Great read, thank you.

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Thanks for calling this out for what it is James, which is an attack on our culture & belief system.

Can things get any worse?

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Thanks James, isn’t it a shame that every other church leader hasn’t stood up to say the same!

Where are our church leaders? They’ve been hiding for so long they can’t imagine saying something that may hurt their feelings or force church numbers to drop.

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Absolutely correct. Homosexuality will never be normal.

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Andrew Serra is a legend. Doesn’t comprise the Word of God and isn’t scared to preach it!

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Great response JMc.

Yeah...I dunno.

I think the Daily Mail meant it to be a hit-piece...it read like a puff-piece.

I don't read anything quoted by the good Pastor or his bride, that I don't agree with.

All seems perfectly reasonable to me.

He is of course 100% right. Calling out cancel culture etc., against those who dare speak up against, what some have labelled the "Gay Mafia", is a dangerous business. Frought with all kinds of peril. They are ruthless and they are brutal, unyielding and relentless.

The good Pastor and his bride; but preachers of the word unadulterated.

(Though, in fairness, I do suspect a lot of the LGB members lament their association with the other 'letters')

Anyway...because of this you now label the good Pastor and his bride as; ruthless, brutal, unyielding & relentless. Plus many other choice words and phrases, all designed to stifle their points of view.

I have said the following, on many occasions...

...identify as gay? ...define yourself as Gay? ...are Gay? ...then seriously, more power to you.

That's you and that's important to you. Fair enough. And more power to your arm. But, much as you require Christians, with regards to their Christianity, why not just keep it to yourself?

Failing that, they are entitled to form, and are entitled share, their opinions on the matter and on their Christianity.

Label it as you will.

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023

Great article James, God bless.

This secular atheistic society wholly deceived by the enemy Satan cannot spiritually discern that the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ when received by faith leads that faithful Christian to receive the blessed hope and assurance of God of Eternal Life Salvation at the Second Coming of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ! This secular atheistic society wholly deceived by the enemy Satan cannot spiritually discern that the unrepentant sins of abortion, sexual fornication, adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, child molestation, child mutilation and all sins and transgressions unrepentant of shall lead to the opposite! Christians who proclaim to a sinful human society the blessed hope of the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ of Eternal Life Salvation by faith are embracing God's will and love! Secular atheistic society that embraces a sinful human society, sin that will lead a sinner to succumb to eternal damnation and death in the grave, that disavows the blessed hope of the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ of Eternal Life Salvation by faith, is embracing sin, enmity, evil, eternal damnation and death, Anti-Christ!

The immutable inspired Word of God in the Bible plainly declares:

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23. (KJV)

"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (NKJV)

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation." Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

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Excellent James- and funny in parts.

Good to see a church being intentional at last.

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The way I read the newspaper piece, is that the writer is foaming at the mouth as she urges her readers to HATE Christians. Not just hate, but hoping they will read between the lines and go on a killing spree.

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Thanks James for an amusing commentary of the crazy world we live in. Perhaps we have it all wrong and need to use the alphabet people's rules? What, - they don't love Jesus, how could they be so mean and cruel and exclusive about someone who personified true love to the extent of even giving His life for them and us. That doesn't sound very inclusive to me. They are the ones attacking our belief and trying to denigrate and change our culture. They are not inclusive because they reject us and our thoughts and wishes for our traditions and beliefs to continue so that our children can grow up in a world where real truth and love is at the foremost and not some perverted counterfeit like they have defiled Gods promise with their hijack of the rainbow. Inclusive? They should look a little closer to the glasshouse that is their home. I believe our response comes from Jude where it says to love the sinner but hate the sin.

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Great stuff James I love it when this happens. Journo? Not even an apprentice reporter’s backside. Not to discuss this with the Pastor is the very essence of the failure of what is clearly an unbalanced report. Editor should be sacked. What a drongo and weirdophile.

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,L.L!,c. Hvy y they ,Dr


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Exactly what I think every morning before my coffee

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😂 this was actually a message from my new kitten. I was speechless with laughter and he stepped in as I had a breathless paws…😉

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

“Journalists” like this are weak and cowardly! Honestly has she even bothered to seriously look at what the “affirming surgery” is? It is butchery. Hideous and not fit for a civilised society. Makes my blood boil. I do, however, thank this “ journalist” for the heads up: Pastor Sedra and Echo will be added to our church prayer list.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Thanks, James. A giggle and another load of confidence against this nonsense.

Praying strength for our Bible-loving pastors and all of us who believe, as we walk this season out in truth and love.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by James Macpherson

Brilliant 👏. Praying for Ps Sedra and Echo Church.

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