About time the church schools stood up for traditional values instead of rolling over and being all woke. The LGBTXYZ are only about 6% of the population so in a democratic society, its the majority that have the say!

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Yeah.. and they said the 2017 vote..oops "plebescite" was "just about love" and letting SSCs have the same as everyone else.. denied vehemently there was any other agenda... Yet 6 years down the track.. here we are.

And we've just had an actual extremely costly referendum that was purported to be a "moderate, purely administrative" change.. and guess what? Now they are ranting and raving about what they REALLY were all about.

When will the Australian people learn.. 😭

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I was just listening to a presentation by Konstantin Kisin today. He spoke about Alexandr Solzenticin, whom came to the US and said things people did not like.

One of his observations was that one of the predictors of the failure of society was it's loss of spiritual strength, i paraphrase of course.

It's past time that he West realised why it reached the heights it has (did) and far it is likely to fall if it does not WAKE UP!

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It was a great speech

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The Bible. The one constant, unchanging, solid rock that holds so many of us together. The pro "loose morals" gang have a multitude of schools to choose from. I am not catholic but hold the truth of my bible close to my heart. Those who don't know God don't get it, such a shame about Pauline deciding to have a crack as well. Family First are the only bible believing party, I support them.

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We don't need Pauline to support the Bible on this issue. We need Pauline to support the right of parents to educate their children in an environment that upholds rather than undermines the faith values they teach at home. And, of course, the State system exists for people who want a different choice again

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Good on that school. There are plenty of schools that have no moral stance on anything. These parents can send their children there.

The Human Rights Law Reform Commission is due to give its report on this very issue very soon. The federal government wants to take the right of religious schools to discriminate in regards to staff and issues like this. They had so many submissions, the final report had to be put till they had all been considered.

I hope you all put yours in. ACL were very helpful in talking you through the process. The rainbow brigade of course put theirs in but Christian’s did too. Praying they make the decision to leave things as they as are.

The last the greens tried to do this in the NSW parliament Gordon Moyes, bless him, wrote to the Islamic schools and told them that the greens had declared jihad on them. The greens and the government were swamped with outraged letters from the Islamic organisations and they quickly shelved the idea.

In the end though the government will go after Christians because we don’t fight back. But we should let Minns know our views. And soon.

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I am so glad some schools are standing for what is right. I so feel for children these days and what they are having to learn. The states are calling for more teachers but maybe the issue is that the teachers don't want to teach the rainbow alphabet to tiny tots! Maybe they are preferring to home school their own children. That Catholic school is to be commended for it's stance. I can remember being 14 and the Headmistress picking fluff off my jumper and lecturing me on where I was to sit on the bus, after all, I know what goess on in the back seats of buses!!! ( I had no idea what she was talking about, so it left me wondering what went on in the back seat of buses?) That is how we have gone from innocence to too much information is a couple of generations (I know I am old, but I am also glad). It was a Methodist girls college after all

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On fire again Mac! Been waiting for you to comment on this one.

Can schools just go back to teaching maths, english and science and stop with all this nonsense political brainwashing and appeasement to minority groups - oh wait sorry I forgot, we no longer have schools or educational facilities but instead indoctrination camps, my bad. (insert eye roll).

How any self respecting teacher with half a conscious, let alone half a brain can stand before a class of children and push the garbage they are pedaling as education rather than actually educate and empower the children with real knowledge and skills is beyond belief. Just makes me sick!

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I wrote it days ago but Sky took their time publishing it. Sorry to have kept you in suspense Bella! lol

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lol, I'll let you off this time, just cos I'm nice :)

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Phew! I live to post another day!

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Yes, ask the Premier if Islamic schools must allow LGTBQI etc and see what they have to say.

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Fingers in ears---wait for the bang!

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Please do it.

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Let's hope these enlightened, biblically ignorant secularists are as quick to correct all the other faith-based schools out there, like say, for instance, any of the Islamic schools who may hold to a view on sexuality somewhat at odds with the amoral culture we find ourselves in.

I won't be holding my breath.

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Pauline Hanson came out swinging against the school as well. I like Pauline. Am a member of PHON, but on this we disagree. God does not have to “get with the programme.” Good on St Ursula’s 👍

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Well that’s PHON gone for me. UAP and Mark Latham and Rod Roberts.

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I saw that. I was quite surprised at her stance. Thank God for Senator Babet!!!!!

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Remove your children from the catholic school, send them to a public school. There they will get all the LGBTQI minus sign, divided by sign, plus sign, indoctrination, I mean, education they can handle.

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Spot on Senator!

I'm yet to hear of any local Public High Schools in our local area that don't force the LGB+-/ agenda down the students throats.

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