Every person especially Biden’s awful wife should hang their heads in utter shame for their naked disgusting sickening ambitions to hang onto power deliberately using this demented sad old man. The humiliation!! Unbelievable!! And I doubt that awful Jill cares about a thing as long as she is First Lady and the power behind the drone. Disgusting horrible woman!

I also just finished watching 24 minutes of Joe’s appalling embarrassing behaviour going back well before 2020. I think the debate not only shamed Joe, although he obviously didn’t realise it, but it utterly exposed the Democrats, those who voted for them and the MSM as the arrogant liars and frauds that they’ve been for the last four plus years. All these people were forced to face global public shame and derision for what they’ve done, said and written about. God does have a sense of humour! Nothing like a public undressing to get some justice! I hope it sticks like you-know-what to a brick because the justice that was heaped onto them that night couldn’t have happened to nicer people.

But sadly they have made a laughing stock of their country and every wannabe in the world - China, Russia, North Korea, Islamic Middle East - knows they are an easy target. Mind you, they already knew it and probably can’t believe their luck that America actually ADVERTISED it globally.

I just hope Trump gets in because he’s the only character strong enough to clean up the Democrats’ mess.

Lord have mercy on those of us who are still normal!

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Unfortunately the Yanks need a good kick in the arse before they wake up to the reality of the occasion , ie 1917 the sinking of the British ship Luisitania with about 1200 US citizens on board to join WW1 and Pearl Harbour in 1941for WW2 after the Brits and the Commonwealth were at the Krauts and dagos for over two years but when they got going watch out the wogs. They will get up and go when the shit hits the fan and good on them.

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I reckon Michelle Obama will get the nod. And I think Dr Jill is s evil.

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I’d love to know who has actually been running the country so far. Jill plus Michelle, Hillary, Obama and all the other faceless people??

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I reckon it’s always been O’Biden.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Apparently his family ( wife and son ) is urging him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite his awful debate performance 🫣🫣😬😬

Let’s say his next performance is better ! What about next year? The year after? What about one after that ?

I bet in 4 yrs he will be in wheelchair ! There’s nothing wrong with wheelchair but he might not remember his sons name by then !

I bet the Democratic Party have gathered the best thing they can do is keep him in the game Bcz at this point if they bring a new person the public will not trust the party and they have to start campaigning from the start. And most likely Trump will win regardless.

Maybe they are hoping if Biden wins the election, they then somehow get him step down and replace him with someone else !

Or maybe they will keep him there in the Whitehouse as a vegetable so they can make the big decisions behind the scenes to fit their agenda and manipulate him into signing things and approve policies etc and Jill wouldn’t mind because she can enjoy the perks

Meanwhile if Trump wins I think democrats will be in trouble with border control investigations , “who has been running the country in the past 4 yrs” investigations lol, and they will be embarrassed for accusing Trump for some of the things to get him stuck in the mud so that no one gets in their way.

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I think the Democrats had always intended to use Jo Biden as their stooge to do the will of behind-the-scene manipulators. They'll keep him there until the end no matter what it takes.

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Hunter probably needs his old man in the job to keep him out of gaol.

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I just can’t believe that they publicly admit that Hunter is his personal advisor and I can’t believe how some people still going to vote for Biden when Hunter is urging him to stay in the game ! Hunter !! 🙈 his daddy could get him out of trouble if daddy is president. I mean after all he’s giving his daddy advice on how to run the country and what to say and not to say !

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I think that debate finally derailed the Democrats’ presidential aspirations. I just hope the (dumb) masses have enough memory span to remember that on Election Day. Collective amnesia and stupidity seem to go hand in hand. And there’s plenty of that here in Australia too! eg Daniel Andrews and Albanese getting elected. Will the human race ever learn and grow up?!

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That poor delusional old bat and Joe needs a rest as well.

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Poor old Joe, his batteries keep going flat, he is definitely not an Everready bunny!

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Jill Biden has to actually hate the man she married. Was Joe so venal that his family hate him so much that they would humiliate and be so cruel?

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I agree, Jillian. What appalling cruelty to deliberately publicly humiliate someone you’re supposed to love. It’s just plain evil.

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LOL - "Dementiacrats"

Good one Mac!

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