Please shout this message out loudly everywhere you can. The current oppression is soul murder.

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So very true, so very sadly! 🙁

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Sep 4, 2022·edited Sep 4, 2022

The Catholic Church or originally founded the schools, hospitals and universities. Then the masonic enlightenment comes along to dechristianise and demoralise these same institutions and now look at where we are today. Mankind is really messed up.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

It all started with…”everyone get a prize.” Until debate is allowed to return, the school of hard knocks may be their best learning institution.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks, James. Empty lecture theatres have been happening for a while. When visiting Adelaide uni a few years ago, a lecturer told me that they were looking at turning these spaces into other purpose areas. They said that students preferred to listen to a recording at another time at double or more speed and felt they could absorb enough to pass. Of course you cannot have debate or feedback, but then in face to face lectures/tuts often the lecturers are not wanting opinions that differ from books they write and are compulsory reading. The system was broken decades ago. Online/ offline courses have benefits. When possible, I chose offline as much as possible to save 3+hours travel to hear a 45min lecture that was often irrelevant. As a mature age student trying to juggle family and uni to get paper approval for existing skills was an excercise in frustration.

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Sep 3, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Well said!

I actually prefer personal lectures!

Being at home is too distracting, and requires a greater degree of discipline, to focus on the lecture and what the lecturer is saying.

Nothing beats in person!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

The very fact that lecturers operate Zoom meetings and don't insist on in person attendance is a joke. Sure, some Zoom meetings may be appropriate, but not normal, and cameras on being a requirement is just basic logic.

I'm unsure why anyone still regards a university indoctrination as a good thing, it's been over 20 years since a university indoctrination was anything to be proud of.

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But honestly though. It's not about the loss of opportunity to have arguments and say opinions. It is mostly because what they teach is puke-worthy and every time I turn up to a lecture I want to get up and leave saying 'eugh'. I can feel the void inside me begging me to come out and wake everyone up from this disgusting world we live in where babies are being murdered with 'pride' for sexual immoral acts and straight white men are being called devils. Not to mention the beginning of every lecture that has a slide saying 'we respect the land we stand on, elders past, present and future, of the hdhsjaudhhdhs nation' or the comments like 'if anyone is aboriginal please come up to tell us your views as they are most important in our class and we'd love to hear how you have experienced these horrible things and oppression you have endured.' I'd rather just sit at home and swear my mouth out every time I hear these dudes and dudesses talk who are just complying to the 'h1tler' university President or whoever is in charge. Oh! An important thing I forgot! Masks, all lecturers speak with masks most of the time and not only they look extrely stupid but you can't even understand what they're saying under the face nappy. I suppose most of the time that is a good thing but still. Or all the comments like 'I assume everyone is vaccin@ted with their 0ooster shots and flu shots and staying home if sick. Just eugh. F off.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I can’t ‘like’ this enough. I have just returned to university study and you are spot on!

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What? Can they not afford the petrol to get there ??? Haha

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

James a truly sad indictment of our places of ‘higher learning’. However Neo-Marxism has been marching through our universities since the early 20th century.

This in part occurred with dispersal of 5 members of the Frankfurt School to different USA universities. So the indoctrination began, buoyed on by many others.

Thank you James for your ‘enlightening’ piece - always challenging, current and with degrees of humour & satire. Brilliant 👏👏

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Surely those who are in charge of these non existent universities can begin a start back to proper learning from real people in a real university, so students can learn the art of real debate - or even the joy of debating/ arguing/ discussing with their fellow student/friends in the safe cocoon of their actual university where they will also learn the joys of hot debate & blooming friendships that last a lifetime

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson


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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

“Think outside the box” used to be a thing. I remember my year 2 teacher telling us this. Now it’s “think inside the box or else” and all the while the box continues to be shrunk down. The solutions people bring these days seem to take us backwards.

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

I agree! Children will loose their creativity and not be challenged to think!

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Sep 2, 2022Liked by James Macpherson

Was Malcolm Turnbull lecturing.

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LOL 😆 🤣 😂

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