Loving the report.

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What would Jesus do he would not bow to the government of the day or the religious leaders of the day the bible shows that clearly. Of course he would love his neighbour and being vaccinated has no relationship with COVID transmission....so this argument is a non issue so why is this church leader promoting it? Now that’s a great question to investigate...who’s drum is this archbishop really following? On all accounts this message of taking the jab to love your neighbour is completely wrong...your folly is in front of you and you should repent and follow the truth while you still have time lest you become irrelevant and your organisation will be void of Jesus...what would he say if the vaccine was found to create excess deaths or vaccine injuries or lower natural immunity or worse mass infertility or super charge cancers now now that’s not loving your neighbour that’s using Jesus’s name to facilitate harm and early death...it’s getting hot for the archbishop!...that evidence proves that your doing Satan’s work because my Jesus never harms and causes early death!

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Great! So glad I didn’t miss any of your posts. God bless you, James!

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Sorry James that was directed to WHO..not you..🙏

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

James, I haven’t been getting your posts for a few months now and I’ve missed them. I’ve been flat out but there was always time to read what you’ve written. Keeps me sane! I was SO glad when I got yesterday’s post!!!

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The church has a lot to be ashamed of and to repent of - God has NEVER forced anyone to do something against their will, even if it is wrong. He gave us free will and a sacred autonomy over our own bodies. So who do the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury think they are? The fourth member of the Trinity?! How dare they invoke the name of Jesus to blackmail people to have the jab.

Sadly, the church has been a coward in their response to the government and medical tyranny that was inflicted on all of us.

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Yep. It just shows that they're not really Christians. We know them by their fruits.

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Great summary of what’s happened and is happening. We stopped going to ‘our’ church after they closed it the second time around and the day before Anastasia brought in lockdowns. We turned up and we’re sent away or given the option of sitting separated to watch it on the screen in another room. Unbelievable. And yes all those the years of ‘What would Jesus Do’? Completely down the drain. 😡

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

The Catholic Church along with many other churches have failed to stand up for what is right ended up being mouth pieces of the governments very sad.

That’s why Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger) had to stand down wasn’t inline with the WHO and the WEF

Very sad state of affairs, sad to see so many blind people

Killing of babies

Mandated experimental drugs and all the woke nonsense

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Well said James! 👍

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

love it and so true. what happened to pastors caring and pastoring? oh ya that right they were at home getting paid to do nothing 😁

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

What did the Arch Bishop say after they redid the vestibule with black and white tiles?

"It looks nice but now I can only enter and exit diagonally "

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Ultra conservative baptist pastor, Dr John MacArthur, when threatened with prison if his church kept meeting, replied, 'I've never had a prison ministry.'

If he can have such resounding faith in the face of opposition, I pray many more will stand the next time. As there surely will be a next time.

The fear mongering from the idiot-box worked so effectively.

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Whooooaaaa James?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing..

We were in a Pandemic of MASSIVE proportions, uncovered territory,

There was bound to be errors. 😢😢😢

If there is any crap to be thrown, should tnrow it where it belongs CCP..CCP& STILL CCP. Check their latest figures &RECORDED deaths only weeks ago..😤

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Mar 12, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

So exasperating! Thank you for expressing the situation so well. I am desperate to see the church's eyes open and see the way that the enemy has used this to weaken congregations and 'outcast' the lonely and the 'jabbed.' I was appalled at how hospital visits and caring for the elderly in the congregations were stopped to 'protect the vulnerable.' Since when have we worried more about physical safety than spiritual health?

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

I wrote to my Archbishop begging him not to close our churches but to let the priests and people CHOOSE. I have returned to my church now, not because of the erring clergy that failed me last time and fail in so many other ways, but because I go to Church for Christ, not for them. I go to offer the Perfect Prayer, Holy Mass, to receive the SACRAMENTS. I go to receive Our Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar: The Blessed Eucharist! I could not live without the Sacraments and the Great Graces that flow from them - that is when they are available. I will however, have to do without them for a short time when the Churches are closed permanently. That is to come I'm afraid to say...

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