "opinion" with less than 80% eligible voters responding of whom 60% opined in the positive- which makes 49% of the eligible voting population - not a majority.

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We said this would happen and we were correct.

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TANYA was still dancing with the tribe , while Lismore flooded.

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What kind of a dark place is Australia turning into, where sin is a right and prayer is a crime???

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God made them male and female and said, "multiply and fill the earth"

All the LGBT stuff is about depopulation as they are all sterile except Bi sometimes, but they also transmit diseases between the Gs and women.

ACC and AGW demonizing CO2 is all about depopulation as it destroys our economy and our ability to support a family.

Feminism is all about depopulation as it keeps women in the work force instead of raising a family.

Covid was all about depopulation with the bioweapons making both men and women sterile.

It is all a Communist plot to destroy our morals and our population so they can win their eternal war of evil against good.

You are right about their push being never ending. Next will come pedophiles, then animal love, etc. as long as it does not increase the population. Polygamy will never be allowed, even though it is biblical, because it creates too many children.

We need to amend the anti discrimination act section 18C to read male or female instead of sex or sexual orientation and remove the word offend. This is where they get their legal power to force their way into every person't life and faith.

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Well said!

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You are always right on the ball James.

I love your reports

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You're a fine judge of good writing Jim! :)

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Well said I wish you were on the main stream media or someone would post your fantastic truths!!! Well said amen to that!!!!

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Unfortunately, I don't think it would be good if James was on mainstream media, as he would probably get butchered by all the lunatics on the left. But then again... if he was up against idiots who don't even know what a woman is, or what love is, or the difference between 61% and 100%, he might be alright... :-)

But of course, I agree with you whole-heartedly, Anita - it is so important to share these truths far and wide! Thank you James and also all the commenters, for encouraging me with your refreshingly normal, sane, level-headed words.

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So true hey refreshing normal same!!! Where have they gone??!!! ♥️🙏

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I'm on The Rowan Dean Show 9pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on Sky! Would love you to tune in!

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Fantastic 🙏🙏🙏

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Your articles let me know that I am not alone.

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I love hearing that Aili. I often watch the news and think ... Has the whole world gone insane? Or is it me?

Spoiler Alert:

It's the world!

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Such a good article James! Well done!

" the mere addition of war- paint does not make one a warrior" to quote from The Art of War. Adapt here to :" the mere removal of body parts & taking of pills does not change one's gender". We are living through very weird (queer?) times!!

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Thanks Margaret

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James your awesome.. your one of the only Christian writers who is challenging the madness… your blogs confirms what lukewarm Christian compromise has led to…the result of indifference and unwillingness to challenge what the years of milk and glut have given us….some are still preaching about crossing the Jordan and reaching the promised land….while Babylon grows around us we now face what our brothers and sisters in the underground church have faced in my opinion …exile and persecution…you inspire me to write…I think God has anointed you with this gift…and yes I digress…lol

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Great digression David! :) And thanks

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Nov 15, 2022

Well I'll say it once again and keep on saying it regarding these critical issues. Pray first for all in authority 1timothy 2:1. This word will never pass away so we can be confident our prayers are backed by God.

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Exactly…. Soro’s Orange Revolution I think they call it. The year 2010 was not that long ago.?

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James Macpherson 👏👏👏👏

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You win comment of the day Karen. Your award will be posted later today

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Five years and we have been on the very slippery slope of degredation. The further we go, the slipprier it gets. Love is love maybe should be re defined as lust is lust

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